Quote Originally Posted by Froody Blue Gem View Post
Se PoLR certainly does for me. I don't want to get into conflict, and I'm often stuck in the world of my head, thinking about action but it takes some time to get the momentum up. Situations where things get heated and involving confrontation, I'm not quite at home.

Sometimes I get stuck in the mode of "I want to do this" "this would be beneficial" but how to get to steps B and C take more time. It's not laziness, it's just a slower way of operating. I am a very goal oriented person overall and if something doesn't work, just try it another way. Forceful personalities are also draining when I have one way of going about doing something but then someone else throws something else at me.

When I am given enough time, I get quite a bit done, but with other people pulling me in different directions, it's back to square one. I am very productive in quieter types of environments. Where I can be more independent, and I can ask for help when I need it, but not being given too much assistance to the point where I'm not doing things for myself.
I am just like all of this also. Except with the bold, I haven't gotten to the point where I can say it's not laziness for myself, because it definitely still feels like laziness. If I don't know steps A>B>C I simply just find something else easier to do, unless I HAVE to do the thing then I try and find an easier way around A>B>C, I'm always trying to find some easy path of least resistance method when it comes to work, alot of it is more so stress management than it is time management or work load management, because once I feel stressed, I get distracted from the work and what do you know 2 hrs and 40 youtube videos later I haven't gotten crap done. Stress is the death of productivity for me. My guess is I need Si comfort and familiarity/experience to get any kind of Te done, or it won't happen.

Also I find it extremely hard to be productive with anything I need to do but don't want to do or are interested in doing, ie. work, cleaning, taxes. But if I am actually interested in the thing I can be pretty self motivated and obsessively work on something forgetting to eat often times, my guess is 4D Fi 1D Te. And I have an LSE friend whose a workaholic so kinda really is the opposite. Only time I do get work done that I don't want to do but need to do is when Se PoLR kicks into overdrive and saves me from the deadline that's right around the corner, panic productivity, it's the only time I can truly count on my Se, at least I know when things hit the fan I will get the work done, but "You always do everything last minute! " which is something I heard alot as a child. I would love it if I had an easier time doing my work in a timely manner without stressing myself out to get it done at the very last minute, I would also love it if I could do the things I needed to do without feeling like doing it, I am always secretly jealous of ppl like that, and that's like 99 percent for adults so, work ethic envy? I mean I got fired from a good paying job simply because it bored me to death and I couldn't be like the other adults who bit the bullet and get my work done.