Quote Originally Posted by Hitta View Post
This virus infection typically spreads at an average rate of double per 4 days. The death toll is going to end up a lot higher than the numbers you have listed. A conservative estimate of the number of people that are going to die in the US is 480,000. That's at the low end. High end will be 1.7 million. More than likely the virus is just going to keep spreading until we establish herd immunity. There are a lot of people greatly underestimating this. It's a very rational anxiety. Most people have family members that are at high risk factor. Panic is bad, but people should be a bit afraid.
I didn't say there weren't reasons to be cautious. I even mentioned my own. I am also aware the numbers will rise, especially among the old and people with compromised immune systems.

I am sure you are aware that chronic stress can ravage the immune system so I won't be looking up studies to prove it but they are out there if anyone wants to look into it. Even a little stress can lower our resistance to disease. If someone wants to stress themselves out about it then there is nothing I can do about it. I didn't say not to take precautions. My suggestion to get psychological help stands if you are experiencing anxiety and stress due to the virus.