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Thread: SLE males and prison

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    Hot Scalding Gayser's Avatar
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    SLE is a very masculine personality type, and what most people don't understand about gay males is that they are actually MORE male than straight males. They were soaked in testosterone in the womb and it affected them.
    Hitta told me that before. It's an interesting theory. Growing up I did know a few gay males that were incredibly masculine. This dude I knew growing up was so fucking homoerotic and masculine and liked other boys- although he was so male he did sorta have that gay male campiness as well tho. He also had like a ten inch dick it was pretty amazing. Sorry, where was I? Oh yeah.

    I don't really feel that masculine myself. I felt if I was more masculine, I would like sports and guns and fixing cars and beer and Breaking Bad and The Wire and Game of Thrones and I just don't really like those things. =/ (I still need to see some episodes of the wire though) Though I'm sure objectively speaking those are well written shows.

    I don't feel feminine either. I tried doing drag and being more womanly once just out of curiosity and it felt wrong. I'm more like Mr. Garrison on Southpark, an in the middle teacher that likes to be provocative. Before Mr. Garrison decided to transition lol that was weird to me. I don't have anything against trans people but I wonder sometimes how many of them do it because they're really super jealous of heterosexuality and just can't make it as an effeminate gay male. It doesn't help that masculine gays can be so cruel and horrible to the feminine ones ugh. =/ It's little wonder why they think they'd have an easier time being a straight woman.

    I think some gay men are super masculine but some aren't, that's what makes two gay males able to be compatible with each other and fall in love-lust just like straight people. Otherwise it wouldn't work but it DOES work because of that. If you go to any gay chat room u will find dudes that have a really faggy/feminine voice and other guys who sound more male than most straight guys u know. I'm more in the middle so I also want a guy in the middle since that would be the most compatible for me, I think. My sister is super ultra feminine and likes super ultra masculine guys. My mom is more masculine and likes gentle feminine guys.
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 01-22-2020 at 01:10 PM.

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