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Thread: Type me based on me talking into a camera

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    Default Type me based on me talking into a camera

    Hello! I've been trying to figure out my type for some while now. It hasn't gone very well because I don't know enough about socionics or myself to figure out my strengths and weaknesses and because I get bored writing those questionnaires. So here's me talking instead:


    Shool, leadership, politics:

    I don't know if I said this (clearly) or not but the point is that I'll answer questions you post in video format and upload it. I think that would be fun for you and easier for me. So go ahead!

  2. #2
    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    ESI maybe? SEI?

  3. #3
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    I see Se and low Ni. I'd also say, Beta Quadra.

    You seem to be running the same software as @Number 9 large, but you seem younger than he does.
    Last edited by Adam Strange; 02-04-2020 at 01:46 PM.

  4. #4
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    Based on IR "vibes," I'd say SLI, probably with accentuated Si. I wanted to stab myself in the eye several times because of having to endure detailed anecdotes, spoken in a relaxed, comfortable (to you), slow and steady rhythm. lol And I mean no offense by that whatsoever. Especially when excited (about some Ne ideation), I think an aspect of my trash Si involves not liking to modulate the flow and speed at which I talk in addition to always wanting others to speak faster and get to the point.

    I also noticed a lot of your bodily functions. lol I'm rather squeamish when it comes to tolerating the expression of someone else's bodily functions, e.g. burping, clearing the throat, farting, etc...; I find that those with stronger Si don't often have such hang ups. They seem more at ease with "natural" occurrences like that. I tend to see the body and everything involved as being gross AF, which I also chalk up to my weak ass Si. Moreover, you took a swig from your water bottle several times, which again says to me that you are in touch with your bodily needs, i.e., being thirsty.

    You also seemed a bit befuddled by the "what are your values" question, which I find to be typical for logical types; like you alluded to, we can have vague notions of our values but going into the specifics can be a bit difficult and laborious.

    You talked about enjoying working with a girl who was “very talented, extremely creative, extremely quick on her feet...empathetic, valued others opinions...listened intently” and helped others to better integrate their ideas, and that her ideas were so good that you had no choice but to comply. That sounds like you were describing your IEE dual.

    Personally speaking, I also liked that you “feel the Bern (whom I type as LSE)” and you seemed to espouse Delta humanitarian values, which doesn’t really surprise me because Sweden is a Delta stronghold. You said that you think our goal as humans is to be “free” (Fi), which is what Te structures allow us to do.

    Couldn't watch much more cause you were hitting my PoLR (lol) but yeah, that’s my quick take.
    Last edited by Alonzo; 02-04-2020 at 04:29 PM.

  5. #5
    What's the purpose of SEI? Tallmo's Avatar
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    I immediately thought, that's an Si base type. Probably SLI.

    EDIT: I've also worked as a mail man for a short time. But I thought it was pretty difficult, the Te stuff, sorting the mail and keeping track of everything. Not too difficult though, but exhausting. Some of my co-workers were LSE, they were the superior mail men. Fast and efficient, and they liked it.
    The decisive thing is not the reality of the object, but the reality of the subjective factor, i.e. the primordial images, which in their totality represent a psychic mirror-world. It is a mirror, however, with the peculiar capacity of representing the present contents of consciousness not in their known and customary form but in a certain sense sub specie aeternitatis, somewhat as a million-year old consciousness might see them.

    (Jung on Si)

  6. #6
    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    SLI seems quite fine. Also that Swedish "g/j" thingy is apparent.
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    @Heretic 007


    @Adam Strange


    Interesting and not what I expected hahaha. In the entirety of my typology career being an Si-ego has been the first thing I've ruled out. I simply relate 0% to being a person that cares about how I feel in my body. But this is were I want guidance. I do care a little but how would I know I do it more than most people so as to be classified as an SLI?

    I think I'm an extrovert actually. When I was a child I was veryextroverted and talkative, like always the most outgoing person. I have had social anxiety for a while now but I still feel a constant need to interact, the anxiety just makes it harder. I'm always asking people about what they're up to, how is work? how do you do this that or the other? etcetc. That kinda goes against SLI right? Since they're supposed to be pretty unable to use emotional expressions (Fe polr) or have I got that wrong? But I do use Fe quite a bit of that I'm sure. Keep in mind that swedish people and americans are like different creatures when it comes to social interaction. A person who's considered very social and outgoing in Sweden would be pretty standard in USA. On the swedish spectrum I'd fall into the 80% percentile of extroversion on a good day I'm sure. I know it might not look like it in the videos but I'm kinda tired atm so maybe that's why.

    Quote Originally Posted by Heretic 007 View Post
    that Swedish "g/j" thingy
    What's that?

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    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cataclysm View Post

    What's that?
    It is the way you pronounce certain words. Some of your g's sounds like softened versions of the word. Jenerally/Yenerally /Generally speaking and nothing specific about you.
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    @Cataclysm, "Number 9 large" self types as an SLE; ESTp 7w8 Sx/Sp

    I don't think that either he or you immediately "looks" like the "conventional" idea that most people have of SLE's, but if you talk to @Number 9 large long enough, you can see it. As I said, I think the two of you are running the same software.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    @Cataclysm, "Number 9 large" self types as an SLE; ESTp 7w8 Sx/Sp

    I don't think that either he or you immediately "looks" like the "conventional" idea that most people have of SLE's, but if you talk to @Number 9 large long enough, you can see it. As I said, I think the two of you are running the same software.
    I could see why you'd think that

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    I could see why you'd think that
    Why do you think you're an SLE? Do you have any videos of yourself maybe?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cataclysm View Post
    Why do you think you're an SLE? Do you have any videos of yourself maybe?
    yea i have a typing thread somewhere

  13. #13


    Nice videos. You are kind of the opposite of an enneagram 3. You remind me of @Hitta.

  14. #14
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    Take me with a grain of salt, but you come off as Beta to me, and probably extraverted. I don't have much more to add, except to say that I think your Si typings come from that you're in a dark environment and speak in a soft voice, especially by American standards.

  15. #15
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    Yeah agreed with the Delta quadrant vibes. SLI seems a little off tho.. those videos make me lean towards the dual of SLI - IEE. It fits with how you describe yourself as being concerned with other people's personal lives and being extraverted and social, so perhaps Fi-subtype.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    First, answer this > can you physically feel/take on/mirror the emotions of others and whatever environment you're apart of, as if their feelings and moods are contagious? Valuing Fe involves being dynamically aware of the "continuous excitations in people's emotional" states, which I interpret as affective/emotional empathy, where brain cells called mirror neurons fire when we sense another’s emotional state, creating an echo of that state inside our own minds.

    To differing extents and degrees, all Fe valuers (E*Es, the most and L*Is, the least) are aware of and in tune with the ambient emotional vibes in others and the environment, though they may have differing facility and competency when it comes to utilizing and responding to this brand of "feedback." If you relate to this, then Alpha and Beta quadra are likely.

    If not, that leaves Delta and Gamma, who prefer Fi cognitive empathy or perspective taking, which concerns one's ability to identify and understand other people’s emotions by way of placing oneself in another's shoes. Those with strong, high D Fi can almost automatically and spontaneously take on another’s perspective while those with low D Fi struggle to do so as quickly and easily.

    The scientific community acknowledges that people access empathy channels differently and that there are those who are great at cognitive empathy but have trouble accessing affective empathy, namely because these two types of empathy are working completely different processing systems.

    In my anecdotal experience/research/investigations, I have found that Gamma and Delta types don't do affective empathy, which is part of the reason why they are often (negatively) perceived as selfish or self focused and refuse to fake or alter their emotional state to appease others, contrasted with Fe valuers who can have their feelings more easily moved and swayed by others and the environment. It's just that some people may be more genetically hardwired to physically feel the emotions of others.

    So which form of empathy do you cognitively prefer? It can make all the difference in the world when it comes to narrowing down your type options.

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    lmao I think you fit in well here. Like a lot of people who made typing videos, you have this kinda lovable loser ultra independent and anti-Oprah vibe. It was endearing to me you making fun of your own apartment.

    I am confused on your type though cuz your eyes look Fe-ish to me but I feel like you kinda suck away all the energy in the room. Are you depressed? You seem lonely and like u could really use more friends and have more fun in life beyond the mundane ho-do-dum-ness of life. Do u ever get a chance to try and meet friends after work or not really? Maybe you're just too tired in a way, being a mailman has always seemed pretty exhausting to me.

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by silke View Post
    Yeah agreed with the Delta quadrant vibes. SLI seems a little off tho.. those videos make me lean towards the dual of SLI - IEE. It fits with how you describe yourself as being concerned with other people's personal lives and being extraverted and social, so perhaps Fi-subtype.
    A guy on personalitycafe used to type me as IEE a few years back, but that was just based on random posts of mine.

    Quote Originally Posted by BandD View Post
    lmao I think you fit in well here. Like a lot of people who made typing videos, you have this kinda lovable loser ultra independent and anti-Oprah vibe. It was endearing to me you making fun of your own apartment.

    I am confused on your type though cuz your eyes look Fe-ish to me but I feel like you kinda suck away all the energy in the room. Are you depressed? You seem lonely and like u could really use more friends and have more fun in life beyond the mundane ho-do-dum-ness of life. Do u ever get a chance to try and meet friends after work or not really? Maybe you're just too tired in a way, being a mailman has always seemed pretty exhausting to me.
    Ok, so this is hard for me to answer. Not because I'm afraid of talking about my mental health but because I simply don't know. I feel like saying you're depressed is a rather grave statement so I don't want to diagnose myself precipitously. That being said I do want to talk to a therapist about it because the last couple of years or so I haven't been feeling nearly as enthusiastic on a day to day basis as when I went to high school. There has been a pretty clear difference in my mood pre and post high school and that is alarming.
    The friend part is true. Months go by without me talking to any of the people I consider my closest friends. I'm amazed you caught that, wtf.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    @Cataclysm First, answer this > can you physically feel/take on/mirror the emotions of others and whatever environment you're apart of, as if their feelings and moods are contagious? Valuing Fe involves being dynamically aware of the "continuous excitations in people's emotional" states, which I interpret as affective/emotional empathy, where brain cells called mirror neurons fire when we sense another’s emotional state, creating an echo of that state inside our own minds.

    To differing extents and degrees, all Fe valuers (E*Es, the most and L*Is, the least) are aware of and in tune with the ambient emotional vibes in others and the environment, though they may have differing facility and competency when it comes to utilizing and responding to this brand of "feedback." If you relate to this, then Alpha and Beta quadra are likely.
    This sounds like something I do. Not sure what "competency [in] utilizing and responding" to it means in this particular case though. Is it essentially dimensionality of functions you're referring to or is there more to it?

    If not, that leaves Delta and Gamma, who prefer Fi cognitive empathy or perspective taking, which concerns one's ability to identify and understand other people’s emotions by way of placing oneself in another's shoes. Those with strong, high D Fi can almost automatically and spontaneously take on another’s perspective while those with low D Fi struggle to do so as quickly and easily.
    How would you know that you're doing this instead of being affective? In the end you end up with the same understanding (feeling empathy) and the cognitive empathy process is probably mostly unconscious anyway, right? So they must be very similiar.

    The scientific community acknowledges that people access empathy channels differently and that there are those who are great at cognitive empathy but have trouble accessing affective empathy, namely because these two types of empathy are working completely different processing systems.

    In my anecdotal experience/research/investigations, I have found that Gamma and Delta types don't do affective empathy, which is part of the reason why they are often (negatively) perceived as selfish or self focused and refuse to fake or alter their emotional state to appease others, contrasted with Fe valuers who can have their feelings more easily moved and swayed by others and the environment. It's just that some people may be more genetically hardwired to physically feel the emotions of others.
    Can people with affective empathy do cognitive empathy though?

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cataclysm View Post
    This sounds like something I do. Not sure what "competency [in] utilizing and responding" to it means in this particular case though. Is it essentially dimensionality of functions you're referring to or is there more to it?
    Yes, dimensionality is exactly what I'm referring to. I've spoken a lot on this before so I'm just going to quote myself; it's repetitive but thorough>

    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    A certain aspect of Fe involves making explicit emotional provocations, directly inducing an emotional state in someone else in order to receive clear cut emotional feedback, which is actionable information, e.g. > I can feel that person’s/group’s expressed sadness, and it feels bad, and so I want to make them feel better, so that we all feel better.

    High D Fe valuers excel at processing/interpreting Fe emotional feedback and using that to manipulate the emotional landscape in whichever way they so choose. If they want to raise the mood and for everyone to feel good, they can do this with nuanced and sophisticated emotional cues (e.g., capable of manifesting the difference between cheerful [happy + hopeful] and contented [happy + satisfied]. They also have high D Fi and even if not their immediate go to, can readily access their own feeling state and close the psychological distance with those around them in order to check in on everyone else’s internal feeling states, to gauge how well folks are responding to the Fe, and modulate accordingly. A high D Fe valuer might say, “I’m going to generate my own happiness, [which will cause me to] smile a lot and give pointed compliments [perhaps gleamed via Fi] that will make others feel good/happy/positive/upbeat.”

    Though Low D Fe valuers are also capable of picking up ambient emotional feedback, they don’t often possess the same nuance and sophistication when it comes to utilizing that information; their Fe provocations tend to be blunter, coarser and less refined. I liken it to being hungry (subconsciously for Fe/to feel something/to feel alive, 'fuller') and knowing that you want a good meal, but not knowing the right ingredients to go about preparing it, so you throw in random, potentially off putting flavors, and no matter the outcome, you expect others to eat it. Lol

    And edible ≠ digestible, tasty, healthy, and/or ‘good.’ Low D Fe valuers like ILEs can come off rather trollish (read: rude, offensive) because, in keeping with cognitive expectations, they're trying to elicit an emotional response (like disseminating an emotional ping over the network in order to receive a corresponding pong with data packets, thus showing a connection), just not in the way that others might want or like due to a lower capacity to differentiate Fe based information (e.g., how to raise someone's mood without causing offense). And because Low D Fe valuers also have low D Fi, they find it difficult to accurately discern their own subjective feeling state, let alone another’s feeling state, which means they may not care or even know that their Fe isn’t being positively received, and ESPECIALLY when engaging Fi valuers who aren’t inclined to explicitly broadcast their feelings. Whereas other Fe valuers, like an ESE, for example, might be more inclined to visibly wear their offense, thereby letting an ILE know unambiguously that they crossed a line.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cataclysm View Post
    How would you know that you're doing this instead of being affective? In the end you end up with the same understanding (feeling empathy) and the cognitive empathy process is probably mostly unconscious anyway, right? So they must be very similiar.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    Fe valuers can't help but physically feel others' emotions--it's reflexive and beyond their control. Especially for strong Fe valuers, mirroring another's emotional state and even their facial expressions is something that happens naturally, unprompted. I'm just trying to clarify if you're saying that essentially you can kind of fake Fe just to be nice, even if you're not actually experiencing someone else's emotions by contagion.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    One of my best friends is EIE and when he cooks a meal for me and asks if I like it, if I don't visibly showcase/wear an emotion (and preferably a positive one) on my face, he will be disinclined to believe me, regardless of what I say. For Fe types, emotion has to be seen/outwardly expressed in order to be believed. Because I both don't value Fe AND I'm weak at it, I can get insecure and defensive about being "bullied" via what I believe is emotional extortion. Lol

    But Fi types, who are more impassive, unreadable and reserved when it comes to wearing our feelings, don't require the same manner of feedback; my mom is a SEE and growing up she rarely asked me if I liked her food > she used Fi to close the psychological distance and read my mind, so to speak. She knew what I liked and didn't like. And on occasion where I'd say, "It's good" with a blank, deadpan face, she'd take my word for it because she knew I was being honest.

    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    The thing is that everyone uses everything, but it's the function preference and scope/dimensionality that determine our sociotype. All F types have strong Fi and Fe though they value one over the other. And as a ESI, you'd possess the aptitude to mimic/simulate Fe if you chose to--especially the ESI-Fi subtype because both Fi and Fe are strengthened/accentuated and so it makes sense for Fe to be more integrated into your worldview.

    When a Fi type is able to automatically place themselves in another shoes and simulate within themselves someone else's pain, therefore allowing them to possess a deeper understanding of someone's experience, that can often prompt a powerful emotional response and cause them to want to show care and affection for the other person.

    On a superficial surface level and to those who don't know better, that can look like the same process Fe types go through because the result can be the same > care, concern and a desire to help. But no, it's just that Fe types physically take on the feelings and sensations of others, which can seem like a more immediate, fast tracked way of accessing another person's emotional experience. And when one can engage another’s experience in this way, especially when unpleasant, naturally there would be a desire to help themselves physically feel better by helping those whose pain they are mirroring.
    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    I also want to add that both types of empathy have their drawbacks. With Fe, depth of understanding can be compromised in favor of a more shallow surface level understanding in that immediate moment. Also, in a state of emotional empathy, people sometimes lack the ability to manage their own distressing emotions (that they've absorbed from others) which can lead to paralysis and exhaustion or become so overwhelming that their emotions divert the focus from whomever they are mirroring's emotional experience.

    And with Fi, though there can be a deeper understanding of another's experience, the shared emotional experience and mirroring that comes with Fe and affective empathy can feel quite comforting and healing to someone in need--it that moment, it can feel as if they are not alone because their emotions are ostensibly and palpably being represented in someone else, e.g., crying when someone else cries. Also, Fi types can become deeply enraptured in their own emotional experience to the detriment of the greater mood of whatever environment they are a part of--I've witnessed and experienced so much friction and misunderstanding between Fe and Fi types over this one, in particular. For example, if a Fi type becomes upset at a party, they will be more inclined to stay true to that feeling as opposed to fake it for sake of maintaining a lively, upbeat mood for everyone else.
    Quote Originally Posted by Cataclysm View Post
    Can people with affective empathy do cognitive empathy though?
    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    ...only Fe valuers, especially strong ones, have relatively easy access to both forms of empathy, if they so choose. Fi types don't access affective empathy via the same mirror neuron system that Fe valuers do. Don't forget, when I speak of affective empathy and mirror neurons, I'm speaking of a physiological phenomenon, something that has been observed, recorded, studied and documented--and the science has shown that not everyone has access to that, and that one doesn't necessarily have to access affective empathy channels in order to experience empathy in another form. I know for damn certain that I'm not physiologically capable of affective empathy. lol And neither is my SEE mom, for example. High D Fi valuers can mimic high D Fe by way of their Fi > because they are so in touch with their own subjective feeling, it's possible for them to serve that up for everyone else's consumption, to wear it ostensibly, as far as nurturing an upbeat and pleasant environment, when and if they care to. But that's not the same thing as physiologically taking on/mirroring someone else's emotional state (as if beyond your control) or that of the environment they're apart of, as in feeling pushed to cry at the sight of someone else crying, for example. Even I access my weak ass role Fe in a similar manner to a SEE, by way of Fi. If I truly, genuinely like someone, I can pour out emotion onto then with effusive hugs, kisses, mobile facial expressions, praise and all that and it will come off as real Fe and not forced. But heaven forbid I don't like the person (or am neutral about them, like I generally feel for most people), then I ooze stiff, stilted, forced, fake ass MFer when stepping into role Fe. lol

    Fe doms have 3D Fi and if necessary, can adeptly explore their own inner sentiments concerning other people in order to close or increase psychological distance; it's just that viscerally picking up emotional feedback by way of Fe (read: affective empathy) is a quicker, more immediately telling way of interfacing with another person's emotional state. Fe users prefer to see/discern, clearly, how someone else feels for them based on the outward, external expression of emotionality, as in, if you are happy to see me, then bitch you'd better be all smiles and all teeth. lol
    Last edited by Alonzo; 02-09-2020 at 02:27 PM.

  21. #21
    now with Corona Virus Protozoa's Avatar
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    sensing introvert?

    You sound kind of like Bob Ross.

    and you're swedish! so you like swedish meatballs?
    previously Megadoodoo

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    Quote Originally Posted by Alonzo View Post
    Yes, dimensionality is exactly what I'm referring to. I've spoken a lot on this before so I'm just going to quote myself; it's repetitive but thorough>
    Finally read all that lol. Good explanation though. I think I value Fe but I'll have to do some self-observation first...

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    Quote Originally Posted by noctis View Post
    sensing introvert?

    You sound kind of like Bob Ross.

    and you're swedish! so you like swedish meatballs?
    Yeah only if they're swedish.

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    mb ENFP

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    Here's a new video of me that I've sent to Gulenko:
    I've not recieved his typing yet.

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    My self typing based solely on that video is IEI.

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    Beta. Remind me some kind of lone wolf Beta ST characters. Maybe SLE or EIE...

    P/s: yout last video look like this guy lol
    Last edited by Tarnished; 04-12-2022 at 01:29 PM.

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    Based on the newest video I think IEI isn't a bad typing at all. Fun to watch a Gulenko typing vid in swedish.

  29. #29


    nice video and good idea to make it in your mother tongue. ÖHH, you remind me of @Narc in this one.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cataclysm View Post
    Here's a new video of me that I've sent to Gulenko:
    I've not recieved his typing yet.
    I think your type is ILI, based on this video, and I think you may get this result from Gulenko.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hardware Punk View Post
    I think your type is ILI, based on this video, and I think you may get this result from Gulenko.
    You sound certain. Why? I do like SEE's for what it's worth.

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    if it isn't Mr. Nice Guy Ave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cataclysm View Post
    You sound certain. Why? I do like SEE's for what it's worth.
    You remind me alot of these two, especially the first:

    It's not just the beard! I get a natural, straightforward, but non-imposing way of talking from your vid which I also get from these guys Gulenko typed as ILI. You seem more outgoing than Mitchell in your video vs his though so I would venture you have a creative subtype.

    I could probably say more but that would probably get into useless details, and would get me away from the main impression I got.

    Btw, I'm not always this certain, ofc I could be wrong's what I'll bet G will type you as as well.
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    u are EIE
    INTJ EIE meme but i dont think those INTJ EIEs are INTJ EIEs but just ENFJ EIEs that ppl think dont fit the stereotype of ENFJ but they do
    u look extremely similar to an EIE i know i can send in private message if u ask
    Last edited by VewyScawwyNawcissist; 04-13-2022 at 03:42 PM.
    Jesus is King stops black magic and closes portals

    self diagnosed ASD, ADHD, schizotypal/affective

    Your face makes your brain and sociotype – how muscle use shapes personality

    I want to care
    if I was better I’d help you
    if I was better you’d be better

    Human Design 2/4 projector life path 1

  34. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hardware Punk View Post
    You remind me alot of these two, especially the first:

    It's not just the beard! I get a natural, straightforward, but non-imposing way of talking from your vid which I also get from these guys Gulenko typed as ILI. You seem more outgoing than Mitchell in your video vs his though so I would venture you have a creative subtype.

    I could probably say more but that would probably get into useless details, and would get me away from the main impression I got.

    Btw, I'm not always this certain, ofc I could be wrong's what I'll bet G will type you as as well.
    That first guy was hilarious to watch. I can totally see what you mean when you say I remind you of him.

    Tune in tomorrow for a longer, follow-up video where I answer 12 questions Victor sent to me.

  35. #35
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    I only watched a few seconds but I wouldn't be surprised if Gulenko typed you Ni ego.
    Sicuramente cercherai il significato di questo.

  36. #36

  37. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by idiot View Post
    I have been thinking about what Alive was saying about everyone on here being IEI, and I conclude that he is right, or at least he is on to something.

    If Jung based his theories on the people he met in his life, even if he met more people than the average person, that means that he based his theories on a certain type of person. The type of person who might go to him for therapy or talks, or who might believe the esoteric ideas he was spouting at the time. Thus it's possible that he did not categorize all humans into types, but just made subtypes for a specific type of person. This overarching type of person is the same type that is heavily interested in theories of this kind, and whom Alive says is an IEI.

    Therefore, Alive is right. We are all IEIs with subtypes. With that, I'm off this forum

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  39. #39
    Will we start over, or circle the drain crazymaisy's Avatar
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    Those two videos really give ILI answers, expressions, everything. I watched both.
    ILI-Ni (INTp)
    I think in pictures, moving pictures...

    Recommended Music - ILI-Ni

    "And one peculiar point I see,
    As one of the many ones of me.
    As truth is gathered, I rearrange,
    Inside out, outside in, inside out, outside in,
    Perpetual change"

    Yes - The Yes Album - from "Perpetual Change" (written by Howe and Squire)

  40. #40
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    Guuuuys! The response is here!!!
    @Adam Strange @Alonzo @Tarnished @Northstar @Kalinoche buenanoche @Hardware Punk @VewyScawwyNawcissist @Rusal @crazymaisy

    He thinks I am:
    EIE creative subtype

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