Sorry it took a while to answer. I was thinking about how I wanted to answer this.

I was trying to rationalize why I felt this was not helping me much (I appreciate it really, I don’t want to seem offensive) and I think ultimately it is due to there just not being enough of a spread of types at my work.

However, am I right in assuming this site is yours? I came across the Delta vs Gamma Fi article you had up, and I became consciously aware of how I withdraw when I do not like something in the way you described. I’ve actually seen it in how I internally respond to people even on this forum and I am currently looking into an EII typing.

At work, I had this interaction today that I wondered if I was subconsciously looking for an LSE.

Me: (talking to someone to get some help) Hey, I just got this notification I had to do this form I’ve never seen before. The thing is, I am very worried (trying to use Fi to connect?)

The answer I hoped for (Se, Te, and Si seeking? Looking for experience with regard to a Te problem?) was something along the lines of “Oh, yeah, I’ve seen that form before. It isn’t a big deal, we can go through it together.” (Back to real life: instead I got a judgmental “Why? Stop being such a worrywart.” Wondering if this was an LSI or some shit, whatever. And in response, I began looking for other options to solve my problem, like perhaps an Ne creative would, and ultimately found an approximation of what I wanted in a coworker I tentatively type LIE).

Thoughts? My only reservation is... well, this thread. I would have to have one hell of an Fe ignoring, which I suppose is possible.