Quote Originally Posted by remiges View Post
Re: sheltered, how I imagined sbbds meant though I’m not certain and hope I am not assuming too much - would have been an environment where being an NF naturally would not kill you. This doesn’t mean the family being well off, because even lower middle class could still support an NF even if not as well as a richer family... so I was thinking of very lower class, perhaps. Where you literally cannot daydream about feels if not you and your little sister will not eat for the day because your mom has to work two full time jobs and your dad is lying in the corner drunk. And even if there was an NF there... I bet their natural inclinations would not come out until years after being removed that situation and stable.

And so... perhaps there is a bit of a bias in that, in the sense of... we may never know if they were naturally “meant” to be an NF or not because unless they got into typology themselves and really did soul searching, they would certainly not match up to the usual outward behavior.

in other words idk
Well I def shouldn't be an NF then going by this.

Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
I meant something like that, yes. If you don’t think being sheltered is a thing, just look at Gwyneth Paltrow @Lord Pixel @Aramas (also, as I told you I don’t think you’re an EII Aramas). Not everyone needs to be rich as balls to be sheltered, just pampered and shielded from harsh realities, and not encouraged to push themselves, a little bit too much.
I believe being sheltered is a thing. I just don't think I turned out much more mature than a sheltered EII. I think the whole infantile ego thing is probably more subconscious than based off environmental circumstances. Like I think anybody would be more mature than anybody who was sheltered, but as far as adulting I still feel unskilled compared to other people, even without being pampered my whole life.