Small - I don't know the square footage. I share a two bed apartment with a co-worker. I have the bigger bedroom (it fits a double bed and has enough space between the bed and the door for someone of my fairly small stature to do yoga / exercise). We have a bathroom each. Living room and kitchen is combined. The kitchen counter is big enough for one person but if we are cooking at the same time it's impossible.

It's big enough for my needs right now and I spend a lot of time out of the house anyway. I rarely spend a day at home so it's usually just a place to crash on evenings (and only about 50-60% of evenings because I spend time round my boyfriend's too).

Compact tiny homes look cute but I would only live in one by myself. I'm in talks with my bf to move in together and if I'm losing the personal space of my own bedroom, I'd at least like a spare room where I can hide from him every so often (in the nicest way possible). A home a similar size to my current one would be fine. The issue with mine now is it's a generic new build block of apartments made to look stylish but very cheap and generic (like an ikea designed prison cell or hospital ward). I'd want to live somewhere cozier in future.