Quote Originally Posted by noctis View Post
I guess what throws me from that idea is that she's always finding loopholes in everything she does to get alternative outcomes. She's actually not very direct or in the moment in my opinion.
So SEEs never have ideas? Lol Of course, they do; everyone does. Having ideas ≠ Ne lead. It’s about the dimensionality, or the scope/degree to which being “ideational” factors into one’s consciousness. Sabrina is not an idea generator in the way that Ne leads typically are–instead, it’s her circle of friends and family (especially Wardwell, Ambrose and her aunts) that have often provided her with the ideas that she figured out how to implement, usually using her sheer will/force to get er done.

For example:

Quote Originally Posted by noctis View Post
*She tricked the Dark Lord into pretending to burn down her school for him, thinking he would tell her to stop, while also using his power to help her community (by signing the book). She managed to get the power, but not sacrifice for it.
“My aunt Hilda told me she thought the Dark Lord was more interested in her willingness to do something, then in her actually doing the thing, so I took the chance[to ACT < Se].” SEEs appreciate those with the ability to come up with Ne novel ideas and thoughts, but they will primarily filter them through their ego functions.

Ne leads are more likely to hop around from idea to idea, as an exercise in and of itself, with 2D Se giving them insufficient cause to fully act upon and implement those ideas, which is why they can often have poor follow thru. In contrast, whenever Sabrina is fed novel information, she uses it to take clear cut action.

Quote Originally Posted by noctis View Post
*She managed to trick the Witches Council by manifesting a vision of the Dark Lord without anyone knowing. She fooled them, while playing the Priest that expected her to do something.
“I won’t stand by and watch him be executed. And if I have to take on the entire council, then so be it.” Typical of an SEE, Sabrina thinks that she can just ‘WILL’ her wishes into existence, from a place of dealing with issues as they arise (‘let’s try it and see what happens’), rather than plan for all the things that could go wrong . Her aunts are the ones who inform her of what she would be up against> (Zelda [LSE] looking at "negative" potential{-Ne} of how the situation could go wrong because the council is powerful and Hilda [ESE] looking at the “positive” potential {+Ne} for what might happen if they work together and distract everyone so Sabrina wouldn’t be suspected).

Quote Originally Posted by noctis View Post
*She tried to bring Harvey's brother back by creating a new necromancy spell (even though it didn't work).
“Please, Ms. Wardwell, I love him. As Sabrina his girlfriend, I can do but so much. As Sabrina the witch...I could fix this. If I..if we have the power to ease his suffering, why shouldn’t I use it?” Sabrina is essentially asking Wardwell to give her access to what’s possible, so that she can act. I don’t think an IEE witch would ever have to turn to someone else to conceive of possible ways to go about achieving some end.

Wardwell gave her the incantation; Roz accessed her visions and told Sabrina about the weird sisters being behind the death of Harvey’s brother. Sabrina benefited from both of their intuitive capabilities and only tweaked the incantation (by way of a concrete action) so as to satiate her Fi desire to not have blood on her hands.

Quote Originally Posted by noctis View Post
*She gave up the ability to resurrect, burn, and heal people because she was afraid the power was somehow evil. For some reason I think Ne types find power frightening because of its potential for misuse.
For one, Se leads are adept at knowing the right amount of force/will required in any given context in order to carry out their aims–they know when to escalate or de-escalate. Being truly powerful means that one knows when not to use their power. I know quite a few Se lead fighters who are the most peaceful, non confrontational beings outside of the ring but monsters of devastating force within it. Therefore, forgoing the use of “too much” power doesn’t seem entirely uncharacteristic of an Se lead.

Furthermore, I don’t really see this as Ne or Se related; it’s more of an Fi issue. Sabrina doesn’t want to compromise her own values and harm her loved ones. I think it’s the creative function that is behaving as a mitigating force in this instance. In order to maintain her interpersonal bonds and personal integrity, she’s choosing to scale back the power, which, again, is something that Se leads intrinsically know how to do.

Quote Originally Posted by noctis View Post
*She also managed to redo her timeline after realizing the pursuit of power wasn't what was needed. And then thinks she could just exist with two versions of herself in the same time (and get both?)
I find like she's defined by finding loopholes and dealing with the chaos it brings and that kind of feels not very grounded and Se. It feels very Doctor Whoy actually, which usually flows from a similar kind of Ne.
I don’t know what incident you’re specifically referring to; I haven’t had the chance to begin season 3 if what you’re talking about took place there.

Furthermore, all types with the EP (flexible-maneuverable) temperament are inclined to find “loopholes” and work outside linear based rules. IEEs explore ideas by way of making seemingly disparate connections and SEEs take concrete, decisive action buttressed by their will. Most of the Ne/intuitive connections don’t often originate with Sabrina, though she is often the ones putting them into play, which to me suggests SEE over IEE. It's not enough that she has ideas, because everyone does. It's the manner and frequency by which they are accessed and acted upon that matters more.

Lastly, Sabrina does not communicate like an intuitive; compare her with Ambrose (EIE), who frequently speaks in metaphor and intuitive associations. Sabrina is often direct, straight forward and concrete in her speech patterns. Granted, everyone is capable of employing metaphorical speech, but intuitive types do this with a much higher frequency.