Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
Or is that not what Se PoLR is about at all?

If it is though, how do you get past that?
It can be, but "all" is a strong word.

Others here have made good points, so I'll just add what can work for me or applies to me personally.

I do sometimes struggle with feeling like I'm productive, either enough or at all. I can definitely get in funks and I've noticed my energy to get things done often comes in waves. Allowing myself guilt-free down time has become very important.

When I find myself unable to proceed in a task or effort that I know I need to do, here's what helps:
- Verbalize any questions about the task that I have
- Write out major steps to achieve the goal, then break those steps down into smaller, distinct task-steps. Order them in rough timeline order, though usually some of the steps get switched around once I'm really in it.
- Visualize the first steps.

For example, I hate getting out of bed in the morning, especially in winter. Thanks to my husband's Si, I've got a nearly perfect bedding / sleep situation going on. Even when I desperately have to pee, I can barely contemplate peeling back the cozy covers. Additionally, the tasks of the day can seem overwhelming and very not appealing. So I gather my brain cells and force them to visualize the first 4 or so steps of getting ready for the day. 1) pull back the covers, 2) stumble to my dresser and pull out the exact items I'll wear (this part sometimes falters because possible combos can get out of hand), 3) clothing on, I walk out of the bedroom, 4) say hi to dog, 5) flip on the tea kettle as I pass it by... And that's about as far as I need to visualize because then I can start it and after the start the rest is easier.

Very simple example, and yet the basic principle helps me a lot.

That said, as I write this I'm procrastinating on a work project so... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
Their are more EIIs that are productive than EIIs who are inproductive on this Earth.
Lol, yes, thank you for that observation. As much as I might worry about not being productive enough, objectively I think I'm doing alright.