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    We have no good outcome from this virus sabotage against the humanity. It's used to change the life of the most people to worse. They have make vaccines and the problem only will arise.
    Partly excuse is that they may want to economy the resources and not just to spend them and then to ruin the civilization. It's hard to accept the genocide and robbery they have planed, anyway. They should develop technology as did before to solve resources problems, but seems do not want the changes in elites what new technology would bring. While what they do now is comparable with a hithlerism. They shift most people out of civilized world and will keep some minority to live relatively good. Not even nations problem. And it's doubtful to go by that plan to good result. But many problems will be made, for sure. Hithler as you remember has failed in own plans. It's a second try, mb even by same people or by their descendants, by ideologically close followers. New world war, in a new format.
    The most sad is that national governments have betrayed and now act against own people, which still trust them. Even when those governments lie and destroy their lives now, when turn the life to Hithler camps of death.

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    It's known about high spreading of covid in RF (25% of people in July and mb >50% now). It was said about ~2% mortality rate of covid in RF. But factual mortality rate has arised on 0.1% only, is same as in 2011 year and lower than in 2010. Hence, covid has no high mortality rate, it's similar to common gripp as was known since Diamond Princess ship.
    Then based on what is now destroyed mass education, are reducing production, significant limitations of people's life and doubtful vaccines are forced? If covid is not much dangerous by the factual numbers?

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    It is great to be on the look out for what is real. It is also important to take as solid things in the world that can be reasonably considered solid.

    The thing with how we eat science and take it into ourselves is...eating bad science is like eating bad food.

    Someone can do a shitty job or a great job cutting down trees, painting a house, or baking.

    That someone did something and calls it 'science' or a 'paintjob' doesn't mean it's quality (it might be the bucket of paint ended up mostly painting the grass and not finishing the exterior of the house and had streaks uncovered, etc, and that IS frustrating that incomplete work can happen, and I'm not mocking anyone.

    It's also true with science that if it isn't reproducible it's not taken as indicating reality. that's key.

    Anything is possible, right?

    But what is actually happening? Really happening in our universe that already exists, not some story about what could be in an alternate universe?

    Medium, the website, is like the board at a grocery store. Virtually ANYONE can post ANYTHING until someone takes it down. That doesn't make it 'news' in the sense we take it. It makes it someone posting something.

    And, what are great ways to evaluate media and science? There are many. One I have found useful is typing 'media bias fact check' and the name of whatever news source I'm reading into Google. Then you can see if they've ever reported things as true that AREN'T.

    IF we hear reports like the one you read on Medium that the virus might have been slipped from a Chinese lab, we want our paid scientists and investigatory team to evaluate that and check out the possibility, and they have done their duty to us and checked:

    "A World Health Organization investigation in China found that

    the coronavirus most likely jumped to humans through an animal

    host or frozen wildlife products, finding that it’s “extremely unlikely”

    it came from a laboratory leak. No further research is needed to

    look into the theory about a leak, Peter Ben Embarek, a WHO official,

    told reporters Tuesday at a joint briefing with China in Wuhan, the city

    where Covid-19 first mushroomed at the end of 2019. That speculation

    has been promulgated by former U.S. President Donald Trump and some

    others. The virus could have been introduced to the Huanan wet market

    in Wuhan, which many of the first Covid patients were linked to, by a person

    who was infected or by a product that was sold there, Ben Embarek said.

    “Among the more interesting products were frozen wildlife animals,” he said.

    “Some of these species are known to be susceptible to these kinds of viruses.”

    The highly anticipated mission followed months of negotiation with a defensive

    China to facilitate and cooperate with the probe. Stung by criticism that it initially

    covered up the extent of the crisis, Chinese state media and officials have

    promoted the theory that the virus didn’t start in China, but was brought in.

    The WHO’s validation of a potential cold-chain transmission route is likely to

    bolster those efforts. The team also examined tens of thousands of patient

    samples from Wuhan prior to the emergence of sick people in 2019. There was

    no evidence of significant outbreaks in the country before December 2019, WHO

    officials said. “We embarked on a very detailed and profound search for other

    cases that may have been missed early on in 2019,” said Ben Embarek. “The

    conclusion was we did not find evidence of large outbreaks that could be related

    to cases of Covid-19 prior to December 2019 in Wuhan or elsewhere.” (...)

    With New Covid-19 Wave Researchers found a coronavirus related to SARS-CoV-2 in bats

    at a wildlife sanctuary in Thailand, according to a study released Tuesday in the Nature

    Communications journal, another indication of how widespread such viruses are. While

    highly similar to the coronavirus that causes Covid-19, the Thai version doesn’t appear

    adapted to spread in humans by the same mechanism, researchers from Thailand and

    Singapore said in the report. Scientists still don’t understand if the virus can spread to

    humans after persisting in frozen conditions, and how that would occur, according to Ben

    Embarek. More work is needed to study that possible path and trace the source of animal

    products, he said. “It’s interesting to explore if a frozen wild animal that was infected could

    be a potential vehicle for the introduction of the virus into market environments where we

    know the temperature, humidity, environment could be conducive to rapid spread of the

    virus,” he said. The lack of a clear pathway from bats to humans had stoked speculation

    -- refuted by many scientists -- that the virus might have escaped from the Wuhan Institute

    of Virology, home to a maximum bio-containment laboratory that studies bat-borne coronaviruses.

    Members of the WHO mission visited the lab last week and asked Shi Zhengli, who has

    collected and analyzed these viruses for more than a decade, about the research and the

    earliest known coronavirus cases. — With assistance by Jason Gale, Corinne Gretler, Dong Lyu,

    and Claire Che (Updates to add WHO comments in 10th, 11th paragraphs)"Prognosis

    WHO Rejects Virus Lab Theory, Saying Animals Likely Source Bloomberg News February 9,

    2021, 3:24 AM PST Updated on February 9, 2021, 4:43 AM PST "

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post

    "A World Health Organization investigation in China found that

    the coronavirus most likely jumped to humans through an animal

    host or frozen wildlife products, finding that it’s “extremely unlikely”

    it came from a laboratory leak. No further research is needed to

    look into the theory about a leak, Peter Ben Embarek, a WHO official,

    told reporters Tuesday at a joint briefing with China in Wuhan, the city

    where Covid-19 first mushroomed at the end of 2019. That speculation

    has been promulgated by former U.S. President Donald Trump and some

    others. The virus could have been introduced to the Huanan wet market

    in Wuhan, which many of the first Covid patients were linked to, by a person

    who was infected or by a product that was sold there, Ben Embarek said.

    “Among the more interesting products were frozen wildlife animals,” he said.

    “Some of these species are known to be susceptible to these kinds of viruses.”

    The highly anticipated mission followed months of negotiation with a defensive

    China to facilitate and cooperate with the probe. Stung by criticism that it initially

    covered up the extent of the crisis, Chinese state media and officials have

    promoted the theory that the virus didn’t start in China, but was brought in.

    The WHO’s validation of a potential cold-chain transmission route is likely to

    bolster those efforts. The team also examined tens of thousands of patient

    samples from Wuhan prior to the emergence of sick people in 2019. There was

    no evidence of significant outbreaks in the country before December 2019, WHO

    officials said. “We embarked on a very detailed and profound search for other

    cases that may have been missed early on in 2019,” said Ben Embarek. “The

    conclusion was we did not find evidence of large outbreaks that could be related

    to cases of Covid-19 prior to December 2019 in Wuhan or elsewhere.” (...)

    With New Covid-19 Wave Researchers found a coronavirus related to SARS-CoV-2 in bats

    at a wildlife sanctuary in Thailand, according to a study released Tuesday in the Nature

    Communications journal, another indication of how widespread such viruses are. While

    highly similar to the coronavirus that causes Covid-19, the Thai version doesn’t appear

    adapted to spread in humans by the same mechanism, researchers from Thailand and

    Singapore said in the report. Scientists still don’t understand if the virus can spread to

    humans after persisting in frozen conditions, and how that would occur, according to Ben

    Embarek. More work is needed to study that possible path and trace the source of animal

    products, he said. “It’s interesting to explore if a frozen wild animal that was infected could

    be a potential vehicle for the introduction of the virus into market environments where we

    know the temperature, humidity, environment could be conducive to rapid spread of the

    virus,” he said. The lack of a clear pathway from bats to humans had stoked speculation

    -- refuted by many scientists -- that the virus might have escaped from the Wuhan Institute

    of Virology, home to a maximum bio-containment laboratory that studies bat-borne coronaviruses.

    Members of the WHO mission visited the lab last week and asked Shi Zhengli, who has

    collected and analyzed these viruses for more than a decade, about the research and the

    earliest known coronavirus cases. — With assistance by Jason Gale, Corinne Gretler, Dong Lyu,

    and Claire Che (Updates to add WHO comments in 10th, 11th paragraphs)"Prognosis

    WHO Rejects Virus Lab Theory, Saying Animals Likely Source Bloomberg News February 9,

    2021, 3:24 AM PST Updated on February 9, 2021, 4:43 AM PST "
    You clearly do not understand how the CCP work. They scrubbed Wuhan over a year ago. The WHO investigation was a sham investigating a museum.

    Also, Peter Daszek is a leading researcher on gain of function viruses and a personal close colleague with Zhengli Shi. Conflict of interest much? He has much to loose by revealing the danger of gain of function viruses.

    Just because the WHO is an organization, does not mean they cannot be corrupt.. That you don't understand this tells me you are also indoctrinated into the intelligentsia class who was early convinced of random coincidental chance, as you believe chance and happenstance are the central guiding principles of biology. They might have lied to prevent a War with China.

    I suggest looking into the CCP more and what they are capable of.

    This virus came from a test tube. It can't even infect bats (they tried). It has no relative, besides a hastily added cousin, last March, by Zhengli Shi. The irony here is that its not me who needs to be more intelligent and open minded. Its you.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post

    This virus came from a test tube.
    Show me how. You didn't say maybe. You said for sure. Show me how. And not with any 'i just know it.'

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    Show me how. You didn't say maybe. You said for sure. Show me how. And not with any 'i just know it.'
    About a years worth of research, much of it available and published. The underground forums I'm a member of have been sharing information since Jan 2019.

    The virus is beyond a doubt a gain of function virus, from a wild type virus found in 2012 in a province a thousand kms away from Wuhan. It would take you weeks to get up to speed.

    The WHO investigation was a sham set up for Optics. I know, it all sounds very conspiratorial woo woo.

    Its not woo. Its what happened. Ask yourself why the State Dept clearly requested the laboratory be investigated. And then ask yourself how "scientific" a two week investigation that concludes beyond all doubt "the virus is highly unlikely to have come from the lab".

    Ask yourself how long a real crime investigation takes...12 months? 5 years? They got their answer in 2 weeks, and its irrefutably and also, the lab should never be called into question again. LOL.

    Search this thread for more detailed information into how a gain of function virus was created, the details into the techniques used, the people doing these experiments, the history of the WIV, and also deep research the current state of affairs of the CCP and China. This thread has solid information.

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    Vaccination against covid makes worse. It arises a number of people with sympthoms, harder cases, deaths and makes more virus mutations. It also may reduce the immunity against existing and appearing covid's variants, while this virus mutates easily as common grippe (the reason why vaccination against gripp is not efficient). (link)
    A vaccine arises the chance to get a harm from covid. It's seen in statistics and has biological explanation.

    Covid was artificially made and intentionally spreaded, but it's not very dangerous virus itself - 1/1000 chance of death supposed by death quantity arise during recent time. After vaccine - the situation becomes worse - for those who got it. And it's forced by lie, violence and death threat to be injected in people.
    At now in RF, people when they do not allow covid vaccine are forbidden to work (a part of occupations still), to study (soon), to use services related to staing alive (to use hotels in some regions, at now). The terrorism and violence will develop. They'll forbidd to buy/sell (to threat kill you or to push to poverty of material production kinds of the past), as was said long time before. May forbid to be in towns and "public" places.

    As was said before. The task of what happens near covid is not to protect your health. It's more possibly for harming your health, life time, abbility to born children and to establish higher control and restrictions for people. Those "protections" are political overturn and harm to humanity.
    New Testament described them as Satan's followers, - it's the ideology on which capitalism is based. Besides common slavery and robbery, satanists may want to make people as more slaves than before and now - by technological and biological minds changing, - to make them with externally controlled/sold souls. Mb without abbility to some emotions as love to other people, to make them closer to egocentric psyche of psychopathic satanists. With strong limitations on critical thinking abbility. To make most people as partly biological machines-slaves.
    Last edited by Sol; 07-08-2021 at 08:48 AM.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    [...] To make most people as partly biological machines-slaves.
    They gave themselves that much trouble for something as ordinary as that ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
    Vaccination against covid makes worse. It arises a number of people with sympthoms, harder cases, deaths and makes more virus mutations. It also may reduce the immunity against existing and appearing covid's variants, while this virus mutates easily as common grippe (the reason why vaccination against gripp is not efficient). (link)
    A vaccine arises the chance to get a harm from covid. It's seen in statistics and has biological explanation.

    Covid was artificially made and intentionally spreaded, but it's not very dangerous virus itself - 1/1000 chance of death supposed by death quantity arise during recent time. After vaccine - the situation becomes worse - for those who got it. And it's forced by lie, violence and death threat to be injected in people.
    At now in RF, people when they do not allow covid vaccine are forbidden to work (a part of occupations still), to study (soon), to use services related to staing alive (to use hotels in some regions, at now). The terrorism and violence will develop. They'll forbidd to buy/sell (to threat kill you or to push to poverty of material production kinds of the past), as was said long time before. May forbid to be in towns and "public" places.

    As was said before. The task of what happens near covid is not to protect your health. It's more possibly for harming your health, life time, abbility to born children and to establish higher control and restrictions for people. Those "protections" are political overturn and harm to humanity.
    New Testament described them as Satan's followers, - it's the ideology on which capitalism is based. Besides common slavery and robbery, satanists may want to make people as more slaves than before and now - by technological and biological minds changing, - to make them with externally controlled/sold souls. Mb without abbility to some emotions as love to other people, to make them closer to egocentric psyche of psychopathic satanists. With strong limitations on critical thinking abbility. To make most people as partly biological machines-slaves.

    Agreed, i don't know how people can't see that.
    In France, its getting a lot worse too for the not vaccinated without "sanitary pass" we won't be able to basically do anything, if they succeed.
    Nursing staff won't be able to practice without being vaccinated.
    If they don't succeed, meaning people stop doing activities requiring the pass, business are going to die, which is fine for those people (oligarch), because their business will survive and even get stronger (amazon ...).
    So they win on both side, the only way for them to lose if for the business to say massively no to the pass and get support of the people.
    Violence against the non vaccinated will increase and an atmosphere of civil war is going to increase over time until eventually explosion and use of the army to proclaim martial law and use physical force to vaccine the non-vaccinated or at least put them in jail under the idea they are the danger and the reason of the disease.
    Next step will be RFID chip in the skin, because at this point people will be mentally and physically broken so it won't be too hard, they could even maybe use the idea of fight against fake pass.
    Then when more and more control will be accomplished, they will take control of everyone belongings : "You won't possess anything and you will be happy" Klaus Schwab

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    It would suck if I got sick... I want there to be a perk to being alone.

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    Dunno might not be so bad to get it. Get workers comp from a government ordered quarantine

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    "most of you have a higher chance of getting chlamydia than corona, but still won't wear a condom"

    - a wise man

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    I'm only in the last couple days starting to hear ppl irl express fear and it makes me wonder if my indifference is warranted but I don't know anybody over 80 years old and they're the only ones dying I think?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ashlesha View Post
    I'm only in the last couple days starting to hear ppl irl express fear and it makes me wonder if my indifference is warranted but I don't know anybody over 80 years old and they're the only ones dying I think?
    It's absolutely nothing to worry about.

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    Wuflu is supremely dangerous. Many have died in Iran from the more virulent strain. There are two distinct strains, one less deadly than the other.
    They are called S and L.
    There are currently 35 different vaccine programs across the globe atm.
    There is good information out there beyond the noise.

    1. Peak Prosperity
    2.Dr John Campbell
    3.vlogger serpentza
    These sources are highly regarded in the community.
    Also for political takes, as well excellent reporting look into
    4. Zooming in with Simone Gao.

    Do not be dissauded by so few subscribers, there is a purposeful campaign to keep view counts low. This is real, it's not tin foil.

    (All four are ENTjs)

    Drs at Shanghai University Hospital have released a report saying they are successfully using HIGH dose intravenous vitamin C (15,000-24,000 IU), as well as Vitamin D to treat wuflu patients and it has been working.

    It's all ages that are adversely affected. Fibreous lung damage has been shown. Reinfection has also been shown.

    The situation is complex. Its about a wait and see attitude, countries reliance on Chinese manufacturing, the need to avoid unavoidable panic.

    Do not touch your face, nose, eyes, ears, genitals. Wash your hands when you return home and change and wash your clothing. It's impractical, but useful. Drink fluids as viral particles are washed into gut. There was a Japanese paper discussing this.

    The USA is a dinosaur as in moving slow for numerous reasons. Australia has vested economy in China more than any other nation. The CCP is more powerful than many realize. The CCP is cooking their books when it comes to statistics. Their state media is pushing the narrative that the virus came from the states and any infections in China are now coming from foriengers such as Italians. The people are believing it, the CCP had the population that brainwashed. Don't mistake, the situation is still just as serious as ever.

    Many vaccine trials are trying to create a vaccine that would be effective for both L and S strains.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    Wuflu is supremely dangerous. Many have died in Iran from the more virulent strain. There are two distinct strains, one less deadly than the other.
    They are called S and L.
    There are currently 35 different vaccine programs across the globe atm.
    There is good information out there beyond the noise.

    1. Peak Prosperity
    2.Dr John Campbell
    3.vlogger serpentza
    These sources are highly regarded in the community.
    Also for political takes, as well excellent reporting look into
    4. Zooming in with Simone Gao.

    Do not be dissauded by so few subscribers, there is a purposeful campaign to keep view counts low. This is real, it's not tin foil.

    (All four are ENTjs)

    Drs at Shanghai University Hospital have released a report saying they are successfully using HIGH dose intravenous vitamin C (15,000-24,000 IU), as well as Vitamin D to treat wuflu patients and it has been working.

    It's all ages that are adversely affected. Fibreous lung damage has been shown. Reinfection has also been shown.

    The situation is complex. Its about a wait and see attitude, countries reliance on Chinese manufacturing, the need to avoid unavoidable panic.

    Do not touch your face, nose, eyes, ears, genitals. Wash your hands when you return home and change and wash your clothing. It's impractical, but useful. Drink fluids as viral particles are washed into gut. There was a Japanese paper discussing this.

    The USA is a dinosaur as in moving slow for numerous reasons. Australia has vested economy in China more than any other nation. The CCP is more powerful than many realize. The CCP is cooking their books when it comes to statistics. Their state media is pushing the narrative that the virus came from the states and any infections in China are now coming from foriengers such as Italians. The people are believing it, the CCP had the population that brainwashed. Don't mistake, the situation is still just as serious as ever.

    Many vaccine trials are trying to create a vaccine that would be effective for both L and S strains.
    Dude.. Literally everything you said can be just as easy flipped and said that YOU are the brainwashed 1 for believing all this hearsay.

    If you gotta tell someone it's not tin foil... It's probably tin foil

    Maybe it's not some super spooky conspiracy to hide the truth on youtube, maybe they are just taking down videos of blatantly false info lol.

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    Whatever paradigm you need to tell yourself.

    Denial ain't just a river.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post

    Whatever paradigm you need to tell yourself.

    Denial ain't just a river.
    PPD and schizophrenia ain't a joke either

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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    PPD and schizophrenia ain't a joke either

    Okay, is this really necessary? If I bother then just put me on ignore. Many on the already have.

    This thread is about wuhan flu and I request that the mods split this thread please.

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    Quote Originally Posted by timber View Post
    Okay, is this really necessary? If I bother then just put me on ignore. Many on the already have.

    This thread is about wuhan flu and I request that the mods split this thread please.

    I request the mods delete this thread and his account for spreading bullshit and fake news

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    Quote Originally Posted by kingslayer View Post
    I request the mods delete this thread and his account for spreading bullshit and fake news
    No. As loopy as timber might be, I don't support banning him or deleting this thread.

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    "I have been working on epidemic preparedness for about 20 years, and completely dispassionately, without elevating the temperature or speaking hyperbolicly, this is the most frightening disease I have ever encountered in my career. And that includes ebola, that includes MERS, that includes SARS. And its frightening because of the combination of the infectiousness and the lethality that appears to be many times higher than flu."

    ---Dr. Richard Hatchet
    CEO of the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations

    LII most likely.

    At least the mainstream is now moving into the proper direction. Expect more news conglomerates to follow. Keep in mind, this info has been out there for 2 months. For however judgemental british opinions can be, when they do pivot to the front, the are usually the first. American channels will lag behind a number of weeks as they always do. (300 million vs tens).

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    Bodies being buried together in make shift graves in Iran---->****Nukem1/status/1236086796783628288?s=20

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    Strange and useless disinfection technique in Iran (Government needs to look like its doing SOMETHING, right?)--->

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    Man in acute respiratory arrest lying on the ground in Iran with bystanders ---->

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    Hospital staff group dance to raise spirits during outbreak (dancing is forbidden in Iran) ---->

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    Another person in respiratory arrest collapsed in front of a Bank in Iran---->

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    Compilation video of people collapsed on the ground in public in Iran --->

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    Local reports of Dr death in Iran --->

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    Recently dug out mass graves with approx 15 plots in Iran. No bodies visible ---->

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    Large Government works project cited as mass grave with pile of calcium hydroxide beside it --->

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    Cars blocked from Norther cities in Iran --->

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    REcap of Government officials killed in Iran, supposedly from Virus, including the minister of health who was recently on TV wiping his forehead of sweat --->

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    Young female nurse victim in Iran --->

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    Many filled body bags caught on camera film in Iran--->
    might not be real, or it might be real. depends on which fake news source you follow

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    Clinic burned down to the ground caught on film in Iran --->

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    Wash your hands dance in Iran --->

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    Supposed young boy staggers with flu on street in Iran --->

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    Dead young male nurse remembered in Iran --->

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