Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
Authoritarians will wreck the world and non-authoritarians will try to fix it. It is basically what you've seen for the past forty years in US politics.

Bush attacks the Middle East, Clinton makes trade deals, Bush II attacks the Middle East and Afghanistan, Obama tries to make trade and nuclear disarmament deals, Trump attacks the Middle East.

It's a lot like the US deficit. Republican president lowers taxes on the rich while raising defense spending and reducing welfare benefits thus blowing up the deficit, Democrat does the opposite and gets a budget surplus, rinse, repeat.

Jimmy Carter put solar panels on the White House roof as a symbol of his administration's efforts to reduce Global Warming, Reagan had them removed, citing "government over-regulation".

It's pretty clear, I'd say.

But I really do recommend reading the original reference.
Strange, I was interested by how people with RWA didn’t seem to much help others. While of course their game played out in average a lot better, my impression from your post was that they worked together due to self-interest rather than much altruistic motivation.

I feel that “self-interested” is a relatively low bar to set, even if the alternative is active aggression. In politics we need a little better than that. The Obamas and Clintons of the world have been fucking normal people over too (and if you don’t agree, lemme know and I’ll duke it out with you), and even if it isn’t quite as bad as when a Bush starts a war in the Middle East, they don’t have to be the alternative.