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Thread: Authoritarians and Politics

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    f.k.a Oprah sbbds's Avatar
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    @Itsme Racial markers only make up a tiny part of genetic makeup, dum dum

    You could very likely be genetically closer to Lil Wayne than to your vanillaface honkey neighbor next door

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    @Itsme Racial markers only make up a tiny part of genetic makeup, dum dum

    You could very likely be genetically closer to Lil Wayne than to your vanillaface honkey neighbor next door
    IQ matters, Aggression matters, Loyalty matters -> Race matters.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    IQ matters, Aggression matters, Loyalty matters -> Race matters.
    Apparently logic doesn’t matter to you. Make the connection Mr. Te. You need to show how A=B, not just assume it does.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Apparently logic doesn’t matter to you. Make the connection Mr. Te.
    Yeah, go on acting from above while arguing like a fourth grader.
    What you are saying is not relevant at all.
    There are proven Differences in all those Areas and those Areas matter a lot.

    It's not your people being genocided so please understand that i am a little bit more bothered by those things than you may are.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    Yeah, go on acting from above while arguing like a fourth grader.
    What you are saying is not relevant at all.
    There are proven Differences in all those Areas and those Areas matter a lot.

    It's not your people being genocided so please understand that i am a little bit bothered by those things than you may are.

    It’s relevant because you’re making arguments about race based on genetic distance, when there is less genetic differentiation between races (entire races being bigger pool averages of humanity of course) than there is between individuals within the same respective individual race.

    I guess you consider your fear of white people being killed to be rational and mature and adult then.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    Yeah, go on acting from above while arguing like a fourth grader.
    What you are saying is not relevant at all.
    There are proven Differences in all those Areas and those Areas matter a lot.

    It's not your people being genocided so please understand that i am a little bit more bothered by those things than you may are.
    no. there are observed correlations at times. and sbbds' argument made sense.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    no. there are observed correlations at times. and sbbds' argument made sense.
    No, it was some Ti bullshit-deductive logic trying to relativize the objective differences that have been proven.

    If she was LSI i would understand her being Te ignoring but she is supposed to have it as a demonstrative so why should you let count something on the level of a Ti hidden agenda of a Te-Polr in regrard to actually existing information.

    If it has been proven that 2+2=4 you don't need anybody to say that this does not matter because in logical system XY someone says that x equates to b if l = 5

    Its just bullshit, nothing more, nothing less.

    congratulations, i just saw that the a source i used to be posting has been retracted out of ideological reasons, you people are really going full 1984 now. They are using minor mistakes and a stance on hereditary factors instead of sociological, which has been an ongoing debate in science as a reason to put down a controversial study only because it could hurt the fee fees of the poor minorities. This is such a fucking nightmare and you are contributing to it like you were doing good. You will rot in hell and make it more and more unattainable for the people going against you every day.
    Last edited by Itsme; 08-07-2020 at 06:49 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    I'm again reading your posts and again seeing the same theme: you are failing at catching some nuance with what you absorb as facts. You seem to hold some of these as not disputable even when you are confronted with contrary evidence directly. This is not a trait of someone with high process logic, a.ka. Te. Te is a constantly updating and fact-checking function, especially paired with Ni. You do fail at fact-checking and sorting out which information should be trusted and whether to update it or not. Instead, you cling to a pretty black-or-white Ti-derivative worldview (I doubt this is strong Ti as well, more of a /clinging/ thing, basing everything on some 'rules and assumptions and truthhssss' and doing fallbacks to a faulty system/interpretation, like: 'this can't be true because it's from a Marxist university' by you thoughts, but some random-ass right-wing blog is just fine), and sometimes try to skew the data to fit that worldview (but without much success or dedication: when someone presses you just a bit, you become upset and go on with 'you are rude and ESE' or 'you will rot in hell').

    If you are indeed a Te type, please learn statistics and what can be hold as reputable/'proven'/probable and what not. Please start with correlations and how they are multi-faceted and don't imply causation. As a Te type you should intuitively grasp it from the start (kinda), but if you don't just read about it. Statistics as a field is full of Te-ego types, you should feel very welcome.
    I was about to point out that Ni allows me to wonder instantly about cause and effect and to see the language of symbols...It also helps me to pay attention to the inability for the studies that Itsme is referencing to show genetics (not enslavement and broad subjugation of peoples for half a millennia) are the actual root of test score differences between races. It's just basic science that you can't make a determination about a variable when you aren't holding other variables steady across the control as well, and those studies didn't study samples which survived the same resource inequities from all 'races'. Lenore of the greenlightwiki had great descriptions of Ni as an info element. It's not 'in the box' thinking, nor outside the box thinking but more analysing the box thinking.

    Itsme may be any type. But, I was taken aback at the acceptance of such a demonstrably dubious and highly simplistic conclusion, so I did have a thought just now that Itsme might not be LIE. It may be a lack of opportunity when it comes to experience and certain venues of education and training. That can be accessed in future, though. Itsme isn't stuck.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Shut the fuck up, not being incentivized to breed until the planet can no longer sustain you is not genocide.
    The other alternative is being in a developing country without proper birth control and health standards

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Which are also the people who do less ecological damage per person, and who also are not the people he's probably talking about, so that's irrelevant.
    Are you saying then that you think POC are being incentivized to fuck over* white people in developed countries?

    *I mean to fuck each other more than whites fuck each other, but you can answer for “fuck over” too.
    Last edited by sbbds; 08-06-2020 at 04:45 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    No? We're talking about completely different things at this point.

    It sounded like he was making a "Waaaaah, white people are voluntarily not breeding and therefore going extinct, it's GENOCIDE GUISE! Using condoms is GENOCIDE!" talking point. I could be missing some context though and be completely wrong, but seeing as he's the guy in here making very vehement stances about IQ statistics, I had to assume that was the fake "genocide" he was alluding to. I don't know. Maybe I'm not even arguing against the thing I thought I was.
    Ya exactly I thought you were being sarcastic or at least part not sure here due to other stances you’ve held
    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Shut the fuck up, not being incentivized to breed until the planet can no longer sustain you is not genocide.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Grendel View Post
    Shut the fuck up, not being incentivized to breed until the planet can no longer sustain you is not genocide.
    Its not white people overpopulating the planet, they are sub-replacement rate, so stop compensating for your lack of arguments with acting like a brute.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    Apparently logic doesn’t matter to you. Make the connection Mr. Te. You need to show how A=B, not just assume it does.
    Use your demonstrative a bit more and read some of the sources i provided in this or the outsourced thread. I won't push empirical data for the thousand time onto deaf ears, my posts still stand there and can be read.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    Use your demonstrative a bit more and read some of the sources i provided in this or the outsourced thread. I won't push empirical data for the thousand time onto deaf ears, my posts still stand there and can be read.
    I’ve posted sources before too:

    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I forgot that this wasn’t common knowledge, so just in case...

    There is more genetic variability WITHIN particular racial populations than there is BETWEEN TWO RACES as a whole.

    Ultimately, there is so much ambiguity between the races, and so much variation within them, that two people of European descent may be more genetically similar to an Asian person than they are to each other (Figure 2).”
    Your sources are irrelevant because you’re still not able to link A to B with them for your argument. There’s no connection there.

    My demonstrative is for my dual. You, an LIE need my help?

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    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I forgot that this wasn’t common knowledge, so just in case...

    There is more genetic variability WITHIN particular racial populations than there is BETWEEN TWO RACES as a whole.

    Ultimately, there is so much ambiguity between the races, and so much variation within them, that two people of European descent may be more genetically similar to an Asian person than they are to each other (Figure 2).”
    Wow race is a continuum and not a 1 or 0 switch. i am totally flashed. Its almost like people have more than 1 gene that determines who they are...

    Ultimately, there is so much ambiguity between the races, and so much variation within them, that two people of European descent may be more genetically similar to an Asian person than they are to each other (Figure 2).”
    Yes there is also so much difference between individual intelligence that there are black individuals smarter than white individuals, still does not change anything about the majority of people.
    I've provided so many sources proving what I'm saying.
    It is everywhere, show me all those black scientists and philosophers, i don't want to repeat myself for the thousandth time. Ignoring those facts will not lead to anything good but repeating what i already said here for so many times is just a waste of energy.

    Here, again an article stating the obvious which everyone who is not completely brainwashed and can put together with basic biological knowledge spelled out for you, even though it is a waste of energy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    Here, again an article stating the obvious which everyone who is not completely brainwashed and can put together with basic biological knowledge spelled out for you, even though it is a waste of energy.
    ... What is the point of this? LOL

    Sharing a recent ancestor doesn’t mean that all white people are carbon copies of each other. What exactly do you think this adds to your argument?

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    Another source:, this time it's related to Haidt's research.

    On the threat of multiculturalism:

    "The things that multiculturalists believe will help people appreciate and thrive in democracy—appreciating difference, talking about difference, displaying and applauding difference—are the very conditions that encourage authoritarians not to heights of tolerance, but to their intolerant extremes," they write.

    On the differences between conservatives and authoritarians, and why conservatives are amenable to democracy, very concisely put:

    You can think of status quo conservatism as an aversion to difference over time (things being changeable, unsettled, or uncertain), as opposed to authoritarianism, which is an aversion to difference across space (things being complex, varied, or disordered). This distinction matters for the preservation of liberal democracy, because status-quo conservatives will be inclined to defend and preserve an established regime of diversity and freedom, so long as it is authoritatively supported, institutionally entrenched, consensually accepted, and a source of social stability.

    I have always suspected that the economic argument against immigration is bunk, and so do they:

    My strong sense from the best available evidence is that fears around racial identity/race relations/immigration, moral permissiveness/”moral decay,” political conflict/dissent, etc., are sometimes displaced onto, or expressed as, economic fears.

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    According to the source, more democracy makes these people less reassured, not more. The United States just happens to be one of the most democratic countries in history, wherein even Sheriffs are elected.

    A large part of the problem is that America actually has too much democracy for the tastes of a third of its population. Consider there are three separate branches of government purposely set in permanent opposition to one another. The U.S., of course, also has many levels of government, with voters passing judgment on all, from the president right down to the school board and dog catcher. Thus, there are constant demands for electoral participation and endless exposure to political debate, dispute, and conflict. This is indeed a vibrant democracy, but you have to understand it is simultaneously, for the same reasons, anathema to authoritarians.

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