Quote Originally Posted by queentiger View Post
Do any other Se leads get annoyed by people who lack foresight and don't think things through? Like omg how hard is it to just think for a second before you do something. I find it's usually (not all the time, but often) Si ego types that end up doing this. It's like how do they not see how what they do is going to play out, given that the course of events is always so obvious.
Interfering with, thus ruining, a good situation in motion, wasting effort all the way -- this is the worst imo.

No foresight works if new situations can be jumped on as opportunity!

Worst example was likely-xSE manager. Panicked and changed plans. Ruined workers' preparatory work and flow. Panicked more. Got more stupid and ruinous. No one could save him. Would have been better off if he'd have stood in a corner and drooled.