I don't know why so many people think deficits don't matter, as you pay interest on the national debt, federal/govt services are terrible and they always will be, and paying interest on the national debt results in less productivity and less real goods and services to enjoy; there is actually more evidence from history that deficits hurt the economy (and there is all the evidence in the world that deficits and centralized monetary policy never helped the economy) more than they help it, especially if you also have taxes and inflation. Deflation is much easier to work with than inflation, and higher interest rates are better because there are long term consequences of inflation and it's a waste of money. Unless you have a Confederation with no head of state where the debt is decentralized based upon population every 3 years which is better than what we have now. One of the only things wrong with the set was that ratified was that it didn't allow decentralization of the debt based upon population by triennial census.

The facts about Hamilton's character from his behavior and his bitterness, and hatred and envy and anger and manipulation and non-objectivity and his sexist comments about Jefferson saying he something he had a womanish appreciation for the arts and criticizing him and Aaron Burr for being sensual (i worry about becoming worse than hamilton was, if i'm not already) the facts that the vast majority of people didn't want the Constitution or central bank, or a central mint and that Washington's policies had disastrous results (the Whiskey Rebellion, the crash right after FBUS was started then Fries rebellion because of Adams policies) and the fact that he had lost his popularity at the time of his death and didn't regain it until the 1880s. Washington was willing to tax people and send tax collectors to harrass people/violate peoples' rights just like I have violated peoples' rights to protect myself and just like most people would to protect economic --self-interests and self-image, he disliked people almost as much as I do and then he just went along with leadership as president and whatever Hamilton demanded when he shouldn't have. Sure Jefferson owned slaves and didn't get rid of them because he could never quite control his spending which I admire him for his ability to enjoy life to the fullest and his willingness as President to allow people to enjoy themselves as he did for himself and I still think his character was as good as Washington's and better than my own for sure. I worry that I've distorted Jefferson's principles and that he'd want me eternally punished or banished from him permanently as he thought Paul distorted Jesus's principles.