Quote Originally Posted by FreelancePoliceman View Post
A) Can you name one "extremist" policy of Sanders'?

B) I don't believe the Democrats can outright stop someone from running as a candidate. They already rigged the primary for Clinton last season; what else do you want them to do?

C) There's very little actual policy disagreement between Republicans and Democrats. 90% of it is cultural; for instance abortion rights, LGBT issues, and identity politics on both sides. There isn't a single Republican in the country who'd consider switching sides if only the Democrats got rid of that pesky Bernie Sanders.

D) Being a self-professed Republican, you show enormous generosity by freely granting political advice to the Democrats. I'm sure that if Democrats adopt your strategy of becoming more similar to the Republicans, they'll obviously become more successful.
Bernie is the only one I liked since he wasn't a neoliberal or a fascist. Hillary or Trump was like asking if I wanted to be shot or poisoned. I guess poisoned because there are antidotes and I might be immune anyways, while bullets mean certain death? Both still sound horrible. As I see it the U.S. is a fascist country and I like neither Democratic nor Republican party platforms. The definition of fascism is a merger of state and corporate power, and well, that describes the U.S. to a T. I'm personally making the U.S. a less fascist place until it's not fascist at all, and if all the normie NPCs on 16t and off want to cast Normie Smite and Fists of Conformity on me, so be it.