Dummy Trump Jr. (aka Mr. Uptight) trying to deflect from dummy daddy's incompetence:

Donald Trump Jr. on Twitter: "WHO Spread False Chinese Government Propaganda: Coronavirus Not Contagious Among Humans https://t.co/Wf0NpA9o7t"

Whatever the Chinese Government or WHO said or did after February 9th is irrelevant.

The ominous findings were right there for dummy Trump, dummy trump jr., empty-shell Pence, walking corpse carson, and the team of so-called experts to review.

Clinical characteristics of 2019 novel coronavirus infection in China | medRxiv

"Conclusions: The 2019-nCoV epidemic spreads rapidly by human-to-human transmission. Normal radiologic findings are present among some patients with 2019-nCoV infection. "

"These findings echo the latest reports, including the outbreak of a family cluster,4 transmission from an asymptomatic patient,6 and the three-phase outbreak patterns.8 Our study cannot preclude the presence of patients who have been termed “super-spreaders.”"