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Thread: "STEM" vs. Non-STEM ("Liberal Arts")

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    Post "STEM" vs. Non-STEM ("Liberal Arts")

    Does anyone else notice STEM is actually way more full of SJW moralizers than non-STEM? However, non-SJW moralizers will fit in more easily in "hard sciences" since SJW moralizing doesn't affect math or physics in any way, despite how many SJW moralizers legitimately are in math and physics. English departments may or may not have SJW moralizers, and classics and foreign languages have barely any even where there are many left-wing scholars. Social sciences are the worst, since it's 100% SJWs and the SJWs direct the curriculum.

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    Seed my wickedness The Reality Denialist's Avatar
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    I f we think about hoomanism as in being EII bouncy castle of talking about literature and stuff they'd probably stay away from it but then you probably notice a gradient taking place where interactive and political elements start to blend in.

    Anyway as we enter into realm of hard sciences and mathematical indifference and gradually progress towards environmental sciences, geography and stuff we should see a need to increase personal attitude towards things.

    Also different fields of engineering do follow similar path as sciences. There are technical autistic physics and even technical math but then you see civil engineering and environmental engineering.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heretic 007 View Post
    I f we think about hoomanism as in being EII bouncy castle of talking about literature and stuff they'd probably stay away from it but then you probably notice a gradient taking place where interactive and political elements start to blend in.

    Anyway as we enter into realm of hard sciences and mathematical indifference and gradually progress towards environmental sciences, geography and stuff we should see a need to increase personal attitude towards things.

    Also different fields of engineering do follow similar path as sciences. There are technical autistic physics and even technical math but then you see civil engineering and environmental engineering.
    Science: The one place where calling things autistic is nearly a compliment. Personal involvement and facts do not mix.

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who notices large sections of literary-type fields aren't full of PC SJWs but are just literary facts.

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    Does anyone else notice STEM is actually way more full of SJW moralizers than non-STEM? However, non-SJW moralizers will fit in more easily in "hard sciences" since SJW moralizing doesn't affect math or physics in any way, despite how many SJW moralizers legitimately are in math and physics. English departments may or may not have SJW moralizers, and classics and foreign languages have barely any even where there are many left-wing scholars. Social sciences are the worst, since it's 100% SJWs and the SJWs direct the curriculum.
    The reason for that is pretty obvious. The "agenda" requires STEM grads who "tick the boxes" if'n ya catch my meaning. Thus, extra effort is being put into placing "box checkers" into that field. On the other hand, opportunity costs are a thing and given how the SJW types have had the non-STEM fields essentially on lock for the past 60 years they've gotten soft and complacent in that area as a result of this push.

    Yeah yeah, that newbie racist bigot lover of the Pulps won't stop writing sonnets in their name. Meh, he's just some pasty... well he's kinda racially ambiguous actually but he's proudly male and thinks Jesus was... bah, he's just one outlier! Everyone else we care to notice is still swilling down our SJW critical theory BS so who gives a fuck if we pass him as, well, never really noticed that Lovecraft kinda portrayed the "Catholics" positively given how those "despicable" fuckers almost always ended up surviving in the end and yet as we all know he hated those damned papists something fierce! Huh, maybe he wasn't so ra...

    At that point the orthodoxy of the Death Cult Crimestops their burgeoning logical thought process but you get the point. Narrative above all, and the narrative at this time requires that the best of the best STEM folk not be of, shall we say, a pale extraction. However, they've focused so much upon that that they've started to neglect an area they've formerly had "on lock" as I put it. The indie author scene and crowdfunded comic scene are very fascinatingly occupied by quite a many successful wrongthinkers of late (of all extractions I might add, because Jung wasn't wrong about the Collective Unconscious but I digress). I for one am glad this is the case. The sooner we all realize that we're dealing with a Mind Virus/Death Cult/Evolutionary Dead End/whatever you wanna call it and join hands in expunging it from our midst no matter what other considerations there are the fucking better!

    Also, you're 100 percent correct. People who look up to Joel Osteen are untrustworthy. Just firing from the hip here but I believe he had a megachurch near New Orleans during that Hurricane fiasco. Told all the refugees to go fuck themselves essentially because he was scared the place would get robbed blind. 100 percent anti-Christian. There was a good way to both shelter them all and ensure the safety of any and all relics on site. Sadly, he worships Mammon instead of Jesus in the end, so he was blind to the obvious solution.

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    @coeruleum, as for classics, it could be that in classics you’ve got tangible people to complain about. There are many classics people who legitimately believe that Greece and Rome are pretty much all that’s worthwhile of learning from history. You’ve got people who talk about “the glory of Rome” and use it as a justification to support the U.S. or Britain conquering overseas places or not caring about human rights or whatever. You’ve got morons who make political shows about being able to read the Illiad, but aren’t able to understand it, and who’ve become prime minister of the U.K.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Andreas View Post
    I don't think so. STEM have really broad scope and larger diversity of knowledge compared to non-STEM. I believe that formal sciences are still difficult to being "moralized" by SJWs. Even if they wanted to "moralizing" another scope like natural sciences, they will stuck at the dynamic of nature itself. If they want to do the same on applied sciences, it doesn't last longer due to human development. The only scope that SJWs can "moralized" its knowledge is in social sciences. It doesn't mean that SJWs can't be in STEM, but their concern will less powerful to influence social environment if they aren't "speak more" in social sciences. They can use social study to understanding social phenomenon better, using economics study to give moral values in STEM, then defense study to keep that values maintained, and psychology study to measure how moral affect society.

    How about non-STEM (or I prefer called it humanities)? SJWs might can enter this field as many as a politician gathers its supporters. But the real exact problem is, non-STEM are having less powerful approach in terms of "moralizing" society. Since SJWs is all about giving society justice, it really needs real power and non-STEM is not a suitable environment study for SJWs if they want to give influence. ... except if they are not really want to be SJWs, or just okay being labeled as SJWs without feeling "morality guilty" because of not need to feel responsible for any social injustice. ...
    1. Social sciences are much more popular than natural sciences, and many scholars and students of natural sciences hold SJW beliefs, even if it doesn't affect their work because numbers and atoms don't have races, genders, or sexual orientations.
    2. Non-STEM fields also include creative arts. Music schools are not largely full of SJWs for example.
    3. Humanities are the traditional bastion of law students, who in turn are the traditional purveyors of justice and practitioners of politics. SJWs are mostly dumb, misguided narcissists.

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    I've always sort of felt like they do it out of guilt from peer pressure instead of real feelings of injustice like those in social sciences. I survived the social sciences curriculum without turning sjw and I only did so because I was used to feeling uncomfortable around people.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    I've always sort of felt like they do it out of guilt from peer pressure instead of real feelings of injustice like those in social sciences. I survived the social sciences curriculum without turning sjw and I only did so because I was used to feeling uncomfortable around people.
    That is kind of funny system tbh. I think it is more like public school's duty to diversify people and when students go to study they should focus on their own interests. We have so called high school/gymnasium stage (for 50 % population) which goes though very large range of subjects (incl. calculus level) and turns everyone's brain into a mush and after that stage they are free to study whatever they want or can get in. This has made natural science section of unis quite anti-political or absent minded regarding politics and probably over politicized social science section in comparison to your system.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heretic 007 View Post
    That is kind of funny system tbh. I think it is more like public school's duty to diversify people and when students go to study they should focus on their own interests. We have so called high school/gymnasium stage (for 50 % population) which goes though very large range of subjects (incl. calculus level) and turns everyone's brain into a mush and after that stage they are free to study whatever they want or can get in. This has made natural science section of unis quite anti-political or absent minded regarding politics and probably over politicized social science section in comparison to your system.
    It's the same here, but in college you still usually have to do some classes outside of your major for the first half of your bachelor's

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    Quote Originally Posted by coeruleum View Post
    Does anyone else notice STEM is actually way more full of SJW moralizers than non-STEM? However, non-SJW moralizers will fit in more easily in "hard sciences" since SJW moralizing doesn't affect math or physics in any way, despite how many SJW moralizers legitimately are in math and physics. English departments may or may not have SJW moralizers, and classics and foreign languages have barely any even where there are many left-wing scholars. Social sciences are the worst, since it's 100% SJWs and the SJWs direct the curriculum.
    I was an English major. Some professors were always talking about "fighting the patriarchy," while others were more moderate, and some even were conservative. There was a mix of influences that was fairly balanced. There was a lot of real content in the classes I took, so it wasn't just about indoctrination into a political belief system. And there were some occasions when you couldn't really tell what the political perspective of the professors were. So, the major wasn't really anything like what the popular conception of it is.

    That said, I'm still fairly on the left, kind of sort of in the "democratic socialism" or "social democracy" label, but with a heavy emphasis and support of free speech.

    I didn't take too many STEM classes at college, but they were fairly grindstone-ish, so politics was not really discussed -- just the material itself. Most of the people I knew who were "SJW" types were actually also in STEM fields, so that kinda explodes the stereotype of weak-minded lefties.

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    I come from the STEM world and can offer up some anecdotes. In my experience, people who go into sciences tend to be extremely normal people, with normal attitudes and interests for the type of society they live in. If they have "SJW" attitudes, it possibly reflects the fact that this is the default attitude at their university.

    Here are some other stereotypes that are true 100% of the time, no exceptions:

    - Biology: Exactly the same as Physics and Chemistry students, but very bad at math.

    - Computer science: Weird, antisocial loners. That's it.

    - Engineering: The jocks of STEM, constantly flaunting the fact their degree is hard. Think that they're smarter than computer science students because they have to take a few extra calculus courses.

    - Mathematics: What's the difference between an extroverted and an introverted mathematician? An introverted mathematician looks at his shoes when talking to you; an extroverted mathematician looks at your shoes when talking to you.
    Last edited by xerx; 04-21-2020 at 01:25 AM.

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    My experience in academia is limited, but I think most scientists have a fairly generic take on morality. It's basically Christian morality without god and tradition, ie altruism is good, serve your fellow man, start a charity.

    Alot of scientists (not all) and science students don't like philosophy and consider it unfactual bs - leaving them open to be influenced in this domain. They usually inherit the most commonly accepted philosophy, without even realizing it. I think this is too bad since they are supposed to be complementary, not opposed (science and philosophy, I mean).
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    Quote Originally Posted by ouronis View Post
    I've always sort of felt like they do it out of guilt from peer pressure instead of real feelings of injustice like those in social sciences.
    My experience in academia/higher education revolves around social sciences and art, most students there were left wing.

    When I took photography classes at a visual arts school, which was over 15 years ago, all the other students were left wing, alot had Che Guevarra patches on their backpacks etc. I felt they were doing out of a feeling of injustice, but it felt very generic and conforming nonetheless because everyone thought the same thing. I took pride in reading what I called the thinkers of individualism - Nietzsche, Lavey, Rand. I wasn't really political. Nobody really got me back then. The SJW thing hadn't started here in Belgium though. I feel like SJWs are hypocrites, they conform to the morality of more "active" SJWs out of fear of being shouted down. It's a way of justifying the fear and/or guilt they fear in such an environment.

    Anyways, I feel there is a difference between leftists who genuinely care about equality from a moral standpoint and are concerened with legal or economic issues (like the ones I knew during my photography years), vs SJWs who want to make it about race, gender, lgbt issues etc. The former have moral concerns whereas the latter are just trying to avoid ostracism.
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