The point is that the vaccines are mandated in my country. All domestic flights now require 2 jabs. And pretty much all Government, Police, civil service, and private enterprise require the vaccine. Its a done deal. We all need to put Pfizer's aborted fetus cells inside of us. That is, until Canada's Covax hits the scene in a dozen months. A traditional inactive viral particle that works better than mrna prophylactic symptom reducers. Canada did what it was supposed to, like a good little boy and girl and we get to move society to the next step of this debacle.

Unless you want to go live off grid and off the books, then you are getting the vaccine. I mean I guess its a choice, but not? Its the illusion of choice. lol. Whatever, I've talked about covid for two years now and I'm so over it. I got a single dose and next week I will get the second. It was that, or loose my job. lol, But that's my choice, right? It was my choice to join the system. Think of Grandma. But I mean my Grandma got covid, zero symptoms. 92 years old. Many died in her care home. My family have kick ass immune systems. Over-reactive I would say, given how inflamed the smallest invader makes me. I haven't had a flu or 10 years, since 2012. But I get wicked bad acne. Such is the cross each person bares.

As far as living off grid to escape this, that's not even an option. How can one get the permits to do so, without walking into a Government building, of which you need the vaccine for? I suppose one could take up the lifestyle of the Amish, but then you are trading one set of values for another. There is, no, escaping it. And so the corporate technocracy rises.

But in regards to the clot shot, I think its mechanism of action is fairly mild and safe for most everyone, including your babies. The era of ribosome artificial protein synthesis begins. What new and wonderful benefits and horrors can we create? Oh boy, the future is super bright! I mean, lets cure cancer on one hand, and trigger auto immunity on the other!

Nah, I'm just being a prick. I think one needs to choose their rabbit hole. Watch out for which hill one is willing to die on. Going against the grain can ruin a man. Take it from me.

I like to return to this concept of the noble good, which I do believe walks in lock step with tyranny and fear. The way to handle is something a kin to Castenda's controlled folly. Everything we do in the heightened state is controlled folly.

Controlled folly is the nucleus of stalking, but also the result from applying the stalking foundations. It is not something you can learn and practice, based on a strategy or a rational preparation, although it exploits pure reason to its advantage.
Controlled folly is a consequence of the harmony between stalking and intent. It arises from the awareness of the existence and maneuverability of the assemblage point, from the knowledge that we are the position of the assemblage point. All we are, as well as the world we are in, is a result of the assemblage point position. The problem is that, in our ordinary state of awareness, we are fully focused on the effects that this position produces (what we feel, what we think, and the events we take part in). So we can not have a complete and free vision, but only a partial one. We only see the small part on which we are focused. Our attention is selective, instead of extended to the whole horizon.
Controlled folly is the only way to act in a state of heightened awareness. In this state, our attention spans everything, the whole and the details, and our ordinary mind can not handle this kind of vision. If we insist on using our attention as we usually do, we become unable to act, even to speak. We need a change of speed, associated with the change in time mode. To do that, we need to apply control and abandon, patience and kindness, compliance to intent. Then we can see the structure that intent builds around us and act promptly and in tune with it, but at the same time direct the course of our actions.
Being aware of the assemblage point’s existence, and acquiring the ability to pilot the movement in the area defined by the necessities of stalking, is indispensable for the purpose of controlled folly. In sum, controlled folly is precisely based on the possibility of intervening, with strategy and awareness, in the mobility of the assemblage point. At that point, the strategic actions of the warrior are neither forced, nor a fiction, but the result of that very movement or voluntary placement of the assemblage point. When a warrior reaches a certain position, his state and his actions are authentic, real, yet they no longer have the power to nail him to the position itself, as he knows that they are only an effect of that specific position. He knows that everything changes as soon as he moves, and that is his real power, the power of knowledge that liberates him.