Sounds like a big circlejerk of left wing politicians legitimizng their own (flawed) views by pseudoscience and giving other democrat like "liberals" the justification to adhere to their flawed believes while not being able to defend it on a rational basis.

Most the left wing does today is based on pure lies, one of the biggest is egalitarism and western universalism.
It shows itself by the very same notion that tried to colonize the world by hard means which now tries by soft means to turn black people into whites, middle-eastern people into westerners.
This kind of cultural imperialism is mostly based on economic greed and wishful thinking, years of being guilt tripped for being superior (which in communism is the biggest sin, because its the worst form of inequality).

We will never turn minorities into people like us because they are empirically proven a lot more aggressive, a lot less smart and function completely different.
Ethnocentrism is the only legitimate kind of view and that's exactly why we all are racist, because racism helps you to feel empathy for the genetic makeup that is similar to your own and thus heightens your genetic fitness and chance for survival.

Helping a genetic makeup that is so screwed and dangerous like the majority of Africans and people of African descent will lessen your chance of survival significantly.
Authoritarianism is not good, it's a beta value i don't adhere to, but Racism and Ethnocentrism certainly is.

People are becoming sicker and sicker, having a lot of mental health issues, because from birth on they get told, teached and indoctrinated that their most natural feeling, the love for the people who are wholesome for them selves and the disgust, hate and antipathy to people who are not is some kind of flaw.
I'm not even right wing, and i am glad that we see what the 68s had with Baader, Ensslin and all of those who did not have to fight authoritarians by violent means, we have a giftet youth who emancipates themselves from the dogmas of their parents generation and questions the unquestionable.

The smartest young people are becoming more and more racist and there is nothing anybody is able to do against it, because it's the only way forward, to a prosperous future and the survival of everything that was ever worthwile. When the white Race dies, everything of value will die.
Africans will never make it, we had socrates and plato thousands of years ago, so don't tell me that time will fix them, evolution would fix them, but there has to be a lot of dying for this to take effect, the juice is not worth the squeeze.

Nearly every kind of cultural and scientific achievement has been made by whites, letting the white race die will kill the potential this genetic mixture has carried. It is not permissible under any circumstances.