Fuck, it hit me today at work.

Employees were arguing with management all day about someone testing positive next door to our business and how a lot of people have been getting sick or coming to work with a cough or fever; and they made a decree that if we're sick we have to stay home and that they'd threaten legal action if we didn't...but we still have to go to work if we have no symptoms and they won't pay us if we are sick and stay home wihtout any sick time.

The city just closed the beaches where I'm at because all the spring breakers were hording along the beaches.

I still don't know if I had the disease or if my mom is going to contract it from me in the coming week. The city isn't taking it seriously and still aren't doing anything significant about it or even testing enough people. Only if you have serious symptoms or you were in contact with someone that had the virus or if you traveled lately will they test people...

And I keep hearing about layoffs and recessions because businesses can't handle the loss of business. And the place I work was already losing business and now I'm concerned about 2008 shit and possible having to find a job in that. And it feels like no one is prepared or has a handle on this. And I'm not the type of person to take most things seriously, but I hate this. WTF seriously, it's really fucking stupid. People have had to cancel vacations and fun outings and everything is just really suck now.