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Thread: Wuhan Virus

  1. #721

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    The paper below calculated a 99.8% probability for lab leak. They have more data points and the main contributors to lab theory among the 27 data points are lack of posterior diversity, and lack of seroconversion - which this paper doesn't include.

    "A Bayesian analysis concludes beyond a reasonable doubt that SARS-CoV-2 is not a natural zoonosis but instead is laboratory derived"

    Of the 27 data points the ones that made the greatest contribution to lab leak origin in terms of percentage were the following:

    1. Lack of posterior diversity – about 50 per cent
    (p. 71)

    Lack of a furin cleavage site in any other sarbecovirus about 26 per cent - covid stands unique amoung all in the same sub family (p. 82)

    Lack of evidence of seroconversion in Wuhan and Shanghai – about 14 per cent (p.66)

    4. Location of the first case near Wuhan Institute of Virology – about 4 percent

    5. Rare usage of CGG single codons and no CGG-CGG pairs together with the routine use of CGG in laboratory codon optimation. About 4 per cent

    Also note the adenovirus remnants found in the first Wuhan patients, which strongly indicates vaccine trial subjects, which was not included in the Baysian analysis.

  2. #722

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    That is a really good paper and analysis. It dug into a lot of detail, including many things that I have never even heard about, like the pShuttle vector detection in the earliest cases. Steven Quay is also the real deal here. I googled him and found that he's got an h-index of 54, with over 10000 citations so far. The level of arguments he presented is very scientific and well-supported. He doesn't over-reach or neglect evidence to the contrary (which is why a bayesian network works well here).
    A dissenting voice of his calibre really is much needed in this discussion. He's not the only one, and we've had professors at Stanford, Harvard, Oxford and a bunch of other universities all over the world, including from China, who are vehemently against the natural hypothesis, and each gave their reasons. Several had notable publications like Nikolai Petrovsky, Angus Dalgleish, Birger Sorensen, Luc Montagnier and so on.
    Although I think the WHO is unlikely to change their tune or approach at this point.

    *pShuttle adenovirus is a smoking gun as its currently used as a method in vaccine trials around the world. It indicates the first patients might have been vaccine trial recipients that went wrong. The subway line in Wuhan is also noted as a major vector port during November.

  3. #723

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    From report:

    Yes, he discusses the idea that the pandemic may have started as a vaccine clinical trial that went awry. He goes through the data at the very end of the paper from page 144 to 193.

    "Following the 2003 SARS epidemic, Liu et al. developed an adenoviral expression vector of a truncated S1 subunit of SARS-CoV spike protein that resulted in specific humoral immune responses against SARS-CoV in rats. This same vector was used to create the CoV-2 adenovirus vector vaccine.

    In order to test the hypothesis that CoV-2 began in the PLA Hospital as a vaccine challenge clinical trial that went awry, RNA-Seq raw reads from nasopharyngeal specimens of Wuhan COVID patients (Table below) were blasted against the published genome sequence of the SARS-CoV-1 vaccine."

  4. #724

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    SARS-CoV-2 Prion-Like Domains in Spike Proteins Enable Higher Affinity to ACE2

    Currently, the world is struggling with the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Prion-like domains are critical for virulence and the development of therapeutic targets; however, the prion-like domains in the SARS-CoV-2 proteome have not been analyzed. In this in silico study, using the PLAAC algorithm, we identified the presence of prion-like domains in the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein. Compared with other viruses, a striking difference was observed in the distribution of prion-like domains in the spike protein, since SARS-CoV-2 was the only coronavirus with a prion-like domain found in the receptor-binding domain of the S1 region of the spike protein. The presence and unique distribution of prion-like domains in the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domains of the spike protein is particularly interesting, since although the SARS-CoV-2 and SARS-CoV S proteins share the same host cell receptor, angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2), SARS-CoV-2 demonstrates a 10- to 20-fold higher affinity for ACE2. Finally, we identified prion-like domains in the α1 helix of the ACE2 receptor that interact with the viral receptor-binding domain of SARS-CoV-2. Taken together, the present findings indicate that the identified PrDs in the SARS-CoV-2 receptor-binding domain (RBD) and ACE2 region that interact with RBD have important functional roles in viral adhesion and entry.


  5. #725

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    Treatment and prophylaxis protocols of the East Virginia Medical School and the FLCCC Alliance as created and recommended by Prof. Dr. Paul E. Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory and their colleagues:
    Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19(Preprint):
    AND ize=200
    Treating COVID-19 With Currently Available Drugs

  6. #726
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    I don't care what anyone says, if they try to implant a chip in me i'm buying a samurai sword

  7. #727
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DrDonkeyBallz View Post
    I don't care what anyone says, if they try to implant a chip in me i'm buying a samurai sword
    What if the chip worked like a credit card or an E-ZPass and got you into concerts without needing to carry cash? Or you could just go into a store and pick stuff up and walk out with it without going through a checkout?

    What then?

    Of course, it could also be connected to your pacemaker so if you didn't pay your bills every month, they could give you heart attacks.

  8. #728

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    It is great to be on the look out for what is real. It is also important to take as solid things in the world that can be reasonably considered solid.

    The thing with how we eat science and take it into ourselves is...eating bad science is like eating bad food.

    Someone can do a shitty job or a great job cutting down trees, painting a house, or baking.

    That someone did something and calls it 'science' or a 'paintjob' doesn't mean it's quality (it might be the bucket of paint ended up mostly painting the grass and not finishing the exterior of the house and had streaks uncovered, etc, and that IS frustrating that incomplete work can happen, and I'm not mocking anyone.

    It's also true with science that if it isn't reproducible it's not taken as indicating reality. that's key.

    Anything is possible, right?

    But what is actually happening? Really happening in our universe that already exists, not some story about what could be in an alternate universe?

    Medium, the website, is like the board at a grocery store. Virtually ANYONE can post ANYTHING until someone takes it down. That doesn't make it 'news' in the sense we take it. It makes it someone posting something.

    And, what are great ways to evaluate media and science? There are many. One I have found useful is typing 'media bias fact check' and the name of whatever news source I'm reading into Google. Then you can see if they've ever reported things as true that AREN'T.

    IF we hear reports like the one you read on Medium that the virus might have been slipped from a Chinese lab, we want our paid scientists and investigatory team to evaluate that and check out the possibility, and they have done their duty to us and checked:

    "A World Health Organization investigation in China found that

    the coronavirus most likely jumped to humans through an animal

    host or frozen wildlife products, finding that it’s “extremely unlikely”

    it came from a laboratory leak. No further research is needed to

    look into the theory about a leak, Peter Ben Embarek, a WHO official,

    told reporters Tuesday at a joint briefing with China in Wuhan, the city

    where Covid-19 first mushroomed at the end of 2019. That speculation

    has been promulgated by former U.S. President Donald Trump and some

    others. The virus could have been introduced to the Huanan wet market

    in Wuhan, which many of the first Covid patients were linked to, by a person

    who was infected or by a product that was sold there, Ben Embarek said.

    “Among the more interesting products were frozen wildlife animals,” he said.

    “Some of these species are known to be susceptible to these kinds of viruses.”

    The highly anticipated mission followed months of negotiation with a defensive

    China to facilitate and cooperate with the probe. Stung by criticism that it initially

    covered up the extent of the crisis, Chinese state media and officials have

    promoted the theory that the virus didn’t start in China, but was brought in.

    The WHO’s validation of a potential cold-chain transmission route is likely to

    bolster those efforts. The team also examined tens of thousands of patient

    samples from Wuhan prior to the emergence of sick people in 2019. There was

    no evidence of significant outbreaks in the country before December 2019, WHO

    officials said. “We embarked on a very detailed and profound search for other

    cases that may have been missed early on in 2019,” said Ben Embarek. “The

    conclusion was we did not find evidence of large outbreaks that could be related

    to cases of Covid-19 prior to December 2019 in Wuhan or elsewhere.” (...)

    With New Covid-19 Wave Researchers found a coronavirus related to SARS-CoV-2 in bats

    at a wildlife sanctuary in Thailand, according to a study released Tuesday in the Nature

    Communications journal, another indication of how widespread such viruses are. While

    highly similar to the coronavirus that causes Covid-19, the Thai version doesn’t appear

    adapted to spread in humans by the same mechanism, researchers from Thailand and

    Singapore said in the report. Scientists still don’t understand if the virus can spread to

    humans after persisting in frozen conditions, and how that would occur, according to Ben

    Embarek. More work is needed to study that possible path and trace the source of animal

    products, he said. “It’s interesting to explore if a frozen wild animal that was infected could

    be a potential vehicle for the introduction of the virus into market environments where we

    know the temperature, humidity, environment could be conducive to rapid spread of the

    virus,” he said. The lack of a clear pathway from bats to humans had stoked speculation

    -- refuted by many scientists -- that the virus might have escaped from the Wuhan Institute

    of Virology, home to a maximum bio-containment laboratory that studies bat-borne coronaviruses.

    Members of the WHO mission visited the lab last week and asked Shi Zhengli, who has

    collected and analyzed these viruses for more than a decade, about the research and the

    earliest known coronavirus cases. — With assistance by Jason Gale, Corinne Gretler, Dong Lyu,

    and Claire Che (Updates to add WHO comments in 10th, 11th paragraphs)"Prognosis

    WHO Rejects Virus Lab Theory, Saying Animals Likely Source Bloomberg News February 9,

    2021, 3:24 AM PST Updated on February 9, 2021, 4:43 AM PST "

  9. #729

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    81% propability the virus was developed during gain-of-function research and was released by accident (analysis by

    Interesting statistical analysis by on what the source of SARS-CoV-2 is:

    • The virus was developed during gain-of-function research and was released by accident: 81% (Somewhat likely)
    • The virus evolved in nature and was transmitted to humans zoonotically: 16% (Somewhat unlikely)
    • The virus was genetically engineered as a bioweapon and was deliberately released: 2.8% (Highly unlikely)

    Are the percentages here people who don't practice science guessing and then the website tallying up their guesses?

    Or are they tallies of Medium articles where anyone can post their imaginings until the most dangerous ones are removed by the website management when they realize one is about something dangerous?

    you have numbers, but you aren't saying what the numbers come from. That means the website measuring something but we don't know what you're measuring.

    Also, if you check what rootclaim is saying on the virus and ABOUT the 81% calculation it's likely primitive analysis did

    and what the math is showing:

    Dec 27, 2020
    "Probably our most surprising finding to date: COVID-19 has likely originated in a lab.
    A probabilistic analysis shows the proximity to a major coronavirus lab and anomalies in the genetic code are too unlikely for SARS-CoV-2 to have developed naturally."

    If you get a computer and a few math and data experts together who know next to nothing about zoology and virology together, can you always analyze as well as a zoonotic and virology team that SPECIALIZES in the work?


    and root ACKNOWLEDGES they messed up on their twitter.

  10. #730

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    That is a really good paper and analysis. It dug into a lot of detail, including many things that I have never even heard about, like the pShuttle vector detection in the earliest cases. Steven Quay is also the real deal here. I googled him and found that he's got an h-index of 54, with over 10000 citations so far. The level of arguments he presented is very scientific and well-supported. He doesn't over-reach or neglect evidence to the contrary (which is why a bayesian network works well here).
    A dissenting voice of his calibre really is much needed in this discussion. He's not the only one, and we've had professors at Stanford, Harvard, Oxford and a bunch of other universities all over the world, including from China, who are vehemently against the natural hypothesis, and each gave their reasons. Several had notable publications like Nikolai Petrovsky, Angus Dalgleish, Birger Sorensen, Luc Montagnier and so on.
    Although I think the WHO is unlikely to change their tune or approach at this point.

    *pShuttle adenovirus is a smoking gun as its currently used as a method in vaccine trials around the world. It indicates the first patients might have been vaccine trial recipients that went wrong. The subway line in Wuhan is also noted as a major vector port during November.

    If any of the med geeks use even a smidgeon of Ne, it's not a surprise they talk about what's possible, especially half a year ago at the beginning of investigations by others. But them brainstorming based on limited info is not the same as them analyzing the situation forensically for months for 40 hours a week.

  11. #731

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    Are the percentages here people who don't practice science guessing and then the website tallying up their guesses?

    Or are they tallies of Medium articles where anyone can post their imaginings until the most dangerous ones are removed by the website management when they realize one is about something dangerous?

    you have numbers, but you aren't saying what the numbers come from. That means the website measuring something but we don't know what you're measuring.

    Also, if you check what rootclaim is saying on the virus and ABOUT the 81% calculation it's likely primitive analysis did

    and what the math is showing:

    Dec 27, 2020
    "Probably our most surprising finding to date: COVID-19 has likely originated in a lab.
    A probabilistic analysis shows the proximity to a major coronavirus lab and anomalies in the genetic code are too unlikely for SARS-CoV-2 to have developed naturally."

    If you get a computer and a few math and data experts together who know next to nothing about zoology and virology together, can you always analyze as well as a zoonotic and virology team that SPECIALIZES in the work?


    and root ACKNOWLEDGES they messed up on their twitter.
    Great research.

    I still do not agree. The virus is man altered. The WHO is lying to prevent War. Educated people are actually the most easily duped, as you are trained to only follow verifiable trains of inquiry from authoritative sources. I feel sad for you.

  12. #732

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post

    "A World Health Organization investigation in China found that

    the coronavirus most likely jumped to humans through an animal

    host or frozen wildlife products, finding that it’s “extremely unlikely”

    it came from a laboratory leak. No further research is needed to

    look into the theory about a leak, Peter Ben Embarek, a WHO official,

    told reporters Tuesday at a joint briefing with China in Wuhan, the city

    where Covid-19 first mushroomed at the end of 2019. That speculation

    has been promulgated by former U.S. President Donald Trump and some

    others. The virus could have been introduced to the Huanan wet market

    in Wuhan, which many of the first Covid patients were linked to, by a person

    who was infected or by a product that was sold there, Ben Embarek said.

    “Among the more interesting products were frozen wildlife animals,” he said.

    “Some of these species are known to be susceptible to these kinds of viruses.”

    The highly anticipated mission followed months of negotiation with a defensive

    China to facilitate and cooperate with the probe. Stung by criticism that it initially

    covered up the extent of the crisis, Chinese state media and officials have

    promoted the theory that the virus didn’t start in China, but was brought in.

    The WHO’s validation of a potential cold-chain transmission route is likely to

    bolster those efforts. The team also examined tens of thousands of patient

    samples from Wuhan prior to the emergence of sick people in 2019. There was

    no evidence of significant outbreaks in the country before December 2019, WHO

    officials said. “We embarked on a very detailed and profound search for other

    cases that may have been missed early on in 2019,” said Ben Embarek. “The

    conclusion was we did not find evidence of large outbreaks that could be related

    to cases of Covid-19 prior to December 2019 in Wuhan or elsewhere.” (...)

    With New Covid-19 Wave Researchers found a coronavirus related to SARS-CoV-2 in bats

    at a wildlife sanctuary in Thailand, according to a study released Tuesday in the Nature

    Communications journal, another indication of how widespread such viruses are. While

    highly similar to the coronavirus that causes Covid-19, the Thai version doesn’t appear

    adapted to spread in humans by the same mechanism, researchers from Thailand and

    Singapore said in the report. Scientists still don’t understand if the virus can spread to

    humans after persisting in frozen conditions, and how that would occur, according to Ben

    Embarek. More work is needed to study that possible path and trace the source of animal

    products, he said. “It’s interesting to explore if a frozen wild animal that was infected could

    be a potential vehicle for the introduction of the virus into market environments where we

    know the temperature, humidity, environment could be conducive to rapid spread of the

    virus,” he said. The lack of a clear pathway from bats to humans had stoked speculation

    -- refuted by many scientists -- that the virus might have escaped from the Wuhan Institute

    of Virology, home to a maximum bio-containment laboratory that studies bat-borne coronaviruses.

    Members of the WHO mission visited the lab last week and asked Shi Zhengli, who has

    collected and analyzed these viruses for more than a decade, about the research and the

    earliest known coronavirus cases. — With assistance by Jason Gale, Corinne Gretler, Dong Lyu,

    and Claire Che (Updates to add WHO comments in 10th, 11th paragraphs)"Prognosis

    WHO Rejects Virus Lab Theory, Saying Animals Likely Source Bloomberg News February 9,

    2021, 3:24 AM PST Updated on February 9, 2021, 4:43 AM PST "
    You clearly do not understand how the CCP work. They scrubbed Wuhan over a year ago. The WHO investigation was a sham investigating a museum.

    Also, Peter Daszek is a leading researcher on gain of function viruses and a personal close colleague with Zhengli Shi. Conflict of interest much? He has much to loose by revealing the danger of gain of function viruses.

    Just because the WHO is an organization, does not mean they cannot be corrupt.. That you don't understand this tells me you are also indoctrinated into the intelligentsia class who was early convinced of random coincidental chance, as you believe chance and happenstance are the central guiding principles of biology. They might have lied to prevent a War with China.

    I suggest looking into the CCP more and what they are capable of.

    This virus came from a test tube. It can't even infect bats (they tried). It has no relative, besides a hastily added cousin, last March, by Zhengli Shi. The irony here is that its not me who needs to be more intelligent and open minded. Its you.

  13. #733

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post

    This virus came from a test tube.
    Show me how. You didn't say maybe. You said for sure. Show me how. And not with any 'i just know it.'

  14. #734

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    Show me how. You didn't say maybe. You said for sure. Show me how. And not with any 'i just know it.'
    About a years worth of research, much of it available and published. The underground forums I'm a member of have been sharing information since Jan 2019.

    The virus is beyond a doubt a gain of function virus, from a wild type virus found in 2012 in a province a thousand kms away from Wuhan. It would take you weeks to get up to speed.

    The WHO investigation was a sham set up for Optics. I know, it all sounds very conspiratorial woo woo.

    Its not woo. Its what happened. Ask yourself why the State Dept clearly requested the laboratory be investigated. And then ask yourself how "scientific" a two week investigation that concludes beyond all doubt "the virus is highly unlikely to have come from the lab".

    Ask yourself how long a real crime investigation takes...12 months? 5 years? They got their answer in 2 weeks, and its irrefutably and also, the lab should never be called into question again. LOL.

    Search this thread for more detailed information into how a gain of function virus was created, the details into the techniques used, the people doing these experiments, the history of the WIV, and also deep research the current state of affairs of the CCP and China. This thread has solid information.

  15. #735

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    So, China is currently belligerently threatening any Country who refuses to participate by boycotting the 2022 winter Olympics in China. Canada Olympics committee has released a bulletin pleading with all athletes to not say anything negative about China. One of our National treasures, Commander General Romeo Dallaire, the UN general during the Rwanda civil War, has recently gone on the news denouncing China, and denouncing Canada's response to China's forced internment of Millions of people in brainwashing camps.

    You see this is the kind of Country the CCP have created.

    On this related note, the Canadian Government has recently declared that Genocide is occurring in China right now. Our Prime Minister is to much of a pussy to declare this publicly, but, that's how this current Government does things, including not participating in calls for action into a independent investigation for the origins of the Wuhan virus, much like Australia, who experienced heavy tariffs on beef and minerals a week after doing so. This inaction on his part is also influenced by the fact that about two dozen Canadians are being held against will, without trial, and without crime, as political victims in Chinese prisons right now. The nationally well known story of the two Canadian Micheals being held for two years, is China's response to the legal arrest of Huawai CFO in Vancouver.

    What we are witnessing is the rise of a new regime, on par with Nazi Germany during the 1930s. The Chinese State apparatus has become, always was, a criminal Establishment that eats people up and spits them out alive. Besides only a dozen people, all foreign reporting media has been tossed out of China right now.

    There is a storm brewing. To participate in the 2022 Olympics is the same thing as participating in the Berlin Olympics. The optics are not good. It undermines the spirit and therefore the brand of the Olympics. I can't see anyway China is going to pull this off currently. Any show of world solidarity will ring false and the presentation of the Olympics, instead of looking welcoming, will appear threatening to the world.

    I'm sorry China, but you did this to yourself. Beyond WUFLU, which you engineered and escaped because, of spotty laboratory regulations has poisoned the air for the rest of us, you are now threatening people who do not want to participate your world party. Its like, are fucking kidding me?

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    Default Crisis - Opportunity, Crisis - Opportunity, Crisis - Opportunity, the same character for both

    Why you should care about NOT having a vaccine passport


    I'm a computer engineer and have always closely followed privacy issues, and the vaccination passport is a very scary prospect for our privacy and freedom, maybe in more ways than you would think on the surface. I have been seeing some misconceptions in comments about ways to cheat the system, but they are way ahead of you on those. Unfortunately it is something that was probably going to happen someday regardless of a virus or not, particularly after the Chinese implemented social credit. The vaccine is used just as an excuse at this point. Personally I wouldn't even mind the later after waiting some time for long-term data, but the tracking that comes with a passport is unacceptable, and that is what we should be fighting.

    Something I think should be clear is that there are two different, separate issues here, and they are both valid. The first is not wanting to take the vaccine. This is a valid standpoint, but basically solely an ethics question and a separate debate. The second is not wanting to present identification when entering all/a lot/some businesses, and this is the one I will talk about. The media/politicians will try to lump both together, but they are very distinct issues.

    Technically the only thing you need to know is that you will have a bar code/QR code/ID number (doesn't even matter if it's on your phone or on a paper), and the place that you are entering has a digital scanner (a human checking papers is too easy to fool (and slow), so they are way ahead on that. To be able to admit you, your code has to be checked against a server-stored token, to prove your passport is legitimate.

    Whenever a request is performed against the server, it follows a log will be produced of that identification request. Something like "Mr John Smith, at Walmart SW LA, 03/03/2021, 3:15pm, does he have a vaccine/negative test/etc.?", to which the server replies "yes/no".

    Now all kinds of web servers produce some sort of log, maliciously or not, but you will never be able to tell whether the system you are using does it or not. And given that a chain of web servers interact with each other on modern architectures, and logging is a default on modern (or old for that matter) programs, it's a given someone will do it. My objective with this post is to clear some confusion around what you could do to cheat the system, or to counter some arguments software agencies and health officials have been propagating. I'm not targeting any system in particular, but I'm attacking the system architecture that is being proposed, using the arguments I would use if someone pitched me a new system and I played the devil's advocate.

    So looking at some of the misconceptions/workarounds I have seen:

    • "I'll use a paper one": Irrelevant. As long as the code is read by a machine, that machine will have to consult a server, to where your ID is sent. This is not a "disable your location services" kind of system, the tracking is done by the scanning party. No scanner? Maybe the clerk just types a number on his phone, same thing from a privacy standpoint, your ID is sent somewhere out of your control. Given that the trend is to replace human agents with machines (ticket control, store assistants, etc) I hardly believe we will see a new human-based job appearing. It will be like scanning your ticket at the train station.
    • "I'll get a fake passport": Could work only if the store/gate agent/whatever didn't have a digital scanner, and only looked at papers (knowing that this is cumbersome, and they know there will be cheaters, this will not be the case). If the verification is done on the server side nothing short of hacking that server would help you, and even then your "life log" could have already been backed up somewhere. "Things on the internet last forever" is true, in the sense that even if you delete something, you have no way of knowing if someone has saved a copy.
    • "I'll share my passport with my friends to confuse them": The owner's photo might be stored on their server, and that will appear on their scanner, thus showing you are not the owner to a nearby agent/AI face recognition system (not sci-fi, and at this point in time, the system could evolve into being just a camera on their end that could check you are indeed vaccinated and hence track you, no need to even have a paper).
    • "I'll get my doctor friend to forge an exemption": Sure, you can escape the vaccine, but you still have to present your "exempt" passport, hence you are tracked just as anyone else. Same logic for negative tests, or for someone who was already infected. You are still an ID being associated with places. Should the purpose of the system be to track you, then it doesn't matter whether you have a vaccine or not, just that you comply with mandatory identification.
    • "The scanner does not contact any server, my QR code has a verifiable signed token that the scanner reads locally": Theoretically fine, but how can you be sure the scanner does what the government/ID provider tells you it does? Maybe it just stores your credentials locally for in-store tracking (the same way a store card would), but do you want that to be legally mandated? Maybe it shares them with some related companies for marketing. The point is if you do not know what the other party is doing, you do not participate. The best way for your nudes not to leak on the internet is not sharing them in the first place.
    • "The passport does not have my name associated": You know bitcoin? It's paraded as the private currency. It's not controlled by any government. Yet, the police has been able to arrest people by using inference attacks. These sort of attacks are very powerful, it is detective work but on a digital scale. Maybe to the passport you are just "John Doe", but you are the John Doe that checks-in every day to workplace X, that goes every week to Starbucks Y at a small town, that goes every month to state Z. It's not hard for law enforcement to then go around and find out who you are if they know your routine. You have nothing to hide? Until you are in the wrong place at the wrong time again.
    • "The government would not do such a thing, they care only about health": Lets suppose it is so. There is still a system that is capable of logging your whereabouts. And no system in the world is perfectly safe. Lets say it gets hacked. Now your life data is somewhere on the dark web being sold to the highest bidder. Maybe some house thiefs noticed that today you checked-in at a shop 1000 miles away from your workplace. The data is anonymized? Lets go back to the inference attacks. If the police is able to do it, so are hackers. And a database of life itself surely is a prime target for attacks.
    • "I really trust my friend's hacking skills": No system is perfect, so hacking it will be possible. But it's only a matter of time until your exploit gets fixed, so it will always be a game of cat and mouse. It's much easier for data to be stolen from the server as in the point above, since that attack only needs temporary access to the server.
    • "We are already tracked everywhere": Sure. Visa tracks you. Mastercard as well. Facebook. Google. Your phone provider. But each has their own system. The police can request data from each one of them, which is a bureaucratic process. Banking in particular has old systems. And it's not all put together neatly in a system built from the ground up, where a simple query can show everything a given person has done throughout his life. And all of the former are opt-in too.
    • "Vaccination passports already exist": Come on, you are really telling me you have always shown a vaccination passport to buy groceries, to go to the cinema or for interstate travel? Might have been so to go to 4 or 5 African countries, nothing more.
    • "I have nothing to hide": Until whatever you did that was legal and allowed is not anymore. Royalty and even landowners in general had nothing to hide in Russia until 1917. Plus you could be at the wrong place at the wrong time and be accused of something you did not do. Maybe you checked in to to a restaurant and a supermarket the same day as a suspect, and the police wrongly put 2 and 2 together. And if they tell you it is private, it's a matter of time until someone decides it is not.

    It's still soon to know implementations of the passport, and how often or where it will be used (international travel vs buying groceries). But knowing how a system is designed, and regardless of the "privacy level" they are parading, there will always be a lot of flaws on the concept itself. And forcing people to abdicate their privacy in every aspect of daily life, for whatever reason, is just appalling and downright unethical.

    We need to shift the focus away from this being about the vaccine, and focusing on it being about tracking. Could have happened just as well after 9/11 if the tech was there. I know most people will cave in when they are told that they will not get a job without the passport, or won't be able to buy food. Unless we are aware of the ramifications of such a system, and go outside to protest or boycott it. Because once it's accepted it is not going anywhere. And remember, a vaccination tracking system is, first of all, a tracking system.

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    I have COVID.. AMA

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    I have COVID.. AMA
    You need to get professional help if your circumstances allow it.

    Try an experiment with garlic.
    Buy it or order it.

    Eat one section at every 10-15 minutes for a few hours every day. Chew it with very little bread, rice or pasta.

    Keep it in your mouth as long as possible. It will burn like hell. It will smell like hell.

    Garlic contains allicin which has a very strong antiviral and antibacterial effect.

    If you can prevent pneumonia you will overcome the infection easily.

    Bless You.

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    Quote Originally Posted by khcs View Post
    You need to get professional help if your circumstances allow it.

    Try an experiment with garlic.
    Buy it or order it.

    Eat one section at every 10-15 minutes for a few hours every day. Chew it with very little bread, rice or pasta.

    Keep it in your mouth as long as possible. It will burn like hell. It will smell like hell.

    Garlic contains allicin which has a very strong antiviral and antibacterial effect.

    If you can prevent pneumonia you will overcome the infection easily.

    Bless You.

    idk, it isn't worse than Influenza tbh..
    Outside of paracetamol first 2 days to take care of the fever I took nothing. I feel fine.
    My grandmother and her sister died from it in 2 days tho. RIP

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    Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
    idk, it isn't worse than Influenza tbh..
    Outside of paracetamol first 2 days to take care of the fever I took nothing. I feel fine.
    My grandmother and her sister died from it in 2 days tho. RIP
    I am sorry to hear this, my condolences.

    Please, consider going onto high doses of vitamin D, over 8000 IU is fine and what I've been taking for over two years. Also supplement with Zinc 150 mis, just less than what gives you a headache. It can out compete for copper in intestines, so use it in cycles. Plenty of sleep as well.

    Budesonide is being used with great success (asthma steroidal drug) in early and mid stage treatment.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    I am sorry to hear this, my condolences.

    Please, consider going onto high doses of vitamin D, over 8000 IU is fine and what I've been taking for over two years. Also supplement with Zinc 150 mis, just less than what gives you a headache. It can out compete for copper in intestines, so use it in cycles. Plenty of sleep as well.

    Budesonide is being used with great success (asthma steroidal drug) in early and mid stage treatment.
    Thx. I convinced my entire family (minus my grandmother) during the winter to take 5000 IU/day vitamin D3 (Cholecalciferol). Maybe that was the reason we got through it so easily, while others had complications. A lot of ppl have vitamin D defficiency.

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    When is the West going to say enough is enough of CCP China's BS?
    Their Bioweapon's - vaccine program, and shoddy laboratory regulations is the very tip of the iceberg.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    The paper below calculated a 99.8% probability for lab leak. They have more data points and the main contributors to lab theory among the 27 data points are lack of posterior diversity, and lack of seroconversion - which this paper doesn't include.

    "A Bayesian analysis concludes beyond a reasonable doubt that SARS-CoV-2 is not a natural zoonosis but instead is laboratory derived"

    Of the 27 data points the ones that made the greatest contribution to lab leak origin in terms of percentage were the following:

    1. Lack of posterior diversity – about 50 per cent
    (p. 71)

    Lack of a furin cleavage site in any other sarbecovirus about 26 per cent - covid stands unique amoung all in the same sub family (p. 82)

    Lack of evidence of seroconversion in Wuhan and Shanghai – about 14 per cent (p.66)

    4. Location of the first case near Wuhan Institute of Virology – about 4 percent

    5. Rare usage of CGG single codons and no CGG-CGG pairs together with the routine use of CGG in laboratory codon optimation. About 4 per cent

    Also note the adenovirus remnants found in the first Wuhan patients, which strongly indicates vaccine trial subjects, which was not included in the Baysian analysis.
    The media keeps printing conspiracy theories. When are they finally going to print The Truth?

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    On the Origin of SARS-CoV-2: Did Cell Culture Experiments Lead to Increased Virulence of the Progenitor Virus for Humans?

    The ACE2 binding domain of the spike protein is encoded by a sequence region that is considered a hotspot for point mutations (34). A comparison of the nucleotide or amino acid sequences of the ACE2 receptor binding domain of various SARS coronaviruses revealed that human SARS-CoV-2 differs significantly from other SARS-CoVs in a small sequence, which covers the already mentioned polybasic cleavage site (PCS, also designated as furin cleavage site; Arg, Arg, Ala, Arg; clevage occurs at the S1/S2 position; Figure 2). This cleavage site was gained by an insertion into the progenitor SARS-CoV-2 genome of a short gene sequence CCTCGGCGGGCA, which encodes four amino acids (Pro-Arg -Arg-Ala, highlighted in green in Figure 2) (39). It results in the aforementioned PCS, which is essential for the entry of the virus into human cells as it allows the priming after S-protein receptor binding. In bats, in which the docking also takes place via the ACE2 receptor, this cleavage is obviously not necessary. Thus, it is evident that human SARS-CoV-2 received this sequence from an unknown source, through recombination with cellular or viral RNA or through multiple spontaneous nucleotide insertions and substitutions, because it cannot be found in any of the previously known SARS coronaviruses, not even in the pangolin (Figure 2). It stands to reason that the acquisition of the insertion making up the PCS/furin cleavage site is closely related to the primary zoonotic event. Thus, the question of how the insertion of the sequence CCTCGGCGGGCA came about is the focus of interest.
    It is important to note that all SARS-like coronaviruses known so far do not harbor this insert, while MERS-CoV, which docks to the DPP4 receptor, has an insert in this position of the protein consisting of four amino acids (Pro-Arg-Ser-Val) (Figure 2C). Furin cleavage sites are also found in other viruses in attachment proteins, including HIV, where the protease plays a role in entering the cell. However, a close similarity was found with the sequence of MERS-CoV. In Figure 2D, the nucleotide sequence around the PCS is compared between SARS-CoV-2 and MERS-CoV. Interstingly, on position 678 threonine is encoded by the same triplet ACT in SARS-CoV-2 and MERS-CoV, and on position 681 prolin is encoded again by the same triplet CCT and on position 682 arginine by CGG and CGC. Thus, there is not only a strong identity on the amino acid level, but also on the nucleotide level between SARS-CoV-2 and MERS-CoV. Given the code redundancy, the probability for an identical sequence encoding threonine (pos 678; which can be encoded by ACA, ACG, ACC and ACT) is 0.25×0.25=0.0625, and that of proline (pos 681; encoded by CCT, CCC, CCA and CCG) is again 0.0625. The overall probability harboring the same nucleotide sequence in these two positions is 0.0039. In position 682 with arginine coded by the sequence CGG (SARS-CoV-2) and CGC (MERS-CoV) we are again faced with a coincidence (nucleotides CG) of low probability [arginine is en coded by the codons CG (G,C,A,T), AGG, AGA]. In conclusion, there is a remarkable identity on amino acid and nucleotide level in and around the PCS between SARS-CoV-2 and MERS-CoV. This supports the hypothesis that the PCS/furin cleavage site was gained by a recombination event(s) involving these virus sequences. This notion is important in considering possible zoonotic events, placing laboratory events in the realm of the highly possible.
    In this context, it is important to note that a sequence comparison of SARS-CoV-2 with other viruses revealed a 117-nucleotide sequence in the virus genome that is 94.6% identical to a human intron sequence of the netrin G1 gene. Several other viruses also contain human sequences, but they are much shorter (e.g., SARS-CoV contains a 41-nucleotide sequence). MERS-CoV does not contain a human sequence (40). The presence of a human sequence in SARS-CoV-2 supports the hypothesis that the progenitor was propagated in human cells where it gained the sequence by a recombination event.

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    The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness

    Salk researchers and collaborators show how the protein damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease

    LA JOLLA—Scientists have known for a while that SARS-CoV-2’s distinctive “spike” proteins help the virus infect its host by latching on to healthy cells. Now, a major new study shows that they also play a key role in the disease itself.
    The paper, published on April 30, 2021, in Circulation Research, also shows conclusively that COVID-19 is a vascular disease, demonstrating exactly how the SARS-CoV-2 virus damages and attacks the vascular system on a cellular level. The findings help explain COVID-19’s wide variety of seemingly unconnected complications, and could open the door for new research into more effective therapies.

    “A lot of people think of it as a respiratory disease, but it’s really a vascular disease,” says Assistant Research Professor Uri Manor, who is co-senior author of the study. “That could explain why some people have strokes, and why some people have issues in other parts of the body. The commonality between them is that they all have vascular underpinnings.”

    While the findings themselves aren’t entirely a surprise, the paper provides clear confirmation and a detailed explanation of the mechanism through which the protein damages vascular cells for the first time. There’s been a growing consensus that SARS-CoV-2 affects the vascular system, but exactly how it did so was not understood. Similarly, scientists studying other coronaviruses have long suspected that the spike protein contributed to damaging vascular endothelial cells, but this is the first time the process has been documented.

  27. #747

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post

    The novel coronavirus’ spike protein plays additional key role in illness

    Salk researchers and collaborators show how the protein damages cells, confirming COVID-19 as a primarily vascular disease

    LA JOLLA—Scientists have known for a while that SARS-CoV-2’s distinctive “spike” proteins help the virus infect its host by latching on to healthy cells. Now, a major new study shows that they also play a key role in the disease itself.
    The paper, published on April 30, 2021, in Circulation Research, also shows conclusively that COVID-19 is a vascular disease, demonstrating exactly how the SARS-CoV-2 virus damages and attacks the vascular system on a cellular level. The findings help explain COVID-19’s wide variety of seemingly unconnected complications, and could open the door for new research into more effective therapies.

    “A lot of people think of it as a respiratory disease, but it’s really a vascular disease,” says Assistant Research Professor Uri Manor, who is co-senior author of the study. “That could explain why some people have strokes, and why some people have issues in other parts of the body. The commonality between them is that they all have vascular underpinnings.”

    While the findings themselves aren’t entirely a surprise, the paper provides clear confirmation and a detailed explanation of the mechanism through which the protein damages vascular cells for the first time. There’s been a growing consensus that SARS-CoV-2 affects the vascular system, but exactly how it did so was not understood. Similarly, scientists studying other coronaviruses have long suspected that the spike protein contributed to damaging vascular endothelial cells, but this is the first time the process has been documented.
    can confirm. After covid I still have.. problems.
    It looks like it affected my lungs & heart, so I'm still coughing and I get very tired as well as my heart rate spikes from moderate physical strain :/.. the fatigue is very real. I'm being told it would take 3 to 6 months for full recovery. Something about my immune system reacting too strongly to the infection and consequently damaging internal organs e_e.. the doctor thought I got pneumonia post covid.. but antibiotics aren't working.. so its likely the damage from covid that needs time to heal, which means there is nothing they can do I'll just have to rest and keep coughing. I have one of those devices that measure oxygen saturation and pulse.

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    This seems to be a good vaccine against coronavirus

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    Stéphane Bancel - INTJ Victor Hugo - Moderna CEO

    Moderna’s technology promised to subvert the whole field, creating therapeutic proteins inside the body instead of in manufacturing plants. The key: harnessing messenger RNA, or mRNA.

    In nature, mRNA molecules function like recipe books, directing cellular machinery to make specific proteins. Moderna believes it can play that system to its advantage by using synthetic mRNA to compel cells to produce whichever proteins it chooses. In effect, the mRNA would turn cells into tiny drug factories.

    It’s highly risky. Big pharma companies had tried similar work and abandoned it because it’s exceedingly hard to get RNA into cells without triggering nasty side effects. But if Moderna can get it to work, the process could be used to treat scores of diseases, including cancers and rare diseases that can be death sentences for children.

    Bancel was intrigued. He knew it was a gamble, he told STAT, “but if I don’t do it, and it works, I’m just going to kick myself every morning.”

    And so he became the company’s CEO — and soon developed an almost messianic reverence for the mRNA technology.

    Delivery — actually getting RNA into cells — has long bedeviled the whole field. On their own, RNA molecules have a hard time reaching their targets. They work better if they’re wrapped up in a delivery mechanism, such as nanoparticles made of lipids. But those nanoparticles can lead to dangerous side effects, especially if a patient has to take repeated doses over months or years.

    Novartis abandoned the related realm of RNA interference over concerns about toxicity, as did Merck and Roche.

    Moderna’s most advanced competitors, CureVac and BioNTech, have acknowledged the same challenge with mRNA. Each is principally focused on vaccines for infectious disease and cancer, which the companies believe can be attacked with just a few doses of mRNA. And each has already tested its technology on hundreds of patients.

    “I would say that mRNA is better suited for diseases where treatment for short duration is sufficiently curative, so the toxicities caused by delivery materials are less likely to occur,” said Katalin Karikó, a pioneer in the field who serves as a vice president at BioNTech.

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    Uğur Şahin - ENTJ Stierlitz - CEO of Biontech

    A Turkish-born German oncologist and entrepreneur and co-founder of BioNTech who helped develop one of the major vaccines against COVID-19.

    mRNA vaccine

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    Stella Kyriakides - INFJ Dostoevsky (The clone of Nancy Pelosi)

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