I am not 100% sure about my Socionics type. I am noting my experiences with intertype relations, and I will state in this that I am ESI-Se.

My Thoughts on my Supervisor (IEE):

I do not have much problems with IEE. I know an IEE that teaches the humanities. He is very nice and chill. I have had more problems with SEEs. I am a pretty focused person, and xEEs are not the most focused people. I don’t care much about logical consistency, and that works well with IEEs.

My Supervisee (SLE):

Even though I have at least 2D Se, I still find SLEs to be intimidating. SLEs are blunt and they can be pretty commanding. I personally like these qualities.

Stereotypically, there are two types of SLEs: the ambitious commander type that easily takes control of situations and the person that lives to break the rules. I greatly admire the first type of SLE that I listed. I tend to struggle with people that live to break the rules for its own sake, though. I know that some ILEs and SEEs can be quite rebellious.