I'm so glad to hear news that most people are concerned because I've been very quiet about this since discussion makes me emotionally vulnerable largely because (and I understand there is nuance and more thinking involved than this but on a purely visceral level) I tend to see this as a question of when killing the weak is permissible. Which makes me a lot more empathetic to pro-lifers (and I'm sure many feel justified in opposing masks etc just as I do in being pro-choice). Anyway, rambling, but I caught a link @inumbra posted and wanted to thank her.

I might be biased about lockdowns (contributing to ambivalence that ramps up my emotional hair trigger) because now that I don't see going out and experiencing stimulation and exertion as an option, my injured brain is like woah maybe THAT'S why I was so miserable hey hey, I'll take this. Let's make a work from home option stick ok