The way I don't relate to my type might actually be how I relate to one part of my type more strongly than the other part. I relate to having Ni Ti & Se than Fe. I actually don't know how I'm Fe creative other than not being Te creative and preferring Ti.

I'm not emotionally provocative or expressive most of the time. as that impedes on my ability to use intuition (Ni) or get things done without any issues (Se). I'm a person who likes to think to myself, then without sharing my insights, act. And uh, Ti is in there somewhere. But Fe? I can't see it. I never participate in any boisterous conversations, at least in the way people want me to... I'm always calm, and my voice never changes much.

Furthermore, I actually do take care of my body. I do renounce comfort sometimes, if the end in sight has something I want. Taking care of my body though was definitely a gradual learning process for me.