I will be the one who judges what I am reading is misinformation, or not. Not big Daddy tech company.

It's called critical thinking and lots of human beings practise it. Stop outsourcing your thinking to authorities and gatekeepers of information. I think humanity tried that once, didn't work out during the middle ages and the Catholic priesthoods and it's not going to work today.

Autistic fact checkers can go to hell. I don't need fact checking baby sitters. Doing so undermines free speech which you so vehemently have professed to value.

You want curated information, wind back the clock to preinternet era. Then you can get your facts from newspapers, published peer reviewed articles, radio and television reporting.

Peer reviews are a pathetic joke nowadays.

The editor of the distinguished Lancet journal has recently gone on record to say medical peer reviews are not athoritatative enough these days. Integrity is in ever degreasing short supply.

I frequently work with forestry Science punks. A small handful are brilliant, one in particular, the rest are geeky dogmatists with minimal creative thought ability.