I have typed one of my best friend(SEE-Fi)'s young kids as LSE-Te, and he's my little prince. I love him like my own and for the most part we have an incredibly strong bond, one my friend sometimes gets a lil jealous of - but the one thing I have observed can ignite a spark in him is if I am reserved in showing kindness/affection. On the one hand, I am EII-Ne and have a tendency to not focus very intensely on my Fi unless something comes into conflict with it; but secondly, because he is growing up I try to instill a little more independence in him by addressing his needs when he hurts himself or gets into trouble, for example, but not letting myself expend a lot of time in "poor baby" mode. He seems to perceive that I "could" be more doting, and thus gets very angry with me and lashes out as if I am withholding something from him.