Quote Originally Posted by remiges View Post
I was reading through Jung's original description of the psychological types and wondered what he would think of the Socionics model... and particularly, as the title suggests, point of least resistance and ignoring.

The way he organized his writing made me wonder if the opposition was not in the other side of the coin, so to speak, as in Fe versus Ti, but rather, the attitude (E/I), ie, Fe versus Fi.

The reason I ask, is because I cannot really comprehend "pure" Fe, as he predicted for those who orient to subjective feeling (Fi), inasmuch as I immediately think of it is faking. However, this would imply, then, that I am consciously aware of Fi, if not, I have no basis in which to compare to Fe and judge it as faking, and made me wonder if this is more Fe-ignoring.

I understand this objectively, that such a thing could exist, and yet I cannot really imagine how one could orient to Fe without Fi because of how limited my own mind is.

So I am interested - when you read through this paper, do you have a psychological function and attitude that you cannot even perceive of without connecting to another, and does it align with your self-typed ignoring or PoLR?

BTW, thanks @Aramas and @Reyne.

I think you're speaking about it more in the PoLR. You can understand your ignoring on a decent level, but it's not the way you prefer to be. Some people know how to use choptsticks but much rather eat with a fork since chopsticks are a hassle. That's the ignoring, I know how to do that but I don't like to do it because it's a hassle. The PoLR is, I have no idea how people use chopsticks so easily, this lack of proper understanding and sort of 1 dimensional view, as you say you can't see Fe anything else as faking, is more PoLR than it is ignoring.

I understand Fe, I can feel and notice Fe, but it's not my jam. And also, Fe is almost always considered after my own personal and subjective feelings on anything. It's not prioritized.

For instance, when shopping for groceries I understand the cashier has to smile, ask me if I found everything ok, say the words "how are you?" without actually asking the question, because it's social rule to be polite and have "good" customer service, but my default is to not really register that because I'm mostly focused on them ringing up my food so I can leave lol, and alot of that can get in the way of my goal, but I get all of it and why they have to do it.