Quote Originally Posted by shotgunfingers View Post
I have been typed according to model G, so that means 4DTi+ with 4DSi-...aaand my Se is only 3DSe+.. so it does not reflect the Se program function description. Imo in me it mainly manifests in being observant, self controlled, responsible & willful/stubborn. My Se is mainly there to ensure my Ti program is followed by me and others. So a lot actually depends on how and what I think.

Imo I'm observant of power relations, so I can easily size people and situations up, which means I don't make the mistake of "biting off more than I can chew", which means I don't really come across as controlling. I am prone to quick mobilizing when shit hits the fan tho.

in terms of actual violence, I sometimes discharge rage into inanimate objects, so for example after a heated discussion with the LIE sales director where he stubbornly refused to accept the reality of the situation that we can't laser-cut 1 mm inox thin letters because the process thermally deforms them.. I was so damn angry I smashed the receiver into the service phone until both were just plastic shards and electronics..

LOL 3D Se is still stronk, just more precise. Sounds like the LIE boss was taking some weird chances which triggered your PoLR Ne.

This reminds me when I played JV softball in high school. Two of the girls on the team were being really catty and bitchy towards me because I was a freshman who got placed above my “level.” They kept close watch on me, criticized my technique, didn’t invite me to any informal get togethers, etc. All the fucked up Fi shit. During practice one day, one of them (Mackenzie) threw the ball really hard right at my face but missed and it hit my arm. I was very calm about it and walked up right to her, grabbed her hair and next thing I knew, I was choking her and rubbing her face in the dirt. I told her if she don’t behave, I’ll bury her. She knew I meant it. She even cried and begged for forgiveness. I got a bruise from her shenanigans which made me even more unhappy. I really wanted to smash her face in. The other one (Trisha)... I actually warned her before to stop being a bitch to me or else I’ll drown her (we were also on the swim team). The whole team even heard me say that to her. She didn’t listen to me. I cornered her in the bathroom and shoved her head in the toilet and kept flushing. Not only was she laughed at by the team, the whole school heard about it and made fun of her- a freshman bested a junior. Ironically, I wasn’t punished nor taken off the team. Coaches said they were hazing me and I just hazed them back so we were “even.” One of the coaches was Trisha’s dad and even he defended me. The principal accepted it and called a truce.

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