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Thread: Wuhan Virus

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  1. #1

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    The first time I've ever gone on twitter....

    #iran #coronavirus


    warning: nsfw.

  2. #2

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    Real medical imaging of lung coronaviral damage that the media is not showing people:

    Better watch the video before its removed by youtube. Yes, they are doing that.

  3. #3

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    To those in the general populace and media who are confident enough to make a bold statement that there are more serious things to worry about... this lady said exactly what most of us who are awake are thinking: "MERS, SARS, Swine flu...even a really bad flu season...I've never seen countries go on lockdown, losing billions of dollars by the day, giant aerosol cannons disinfecting the streets, doors to people's homes being welded shut so they cannot leave, cell phones confiscated, medical personal in full on hazmat suits contracting the disease, tests, showing negative only to be sincerely positive weeks later, unknown infectious and incubation periods, conflicting data on how long it actually lives on surfaces, contracted thru airborne or plumbing... you can go ahead and not worry" --------

    It is now known that this virus is not only presenting with upper respiratory issues, but gastric and cardio issues. Patients are wrongfully being assessed for upper respiratory only, patients who are presenting with diarrhea and vomiting, or cardiac issues are not. This virus affects the ace inhibitor receptor causing strokes and heart attacks as well as multiple organ failure. The people who are standing up one minute and falling dead the next are suffering a massive stroke or heart attack. This virus isn't even remotely close to being over. China is not being forthcoming with the truth. NO media are!

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