Quote Originally Posted by noctis View Post
I hope they can explain the two Sabrina thing with the whole time travel business. I don't really understand it. There seems to be three Sabrinas; the one that took her place in the bad ?timeline?; the main character that went back and fixed everything (in an alternate timeline?); and the Hell Sabrina that belongs in the timeline we're seeing?

But that doesn't explain why the one in the bad timeline said they needed to switch places in the stone to complete the "time loop". Couldn't she have just gone farther back and done that herself?
Or maybe by time loop they mean that time travel is already built into causality and you don't really change anything. Except that she clearly did. Unless they are just alternate timelines, but then there's no need to complete any time loops. I'm really confused...
Or maybe it means that only one Sabrina can be a part of the world. So she goes into the stone and the Hell Sabrina lives on and merges or something later with the other Sabrinas? Except that by changing the past, the future Sabrina's wouldn't exist and none of that would have happened, so that can't be it either.

*I think I may have figured out a possible solution to the time traveling, so please only read it if you don't mind being possibly spoilered in the next season*

...I'm really curious how the writers are going to tie this time travel thing up. I guess it will involve that Lovecraftian monster, since it was why she time traveled to begin with. Unless...she ends up going to the future to switch places with herself in the stone and she's the one that starts the time loops. Then... the bad timeline Sabrina telling her she has to go into the stone makes sense because she has to initiate the looping to change the past...because that is her...and there is only supposed to be one Sabrina...

I hope they involve Heaven at some point too, and maybe even God. There's so much potential for storytelling.

This show is fun.
Storytelling? I'm thinking coup d'etat xD