LIE: if they are genuinely a good person despite being LIE I find them kinda cool and interesting from a distance, and might even be a little surprised (in the good way) how nice they can be with me.

If they are LIE but they are also an asshole, it is of course very frustrating. I just want to get away from them.

I think my supervisee is too naive at times - but also at the same time too negative and self-defeating. Which is odd...because usually being too naive is associated with being too positive. With their Ni polr they can be really really bad at understanding the core essence of what somebody is like if you take away all these externalities. Like to me that is so FUCKING EASY and simple to figure out, how can you not fucking get that- but yeah it's their Polr and they are HORRIBLE with it. I try to remind myself to be patient with them cuz they can't help it but jeesh. It's like core essence is so fucking obvious and easy to me I can take it for granted it might not be so easy for others.