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Thread: Characteristics of strong Ni

  1. #1

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    Default Characteristics of strong Ni

    What are some characteristics you've noticed in people with Ni program (ILI, IEI), as well as external characteristics? Mannerisms, body language.. Is there anything that someone may do that makes you go "hm that sure does seem like Ni" ? Any general observations? be as detailed as you'd like
    Is it typically harder harder or easier to pinpoint?

    Since Ni and Si seem to be such externally invisible functions, at least at first, I'm wondering this. I can't change the title anymore, but could you also write what you think for Si as well? And how do they differ?


    EDIT: i'm looking for observable concrete things, not an abstract definition of Ni and Si and comparison, I've read plenty of those, thank you.
    Last edited by guac; 03-14-2020 at 11:23 PM. Reason: adding questions

  2. #2
    Kill4Me's Avatar
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    well, obviously Jung is the best resources for characteristics about Ni, right, because Gulenko himself, after extensive study, finally conceded Stackemup Typologys point, socionics and mbti are both branches of Jung. the functions are defined by Jung and the main difference between mbti and socioinics is that socionics organizes Jung's functions into Model A and contains the relations. The garbage being put out by Ausra lackeys....which is terrible, such as Ni is 'intuition of time", well, fake socionics and quite unfortunate. A lot of migraters into 16types from Bullshit Socionics society brought this 'intuition of time' bullshit over here. These Jung-deniers (which daily infest and can't touch my VI templates) comes up with the stupidest shit for defining functions but at least any time the phrase "intuition of time" comes up is an indication that its fake socionics (hotelscambush-style). Bullshit socionics society has Obama (ESE) and Mother Teresa (EII) as Ni leads...this is absolutely ridiculous and shows a profound misunderstanding of Ni and what Socionics is, was, always will be -- the epicenter for Jung's definitions of functions.

    Bottom line is, when you take JUNG and look at real life examples based on the only valid VI templates discovered and documented by me, reality is a canvas Ni imposes its imagination/inner world upon so what IEI brings to the world is typically a revolution in some form. NiFe converts inner worlds into new modes of expression...NiTe converts inner worlds into new modes of thought.

  3. #3
    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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