Quote Originally Posted by remiges View Post
I had EII suggested to me but one thing that I did not get was this child thing. I am aware of the possibility I may be reading too much into it (woops).

While I will joke sometimes about it (I recently bought a shirt that said "cleverly disguised as a responsible adult" which is ... in a way how I see myself), there is one thing that does not quite click in my mind, and that is specifically, that being a child is basically giving up all your power. Not sure I like this, to be at someone else's whim and to let them decide my fate because I don't want to be "practical," even if ideally, I wish I didn't have to do that shit, either. How do you guys relate to that?
Children can be powerful too. Cue a little kid pulling mom’s hair and screeching at her to buy them toys at Walmart.