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Thread: I'm probably an EII he he ^^

  1. #1
    Lifee's Avatar
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    Red face I'm probably an EII he he ^^

    Hello there, fellows Deltas

    I think I'm EII, but there are some few things that I have to settle down:

    Dears EIIs:

    - Do you tend to be quite lazy, inactive, passive, disorganized, procrastinator, messy, relaxed and kind of carefree in life, but more conscientious, serious, hard worker, careful, needing some structure to work, and kind of stressed in work, fearing to make mistakes, fearing that those possible mistakes could make the boss upset ? Like "I did my best at work today, but now in my free time I relax, oh no there are some chores to do, I don't want to do them !"

    - Do you relate to the Fi in MBTI (deep feelings, can feel easily hurt, vexed, frustrated (but with a tendency to hide it for the harmony), with values, and a strong sense of "I like it, I dislike it ?") In other words: are you INFP in MBTI ?

    - It is necessary to be an activist (like being a vegan or a feminist who tries to make others become like him/her) to be an EII ?

    Have you ever been told you were too serious and "stuck up' by some, but more fun, goofy by others ?

    Last thing fellows EIIs, how your Fi-lead and your Se polr manifest every day ?

    Also, between EII-Fi and EII-Ne, which one is mostly to be childlike, dreamy, fantasy prone, optimistic, individualistic, smiling and a little less "serious" and a little less rigid than the stereotypical descriptions of the type ? Which one is mostly to be mistyped as an IEI or SEI or even IEE ? (less "Mother Theresa"

    Thanks in advance, see you !

  2. #2
    Adam Strange's Avatar
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    I see Delta Si and Fi in your avatar picture, @Lifee.

    To answer your question between EII-Fi and EII-Ne, Ne makes a person appear more child-like, and Fi makes a person appear more serious.

  3. #3
    Minde's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifee View Post
    - Do you tend to be quite lazy, inactive, passive, disorganized, procrastinator, messy, relaxed and kind of carefree in life, but more conscientious, serious, hard worker, careful, needing some structure to work, and kind of stressed in work, fearing to make mistakes, fearing that those possible mistakes could make the boss upset ? Like "I did my best at work today, but now in my free time I relax, oh no there are some chores to do, I don't want to do them !"
    Those are some very specific tendencies! Overall I can relate, though not all of it all the time. See this thread for some related discussion:

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifee View Post
    - Do you relate to the Fi in MBTI (deep feelings, can feel easily hurt, vexed, frustrated (but with a tendency to hide it for the harmony), with values, and a strong sense of "I like it, I dislike it ?") In other words: are you INFP in MBTI ?
    I have been typed INFJ in MBTI. I find that system a little less applicable to my experiences than Socionics. I can have deep feelings, yes, although I think my Enneagram type influences how I deal with them (I'm a type 9). Thus, while I do have these feelings, they can get washed out on the surface. There are plenty of things that don't bother me at all. Off the top of my head, the things that do upset me tend to relate to either treatment of people / living things (e.g. injustice) and when my direction gets disrupted or stymied (e.g. I'm trying to get something done and someone keeps interfering).

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifee View Post
    - It is necessary to be an activist (like being a vegan or a feminist who tries to make others become like him/her) to be an EII ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifee View Post
    Have you ever been told you were too serious and "stuck up' by some, but more fun, goofy by others ?
    Yes, but not often. I tend to have to fish for "what do you think of me?" than be told it straight up. Then again, I think I've learned to just avoid people who try to pigeonhole me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifee View Post
    Last thing fellows EIIs, how your Fi-lead and your Se polr manifest every day ?
    Ok, now you're asking for a book. I don't have time for that ATM. But here are a few things:

    - A main, automatic priority of my in daily interactions is creating / maintaining a positive personal connection, no matter how small, with whoever I'm dealing with.
    - In any given situation, I can easily put things into "good" and "bad" categories. Although, it's a flexible system, open to further input.
    - I really don't do well with loud, pushy, aggressive people, especially longer term.
    - When I do encounter those people, my automatic response is to try to get them to cooperate with me because they like me (which of course is not always a good route).
    - My spatial awareness in general is sub-par. It can spike when I concentrate / practice.
    - It's usually fairly easy for me to get people to open up to me about personal things / what they're feeling.
    - I don't stand up for myself as much as most people seem to think I should. When I do, sometimes I can go a little too far / hard.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lifee View Post
    Also, between EII-Fi and EII-Ne, which one is mostly to be childlike, dreamy, fantasy prone, optimistic, individualistic, smiling and a little less "serious" and a little less rigid than the stereotypical descriptions of the type ? Which one is mostly to be mistyped as an IEI or SEI or even IEE ? (less "Mother Theresa" )
    EII-Ne. They also can be a little more extroverted, too, like in the sense of putting their ideas out there. This is because of the "stronger" perceiving function, Ne.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

  4. #4
    thegreenfaerie's Avatar
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    In relation to your last question, I'd say definitely EII-Ne

  5. #5
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    Thanks all for your responses

    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
    I see Delta Si and Fi in your avatar picture, @Lifee.
    I guess you are probably right, I think my Fi and Si are high.

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    I have been typed INFJ in MBTI. I find that system a little less applicable to my experiences than Socionics. I can have deep feelings, yes, although I think my Enneagram type influences how I deal with them (I'm a type 9). Thus, while I do have these feelings, they can get washed out on the surface. There are plenty of things that don't bother me at all. Off the top of my head, the things that do upset me tend to relate to either treatment of people / living things (e.g. injustice) and when my direction gets disrupted or stymied (e.g. I'm trying to get something done and someone keeps interfering).
    I'm a 9 too I see, it's like your MBTI Fe "mixes" with your socionics Fi. My values and things that bother me are more "personals", more "futiles" (I don't know how to say that.)

    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    - A main, automatic priority of my in daily interactions is creating / maintaining a positive personal connection, no matter how small, with whoever I'm dealing with.
    - In any given situation, I can easily put things into "good" and "bad" categories. Although, it's a flexible system, open to further input.
    - I really don't do well with loud, pushy, aggressive people, especially longer term.
    - When I do encounter those people, my automatic response is to try to get them to cooperate with me because they like me (which of course is not always a good route).
    - My spatial awareness in general is sub-par. It can spike when I concentrate / practice.
    - It's usually fairly easy for me to get people to open up to me about personal things / what they're feeling.
    - I don't stand up for myself as much as most people seem to think I should. When I do, sometimes I can go a little too far / hard.
    I totally can relate ! (But less with the part people who easily open, but I guess is due to your Fe in MBTI. )
    Ha ha, with agressive, pushy people I can tend to be overly nice and polite, as if I was fearing that they would be more agressive than they still are if I would be agressive myself, as if I was defending myself against them by trying to make them appreciate me. I had a colleague who were too pushy for me, but little by little, by acting patiently and kindly with her, we ended up to have a cordial relation

    Well I guess i'm more an EII-Ne

  6. #6
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    Activist - no
    serious vs goofy - will depend largely on who the other people are. different people will relate or more freely create certain environments
    Se polr - see the recent delta thread about that

    Re Fi / Ne subtypes.....

    The most generic response would be, that sounds more Ne subtype.
    But I would encourage you to look at other systems, like Enneagram, and Attitudinal Psyche.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

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    @UDP Yes, being serious or goofy can depend on how other people are, you are right. Very serious people can find less serious people than them goofy, and vice-versa.
    I will check this thread, thank you

    I'm sure to be INFP in MBTI and 9 in enneagram. (tritype 947) I didn't know Attitudinal Psyche, I just took the test on the official (?) site and got ELFV. Sounds accurate, I guess. EL is like Feeling-Intuition if I understand well. And V being my last makes sense: lacking willpower and so on is very 9ish ha ha !

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lifee View Post
    @UDP Yes, being serious or goofy can depend on how other people are, you are right. Very serious people can find less serious people than them goofy, and vice-versa.
    I will check this thread, thank you

    I'm sure to be INFP in MBTI and 9 in enneagram. (tritype 947) I didn't know Attitudinal Psyche, I just took the test on the official (?) site and got ELFV. Sounds accurate, I guess. EL is like Feeling-Intuition if I understand well. And V being my last makes sense: lacking willpower and so on is very 9ish ha ha !
    ELFV are pretty weird.
    Tria 9, huh.......... I wonder how that plays out.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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