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Thread: Does Se PoLR hold EII back from talking action?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Minde View Post
    It can be, but "all" is a strong word.

    Others here have made good points, so I'll just add what can work for me or applies to me personally.

    I do sometimes struggle with feeling like I'm productive, either enough or at all. I can definitely get in funks and I've noticed my energy to get things done often comes in waves. Allowing myself guilt-free down time has become very important.
    Dear God yes.

    It is very much so in bursts for me. If I have to do a task that takes a week. I cannot be diligent about it and work steadily thoughout the day. I have to literally pick one very very small thing, and bang it out right then and there or it will not get done, and get away from the work. And do that in chunks like an idiot who can't sit down and do his work for more than an hour.

    I mean I have to write the most miniscule tasks down on a sticky note, and purposefully on a sticky note because I can only fit 1 task on it if I write big enough. It feels extreme to be that way. Does not feel like how normal "adults" do things.

    I'm much better at having a task that starts and ends once I'm done with it. Like doing deliveries. You make a drop off and it's done, out of sight, out of mind, on to the next. Not some report that you have to spend days in and days out writing before your dead line or something. I can't think of any other reason for this besides 1D Te and 1D Se combined. Like a sniper, carefully aim then shoot, because you only got enough energy for one shot. Instead of the machine guns that can shoot all day long, which is how 4D Se looks like to me. Where do you get all those bullets.

    Quote Originally Posted by sbbds View Post
    I had an EII ex. He was pretty woke in terms of his polr I think, in that he worked out a lot and had a physical training certificate, did lifeguarding, etc. He also took flights to see me on a whim, and would throw shit around alone at home and forget things the next day after getting drunk. This is more stereotypical Se chad than I am.

    I don’t think Se polr prevents xIIs from doing stuff, or being strong, unless they’re really unwoke. I think it’s more like they are not good at going with the flow. “Good” Se-Ni in theory is contingent upon good timing. This doesn’t mean that they can never have good, timely Se, but it’s only when they REALLY ABSOLUTELY HAVE TO. Which, in the context of their own lives isn’t a major problem typically, but I don’t want any part of it.
    All I do is go with the flow, most because I can;t direct the flow, like consenting adlt said, I can't affect or move other people so I just get affected by or moved by other people. Instead of controlling life it is easy to get controlled by life. I'm someone who has taken the path of least resistance his whole life, that's the definition of going with the flow.

    @Aramas, damn good post. Makes alot of sense. And yse when ppl use facts and reality to pop my imagination it can feel very limiting and is often what makes life feel boiring and wonderless. But that MBTI part, I use MBTI too but that quote is nonsense and how you end up broke, alone and sad.

    Being fully "open" to the universe and all that woo-woo, with no goals? I'm not like that at all, I have goals, HUGE HUGE HUGE retardedly unrealistic and idealistic goals and dreams, but no will to act on them. Waiting and waiting and "letting" life happen is how you end up with nothing, I am at the end of that right now, because of that "one day" mentality, the whole reason why I even made this thread, because after waiting,for so long you realize "it" will not happen for you. That whole thing is my fear as an EII, it is way too comfortable and easy to think "it'll happen" that's Se PoLR in a nutshell. I do nothing life will happen. That's how you end up on the streets.

    Sometimes I think when I say "I just want things to happen naturally" I really am secretly saying I want things to proceed or progress without any will imposed on it, passively, and I'm slowly realizing the only control you have over getting what you want in life is by imposing your will, whether it be in evil ways, good ways, or neutral ways is up to you and reveals your character and you'll reap the consequences. I used to say fuck Se, but fuck Se PoLR. That shit'll kill you.
    Last edited by Lord Pixel; 01-09-2020 at 05:58 AM.

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