Quote Originally Posted by noctis View Post
I think it's true though. Politicians don't require education or any set of requirements to apply as a politician and they don't need to have competence at doing their job once in office. They just need to get elected. That's it. That's all they require to be a politician. And if it means creating propaganda on their opponents, spreading false information, saying things they later won't do, siding with powerful people, and bending or breaking any rules without repercussion, it's okay. It really is. It shouldn't be, but it is. It's the perfect job for someone looking to be a master criminal or someone of low conscience. And they get to run the country and make law.

It can't be fixed...can it.
My god, this is so true. Quoted for posterity. This should be engraved in stone in every public place in the country.

So, @noctis, you are correct. However, it can be "fixed", in the sense that politicians can be made to represent voters. The fix is to ensure that money can't influence their chances at re-election.

So, short term, have the State give every politician a fixed amount of money to spend only on their campaign (this would be cheaper for the State in the long run compared to the graft and incompetence we have now), and if they either spend the money on themselves or they accept money from other sources, they are hanged. No exceptions.

Long term, corporations are not people and cannot be allowed to influence politics, and income and wealth inequality must be brought down.