Quote Originally Posted by Tommy View Post
Not battle typing here, but Fe ppl are often those who are "too emotionally charged". Most EII I know are somehow like you describe (especially when young). Fe leads don't try to adapt to other's moods and The IEIs I know try also to manipulate, tune or set emotions in ppl.

IEIs are aware of how ppl treat them o react to their emotional energy, but they are not terrified of emotionally charged ppl. They themselves attempt to charge or influence emotionally ppl.

IEIs naturally conceptualize the people around them in terms of the emotional energy that they give off, and the way that they interact with the mood and energy around them. They are often especially sensitive to how others around them react to their own energy./sociotype.com

IEIs are generally very sensitive to the emotional atmosphere around them. They are often good at recognizing and influencing the moods of others, and at communicating the depth of their feelings or experiences. They tend to be adept at reading the reactions that others have to them and are often quick to make use of emotional cues in interaction. They frequently feel a need to look after the mood of those around them, and characteristically seek to awaken or innerve others' emotional energy. They may exhibit a propensity for good-natured, friendly, lighthearted banter and try to promote good will and inclusiveness. On the other hand, IEIs can also direct their emotional influence through a mode of expression that limits their affable levity; they may take on a formal, toxic, serious, or even shock-jock emphasis as situations require.

Esenin is a "craftsman" of attitudes and moods: whatever picture he paints - so it will be. This is the instrument of his influence on his surroundings – by this he can "reward" as well as punish. In his understanding, the mood or state always has a material component to it - alike a work of art. In cases when the atmosphere of "serene harmony" that he has created is not valued and rewarded properly, Esenin considers it necessary "to draw another picture", in other colors, no less bright and saturated. The IEI feels himself uncomfortable when the tone created by him does not find proper response and support by people around him. This may lead to sharp changes in his mood or state, or ever lead to a quarrel. (Mood for Esenin is a method to manipulate his environment.)
Almost no one else knows how to mercilessly say harsh words and furiously quarrel, amplifying his emotional influence, as the IEI. The IEI knows how to burn someone by words as if by red hot metal, masterfully applying words enough for his partner to learn the lesson and draw the conclusions from his own errors and to try to as soon as possible correct them, in order not to repeat hence. Again, such ethical influence is psychologically oriented at his dual, Zhukov (SLE), at his inert emotions and somewhat coarse ethics. That which for Zhukov is nothing more than an effective method of emotional activation, for others (more sensitive personalities) can be unbearably trying.
In interaction the IEI holds a close psychological distance, as a consequence of which he can feel himself too vulnerable and too dependent of his partner. Therefore his quarrels are a required measure, the purpose of which is - on one side - to adjust psychological distance, and from another side - to draw attention of his partner to potential problems and express his needs in a form in which they are most readily received by his dual. The IEI is unable to speak of his problems in a "business tone" - this in his understanding is too crude and tactless, as he is subconsciously oriented at vulnerable emotions and demonstrative pragmatism of Zhukov. Therefore, he considers that a tactful and subtle hint is enough for his partner to correctly understand him and offer his services.
The IEI knows how to tune to his partner, how to adjust and adapt to him. If, for some reason, making contact doesn't go down well, this is always a reason for the IEI to feel worried. He starts to contemplate on the reasons that he was not allowed to approach - perhaps this person is not as open as he seems, or may be even presents a danger (here the IEI's intuition of time with a minus sign takes a hold - the desire to distance from danger).
Giving ethical evaluations of qualities of people around him, the IEI does it in accord to his own state: if he is in a good mood, he praises the person and offers his compliments - and if he is poor mood he will be critical towards others. In upset and irritated state the IEI gets an insurmountable desire to say the "truth right to person's face" and may say the most unpleasant truthful things.
Periodically the IEI can initiate conflicts – these are means for him to find out his own position in the system of relations. The entire range of emotions and states of Esenin is not only his "artistic palette", but also his "instrumental set" and his "weapons storehouse". The IEI is confident in his charm and his appeal, in his "arsenal" of attractive and dear fronts, which he magnificently uses. Moreover, these these are not just external appearances but unique states of his soul./Strati, wikisocion.

EIIs are very attuned to the psychological atmosphere of interaction and to their own feelings towards people and things. They treasure deep feelings of attachment and strive to deepen emotional bonds between people and harmonize relationships. When those people that the EII is close to suffer emotionally, the EII will do everything in her power to raise the emotional condition in the individual, often at the EII's expense.

EIIs are very capable of "sizing people up". They rely heavily on their instincts to understand the inner feelings of an individual. They are very empathetic people and find it very easy to feel with others. This makes them very sensitive to the moods of people, and they treat them the way they want to be treated, that is, with respect./sociotype.com

Fe Ignoring
Dostoyevsky knows how to adapt his emotional state to emotions and experiences of another person. It knows how to remove irritation, stress, knows how to quiet.
He tries not to tie his own emotions in the contact, since it is anxious first of all to the emotional state of others. With the sad it is sad, with the merry - oars. It considers that to spoil to man mood - means, to offend it, to enter with it immorally. (in Dostoyevsky generally on this score its theory. For example, if man made unsuccessful purchase, it about this to speak one ought not: nevertheless indeed you will already nothing repair, but mood in man can be spoiled, but this is bad.)
Dostoyevsky will not allow himself to be for someone the source of the unpleasant emotions: loves no one to irritate or to tease. Moreover, it will allow no one of its close ones to irritate or to tease others.
Dostoyevsky is not rancorous, not envious.
He tries so that its own troubles would not spoil the relations prevailing around it; therefore in the expression of its negative emotions it is very careful. Rather it will complain itself to the outside person, than to close one. Rather it will in exactly the same manner express its deep fears and problems to stranger./Stratiyevs, wikisocion.

This is a pic of a friend of mine who's EII. (Please don't download or quote) You remind me a lot of her, not from appearance but for how do you speak, move, etc.
Anyway, that said I won't discuss your type further I'm just giving my opinion but is up to you what you decide to type.
I'm glad you shared this as I was a little confused when people were saying Fi was sympathy and Fe was empathy. I thought Fi was often tied to empathy?