LIIs, on average:
Good points:
- Usually at least somewhat more knowledgeable and intelligent than the average person in a group
- Are usually somewhat warm and personable
- Have usually pretty good taste in material things
Bad points:
- Pedantic and derpy/dissociated to the point where their intelligence is mostly wasted IMO; this is especially annoying when they try to take control of a group or instill themselves as some kind of omnipotent opinion backbone
- Can sometimes be socially awkward, inappropriate or rude in a way that pisses me off
- Just seem like gross nerds (who may not even necessarily be that intelligent) if their sensing isn’t developed enough

ESIs, on average:
Good points:
- Usually seem like decent, good people
- I don’t need to help them with sensing things. They have it all together for the most part. Some of them are uber fit and athletic/attractive and my Se applauds.
Bad points:
- Some of the women can be bitchy and crazy (idk why.. jumping to conclusions sometimes? But at least they usually apologize IME)
- ESI guys often are a little bit emo or have some emotional issues