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Thread: Sarah Kaufman

  1. #1

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    Default Sarah Kaufman

    Could she be LSI-Se?

    It seems like Silke types every aggressive, competitive person as LSE-Te, not sure why. I still don't think LSE-Te women are ever that aggressive and beautifully crude and she doesn't seem to be Fi-valuing at all, because reading her twitter posts she seems pretty unconcerned with social norms (or consciously goes against them, which I like) and she seems more like she's Fe-valuing. Also, she's in academic settings sometimes, which seems to suggest LSI-Se rather than LSE-Te. She does try a lot of new things and doesn't have much concern for all the possible consequences but a lot of LSI-Se are like that. Though she actually does seem more Ne valuing than Ni and seems more dynamic and Ej than static, but again LSI-Se can charge ahead at full speed and can adapt pretty well. She is smart and beautiful and has a high IQ (I'd say if she took the WAIS-IV she could score at least 130 FSIQ), I don't think LSE-Te usually have as high of IQ as she seems to. But then she seems more yielding than obstinate (some LSI-Se seem yielding though) and her voice isn't as soft, from what I can remember, as LSI-Se's voices frequently are.

    She is definitely process and logical and I knew a very aggressive LSE nurse who made some pretty unusual comment towards my ass and was pretty combative so LSE-Te isn't a bad typing. But then I've never seen Sarah Kaufman explode like that LSE nurse did (an IEI-Ni nurse was laughing at what I was saying and tried to calm her down and stop her from doing what she did to me, but the LSE nurse went straight ahead and an SLE idiot quickly went along with the LSE) and Sarah Kaufman doesn't seem to have anywhere near as much internal tension (especially not in the eyes) as that LSE nurse did. Also, Sarah Kaufman just doesn't give me that delta vibe like all of the Delta types do, I tend to think Deltas are pretty unusual, not like people I've seen before whenever I meet them, almost mysterious, and I've haven't really spent much time with Deltas other than 2 ENFp counselors but they were quick to say we weren't friends when I asked if we were and they seemed angered by my behavior and me sexualizing things. ENFps seem to be pretty annoyed by me and I tended to find them not caring about logical rules sometimes inappropriate and my mother was enraged by it, though I've never favored institutional rules or following them like my mother always has and I tend to think INFjs are just way too naive and favor affective empathy a bit too much for me, but I do admire that they do things quite sequentially, the counselor I had who was an INFj was actually pretty good at math and did things quite sequentially, but then some of things she favored like candy and other food were way too non-standard for me, I did admire her, I thought she had a nice apple shaped body though she had a very delta face and those usually don't look too good except for Mara Wilson and Imogen Heap if she is an ENFp and Colbie Caillat if she is an ESTj, don't really have that Delta face and even though her face and personality would make it so I wouldn't want to marry her, her apple shaped figure still made me horny though Mara Wilson and Imogen Heap make me hornier). I'm a hypocrite because I look terrible, I've always been disturbed by my own masculinity and others' masculinity (ILE-Ti is the most feminine type to me, they usually have the most feminine physical features like large aquiline noses, largest roundest boobs, large eyes, good-looking high quality lip gloss, nail polish, and makeup, often are pretty heavy, enjoying food, sensuality, good fine motor coordination, great spatial ability, technical usage of language, sexy impatience, sexy walking, running, high knee height, attractive legs, keep their emotions under control, highest right hand 2d4d ratio of all the types, the women usually never cut their hair short, their categorization and originality, they never have any facial hair, their fake smiles and unemotional look in photos look sexy, their not really liking to listen to people about personal things, and their crude toilet and sexual humor and attention seeking and being on stage, their facial movements, and stubborn belly fat and shamelessness about farting and not saying "excuse me" is sexy) there are other reasons I shouldn't have said that, but I frequently have a need to speak my mind.

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    She seems to be an outgoing, sociable LSI-Se and I had a friend who tried new (but not super original) things somewhat impulsively like she does and he was an LSI-Se. LSI-Se can seem like they value compassion. She reminds me of Macaulay Culkin in Home Alone and he was an LSI-Se. Also, LSI-Se can be team players, Sarah Kaufman's projects and performance seem to be based on team work and an audience like a Beta type than her heading them, from the top directly or doing them all alone like an LSE and Delta would. Both LSE and LSI apologize a lot and talk about their regrets (I apologize talk about my regrets quite a bit), and they seem more sincere than when an SLE or ILE apologizes. I'm not really sure exactly how sincere I am sometimes, but I do apologize a lot.

    I still can't rule out LSE, but she seems to be LSI-Se more than LSE. And LSE might actually be more conservative in trying new things than LSI-Se, so it seems like she's an LSI-Se. Also, she seems happy around children, that's common among LSI-Se.

    It would be awesome if silke (or who typed her on the page where so many people were listed) would explain the reasoning for LSE-Te. I don't really think LSE-Te are that common among famous people (they don't really seek the limelight or like being in it, in one occupation, for long), nor even common among whites overall. Another thing, is there is a photo I saw of Christopher Hitchens, where his facial structure and facial expression looked to how Wayne Goss looked in a photo I saw of him. Hitchens was an ESI-Se; ESI-Se vary quite a bit from one individual to another at how tactful they seem and many of them are also pretty unstable so some may be nice one minute and mean the next. And LSI are emotivists and some value being nice quite a bit, so that should be kept in mind that the average relationship quality of all LSI-Se shouldn't be much better or worse than the average relationship quality of all ESI. And actually, ESI, being gammas, may be more revenge prone than LSI, though LSI can be more brutal in initiating aggression like if they're really paranoid about something. For example, ESI Obama wanted to have Bin Laden killed (and even ESI Ron Paul said he was "delighted"), LSI-Se McCain was open to let him go. McCain's expressed desire to bomb Iran wasn't based on revenge.

    But it is obvious Sarah Kaufman is a rational, process ST type. And beautiful, intelligent, and strong.
    Last edited by Disturbed; 02-10-2020 at 06:43 PM.

  3. #3

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    Sarah Kaufman and Ron Paul are definitely LSI-Se. John McCain was an ESI-Se; maybe him being Fi valuing had something to do with why I absolutely hated him. I'm an anarchist who finds the post-1912 Republican Party more tolerable than the post-1911 Democratic Party, but even Hillary Clinton didn't enrage me as much as McCain and especially Obama did, she didn't seem quite as stupid as those two. I can't believe McCain's IQ was tested at 133, although I'm sure Obama's IQ was lower than that as is mine.

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