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Thread: what do you think of your supervisor/supervisee?

  1. #41
    PinKDiGiT18's Avatar
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    The person I fell off the cliff for romantically was my supervisor, an SEE of strong Se subtype. I used to see him as some kind of demigod and he was almost incapable of seeing me for who I was. It stands to this day as one of the most toxic relationships I’ve ever had and I’m glad it’s over. He was the unhealthiest representative of the type I’ve ever met, so let me clarify that I don’t see my supervisors this way in general. One of my best friends is SEE-Fi and she is very intelligent and giving. SEEs are awesome people but almost all their problems come from undervaluing themselves.
    Last edited by PinKDiGiT18; 06-03-2021 at 03:41 AM.

  2. #42
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    My supervisee- SEE; one of my best friends. everytime we hang out, it feels like a party no lie, and he def brings out the fun... We talk about a lot of stupid shit unfiltered which makes the friendship enjoyable and genuine. Sometimes I feel like I'm his guardian angel helpin him out when he was drunk/getting into fights and shit... He does the same for me. Ti is his weaker element, so I try to keep that shit to a minimum - i used to them him why he shouldn't do ABC bc it would result in XYZ, but I came to learn that my SEE friend has to learn life on his own, which resulted in him getting 2 DUIs, but he learned.

    As for my supervisor ILE, haven't had too many experiences with them, although sometimes it seems like they watch me w a critical eye from afar and swoop in like a hawk when necessary. Sometimes it seems like I really annoy them for some reason

  3. #43
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    I can definitely relate to some of the descriptions here. My one teacher from highschool, who I am still in contact with, is my supervisor. I kind of admire her because she is smart and super assertive. She has this air of if she tells you something, you better do it. However, she is not very imaginative and does this one thing that really annoys me. If I come up with an idea, she will immediately dismiss it as nonsense. Give or take a few days, she will use the exact same idea, but her way. That aside, we can hold an intellectual conversation quite well, but I always feel restricted, because I feel like anything I say could be used against me. Nowadays, I only email her for advice on something I'm confused about, otherwise she would trample all over me in person, haha.

    As for supervisee, I know one friend from school who might be an ENFp. A real social butterfly and very random. We kind of get along, at least from my perspective, but he gets bored when we talk for too long, which is kind of sad. He has all these interesting ideas, but whenever I delve into theories, he just moves on to another topic. I find he reacts better when I get to the point and not drone on one thing.

    This last one might be a bit off-topic, but I hope it can help give a good idea of supervision relations. My great uncle and aunt from Plettenberg Bay are ISTp and ESFj respectively and have been married for over fifty years. I have never seen a more lopsided relationship in my life. Aunt is always scolding Uncle, telling him to go outside and stop being lazy, but I can attest to otherwise. He is always taking care of the household, fixing whatever is broken, and giving their pets all the love in the world. All of this while he is half-paralyzed from having had multiple strokes throughout his life. My aunt, on the other hand, hates it when he does anything better than her. She is a great cook and a pillar of her community, always helping out the poor with a smile, but at home she can be plain miserable.

    My mother (INFj) gets along very well with Uncle. She is his niece, after all. The two of them can talk for hours and they look so comfortable around each other, but the moment my aunt walks in the room, she tells my mother, "Don't speak to my husband. He is incompetent and full of nonsense." Ironically, Aunt seems to like me. Always cooking me food and asking how I am. "Oh, you look so thin. Here, let me make something for you," or, "You look down. What's wrong?"

    I appreciate her concern, but I can never respect her for the way she treats her husband. My mother told my uncle to get away from there, and thankfully he agreed. Last I heard, he's been staying with his brother in Cape Town, far from his wife. Some people in our family say my mother ruined their marriage, but I think she saved Uncle's sanity.

  4. #44
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    Don't be a pushover. Read wikisocion, understand where theyre comming from, and the next time they hit your Polr, chillllll. Reverse supervision can and does occur. Letta dumbass SLE try to tell ME something. I was at a bar and couldnt pronounce a word, so they checked me, and instantly I checked them back. Had a whole group of beta-orbiters (in the non-socionics sense) stand around me. He respected that I stood my ground. I tipped him well.

  5. #45
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    I feel dumb around LIE supervisor, which I don't like feeling obv. Sorta admire them but it's the type where I don't rly wanna get close. They like my Fi but then I will say something blatantly Fi devaluing and they're kinda like o.o

    Likewise, ESE supervisee seems a bit lacking in some areas, but I don't mind their company, they do most of the talking which is perfectly fine by me and they're very approachable to me, although I find myself withholding a lot of my true thoughts with them. It's hard to get past the Fe wall sometimes too

  6. #46


    LIE - Great conversations, especially drunk. What is not good, is our inability to work together and his contempt for my indecisiveness and lack of a concrete path towards success.
    ESE - They are cool and I can react towards their Fe initiative, but I actually get annoyed by their forceful use of Fe... and it's almost like their Fe has the opposite effect on me, and I become more walled up, obstinant, and logical around them and sort nitpicking at every Fe statement they put out until they stop trying to influence me lol. "Ah so you really like x hobby?" "no, it's just a way to pass by my time really.." "Oh ok... well still that's cool!" "... I guess. So why are you so interested in me anyways, I'm curious?" "*something about how I look interesting and smart but soft/adorable*"

    Idk why I can't respond to ESEs with equal enthusiasm, I just can't. It's almost like I'm giving up immediately as a way to tell them I'm not capable of interacting with them in their manner, and so I won't try to keep up such an unsustainable Fe facade. I can Fe with people who aren't going to expect long winded Fe, and more in small bursts... ESEs just are a waste of energy, so I have to put them out.

    Okay this was a bit negative but I really can enjoy ESEs, but mostly drunk or at parties lol.

  7. #47
    I don't play, I slay. Lolita's Avatar
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    Depends on the actual person. My dad is a supervisor (LSI) and we’ve clashed but he’s always been there for me, supported me in whatever I took up, didn’t always agree with me but stood by me. I could always count on him. In general, I’m fine with LSIs. I’ve had 2 long relationships with LSIs (LSI-H and LSI-N) and they were steadfast. I have friends who are LSIs and we get on well. But then again, there’s some LSIs who are delusional and super uptight, have no idea wtf they’re talking about and I don’t bother with them. LSIs are abundant so my supervisors are everywhere. As for EII whom I supervise, I hate how they’re weak and fold under any pressure. They look messy and ratchet, don’t care about reality in any sense and they’re so nonsensical. Ask them a question and they’ll give you a random answer that has nothing to do with the question. They mistaken that as being “whimsical” and their infantilism just pisses me off even more.

    Keep in mind, relations no matter how difficult it gets, is always a two way street. Supervisors may feel they have the upper hand psychologically, but it’s not like supervisees can’t fight back and do reverse supervision.
    Last edited by Lolita; 12-29-2020 at 04:41 AM.

  8. #48

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    Well, at least my supervisor EIE don't judge me as hard as ESE. I even accidentally made a EIE like me (in a romantic way). I feel like they see me as a child need to be guide ~~ As long as they don't judge me directly, I'm ok with them.

    I barely know any LSE in person. But I won't judge people just because they don't have Ni. And I don't have guts to force a Te lead to do anything lol

  9. #49
    I don't play, I slay. Lolita's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Moharu View Post
    Well, at least my supervisor EIE don't judge me as hard as ESE. I even accidentally made a EIE like me (in a romantic way). I feel like they see me as a child need to be guide ~~ As long as they don't judge me directly, I'm ok with them.

    I barely know any LSE in person. But I won't judge people just because they don't have Ni. And I don't have guts to force a Te lead to do anything lol
    I think a really good example of ILI supervising LSE would be in the show MindHunters. I think Holden Ford is ILI and he “accidentally” forced his job supervisor Shephard LSE to “retire.” Shephard had been head of that FBI division for 2 decades.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Pixel View Post
    One day we go into a grocery store, see a clerk giving out free food samples, ILE takes one look at the box of food that's being sampled and says "Ew! Is that cat food!? I don't want to try cat food!"......I ask "Why would they be giving out cat food samples to people?" ....awkward silence *feels dumb*.

    here's a funny quote " The whole island is surrounded by water!"

    Also when their jokes are weapons, they don't realize it, until it's too late, then they forget.
    HAHAHAH sounds like things I'd say. But I'm pretty sure your friend was pulling your leg. A good 50% of the jokes I make are idiotic remarks I say on purpose. That way when I say something stupid I can pass it off as a joke.
    1D Fi can be a bit twisted because it lacks the normativity that higher dimensional Fi have. So for instance, some 1D Fi make offensive jokes ironically to raise awareness about some Fi topic of interest in a 'we live in a society' sort of way. It's easy to see why it rubs morally oriented types the wrong way.

  11. #51
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    I am not 100% sure about my Socionics type. I am noting my experiences with intertype relations, and I will state in this that I am ESI-Se.

    My Thoughts on my Supervisor (IEE):

    I do not have much problems with IEE. I know an IEE that teaches the humanities. He is very nice and chill. I have had more problems with SEEs. I am a pretty focused person, and xEEs are not the most focused people. I don’t care much about logical consistency, and that works well with IEEs.

    My Supervisee (SLE):

    Even though I have at least 2D Se, I still find SLEs to be intimidating. SLEs are blunt and they can be pretty commanding. I personally like these qualities.

    Stereotypically, there are two types of SLEs: the ambitious commander type that easily takes control of situations and the person that lives to break the rules. I greatly admire the first type of SLE that I listed. I tend to struggle with people that live to break the rules for its own sake, though. I know that some ILEs and SEEs can be quite rebellious.

  12. #52
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    I think ILEs might be one of the top three most intelligent types in the socion. There is literally no level of debate or piece of information an ILE cannot break down and incorporate into a concise, relevant explanation. I’ve never seen another type with this ability. It’s no wonder some of the most iconic scientists and geniuses are ILEs.

    I’ve had some pretty unfortunate experiences with some, but for the most part they genuinely amaze me. Sometimes I think my dream guy is an ILE, but then I remember I supervise them and I don’t want to put another human being through the hell I went through when I dated my own supervisor.

    Anyway, I love ILEs.

  13. #53

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    I'm fine with ILE-Ti males, I've felt romantic and sexual attraction towards a few of them. I don't always remember to go by what I remember when I post.
    I'm sorry, but I'm psychologically disturbed.

  14. #54
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    I generally like LIE-Ni's from my experience.

    At times, I can dishearten from how they view my approach, and how they often need more of me to amount to their approval, but they are some of the most helpful people in terms of giving efficient, effective advice for my particular issues. I sometimes wish they would like me more, as I value their input and their Te, but most times it is not going be, and they just view me as a small child.. All the LIE-Ni's I have interacted with online view me as a little girl, it seems. And I am not that old and especially when considering my ASD and trauma that delays me even more, but it can be a bit, a frustration, with how I want them to see me as more, and they just are not going relent seeing me as a child in need of help and their corrections...

    LIE-Te is much harder for me to bear. I have been made to cry by numerous LIE-Te's..

  15. #55
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    And they legitimately view me as a child. Recently one LIE-Ni went on about how "Kara needs to let the adults speak", and then another had told others, "Kara is 21 going on 12" before.. They patronize me, but they are not malicious and actually genuinely want help, and even, they feel protective, all of them have said such. The one who said I need let adults speak thinks our dynamic has a hit of benefit relation in it.. And to extent it does, but he definitely supervises me hard, and sometimes it can be a bit much.

  16. #56
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    ILI: They are hit-or-miss. When they are healthy, they can be quite ambitious and intellectual. That being said, ILIs can be emotionally invalidating and sometimes arrogant.

    SEI: They are nice people to hang out with. The Si can be a bit irritating; people with high Si tend to invalidate my anxieties about my health.

  17. #57
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    More thoughts I had. I was originally writing this out in response to a post @chriscorey made about her mother's supervisory marriage but thought it might get more feedback here.

    Supervision seems like a common marriage. I think for the supervisee, one's supervisor looks enough like a dual to elicit similar feelings (the supervisor's base function shares the same 4D dimensionality as the dual's demonstrative, and though the dual's base is only the supervisor's mobilizing, it's close enough to occasionally mimic the feeling of duality) while also seeming more similar to you; and often enough, better than you; their creative isn't far behind your base, but their own base exerts constant pressure. This idea of someone who seems so much better and more competent than you are can be appealing, which is why the marriages happen in the first place. But eventually, the neverending PoLR hits will transform a sense of awe into a sense of resentment; many supervisees will also start to take notice of their own superior proficiency with their base function, and use that as grounds to salvage their ego by devaluing their partner's proficiency there. For instance, I knew a female LII who was made obviously uncomfortable by an SLE classmate she seemed to have known for a long time/perhaps been strained friends with, and went out of her way to criticize the SLE's precision wrt ideas she laid out, or minor details or dates the SLE got wrong, and seemed satisfied whenever the SLE seemed to express hesitancy or caution around her, I'd guess because it felt like a small reversal of their usual relationship. I took notice of this because I've also had similar impulses around SLEs.

    From the supervisor's perspective, I think the supervisee also looks like a dual (again, the supervisee's 4D demo is the dual's 4D base), though there's not really a sense that they're "better" than you; instead, maybe that they're more "relatable" in a way than your dual. For me it's usually really easy to grasp an IEE's train of thought, for instance. I think though the usual problem in supervisory relationships is that the supervisor, understanding so much of it, then tries, usually benevolently, to guide it. The problem is that, while the supervisor may be 100% "right" about the shortcomings he sees, the supervisee just doesn't care, and interprets the supervisor's attempt to "help" as trying to direct the supervisee's thinking or mindset in a way he doesn't want it to go at all. But firstly, it's hard for a supervisee to express himself to a supervisor and express the problem himself; secondly, the supervisor has pretty much no frame of reference to the supervisee's feelings about this, doesn't understand them at all when he sees them, and isn't likely to figure them out.

    My experience around IEEs is limited, but from a couple I've talked to IRL, they seem absurdly sensitive to Ti from my perspective. A couple times I asked one just to clarify something he said in a Ne outburst -- not even making any comments myself -- and the way he reacted made me feel like I was rubbing him with a hot cigarette butt; I felt vaguely guilty for asking, lol. Anyway, I'm sure I don't have the full idea, but I think the IEE feeling to this kind of supervision is something like "I'm trying to convey a general idea; you're just drawing attention to specific flaws in the generality instead of acknowledging the bigger picture and doing something constructive with that." And while I haven't experienced this personally I'd guess it wouldn't be hard to begin to feel like "you're intentionally disregarding the points I'm trying to make to make me feel stupid so you can feel superior to me," or something like that.

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    I generally get along fine with LSE until Te comes into play LOL. Honestly, I to enjoy LSE as teachers personally, it’s just they are very specific which can screw with me. I look up to them for are related matters but that’s about it. I don‘t think I would enjoy being in a relationship with one. I find the relationship also easier when they are expressing their Fi poorly as to not take it personal.
    I tend to really struggle with SOC first LSE.


    Ahh I generally like EIE‘s! I think they’re dope but we are on two different playing fields that’s for sure. They‘re fun but can be dramatic~ LOL but I enjoy it. Always entertaining! I would be curious to date an EIE but, I’m too sensitive already and two sensitive individuals is a no go! The only thing I cringe is when I see their Si PoLR and feel the need to help. Like how are you not attuned?!?!? That and they tend to wayyyyy overwork themselves and I have to yell at them to chill.
    Other then that, I enjoy their company and wish I had more EIE friends.
    Last edited by MissDucki; 07-04-2021 at 01:09 PM.

  19. #59
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    My supervisors (SEEs)

    I feel uncomfortable around them, like they're constantly judging me and are displeased with me, and will make it known any second, or will fail to hide it even if they will try to. There's this tension in me, no idea if they can sense it, if they're aware of it, but I never feel like they're my type of people so to say and that I can be myself around them. Instead I have to wear a mask and brace myself for an inevitable attack that's surely gonna come sooner or later. Idk maybe I'm traumatised.

    My supervisees (ILEs)

    I'm often annoyed with them lol
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  20. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by tuathe View Post
    My supervisors (SEEs)

    I feel uncomfortable around them, like they're constantly judging me and are displeased with me, and will make it known any second, or will fail to hide it even if they will try to. There's this tension in me, no idea if they can sense it, if they're aware of it, but I never feel like they're my type of people so to say and that I can be myself around them. Instead I have to wear a mask and brace myself for an inevitable attack that's surely gonna come sooner or later. Idk maybe I'm traumatised.

    My supervisees (ILEs)

    I'm often annoyed with them lol
    Have you ever had an ILE attracted to you? If so, was it mutual from your side?

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    Quote Originally Posted by PinKDiGiT18 View Post
    Have you ever had an ILE attracted to you? If so, was it mutual from your side?
    Nope, I don't think I have. And I don't think I would reciprocate such feelings as I don't find ILEs attractive personality-wise. Why?
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    Quote Originally Posted by cactagon View Post
    Don't be a pushover. Read wikisocion, understand where theyre comming from, and the next time they hit your Polr, chillllll. Reverse supervision can and does occur. Letta dumbass SLE try to tell ME something. I was at a bar and couldnt pronounce a word, so they checked me, and instantly I checked them back. Had a whole group of beta-orbiters (in the non-socionics sense) stand around me. He respected that I stood my ground. I tipped him well.
    What? Are you responding to someone here?

    Edit: alright well i'm not deleting the post, but they haven't posted anything in a long while so I'm just gonna expect no response.

  23. #63
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    EII's are definitely pretty Eh for me. I've been pretty close to 3 different EII's, and while I can definitely say that i prefer to talk to EII-Ne's, in general I really would rather talk to alot of other people. I'd probably have a less negative opinion if I haven't had to deal with half my closest friends being them, but i do not plan on becoming close friends with any more in the future. For a description of them though, first EII is an Ne subtype, fun to talk too and definitely the nicest. The problems I have with them are the ones I have with all the other EII's, which is their tendency to look at me and think "Well, he's joking alot, so everything he must not be serious" which means that they never take anything I say seriously unless I explicitly tell them, though I don't like to do that. Second one honestly doesn't seem that obviously EII, they're neither subtype, and the only negative thing with them is their constant habit of basically talking anything mildly offensive out of my mouth, and, for their own entertainment, spread it around. They've kinda established the joke of me being every insult in existence, which is tolerable, but kinda frustrating after a while, especially when combined with the whole "never takes anything seriously" bit. Third one I have the worst relationship with, Fi subtype, extremely sensitive person who demands apologies occasionally. They really insist on digging into that Fi polr when they get hurt by me asking me a poorly phrased question or an untimely joke. They're definitely not malicious per se, but I've definitely stopped trying to have any long conversation with them considering the permeant sour undertone.

    Edit: O also, I've never known any LSI's before. The only ones I know about are the ones on the forums, and I think it'd be to unfair to LSI's to use them as examples.

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    Quote Originally Posted by necrosebud View Post
    I would maintain distance from the one spreading rumors/gossiping about you…

    IME with Fi PoLR I just feel like I cannot establish the closeness I need so I eventually just let it go. And yes their Fi PoLR-ness can hurt me from time to time but I think it’s more me being E4 and expecting connection and/or getting hurt if someone invalidates or misunderstands me. A lot of Fi in that though. Poorly timed jokes depending on what they are will either do nothing or put me off - enough to build up over time to eventually consider ending the relationship. In that sense I find the Fi sub’s behavior slightly peculiar…
    Ah well, they're particularly sensitive. Basically on the verge of a mental breakdown at all times. Also, calling it "spreading rumors/gossiping" is the wrong term. It's more a complete lack of any form of respect and general consensus that I'm supposed to be the bad one. Which, funnily enough, has happened in both friend groups I've gotten close to people in.

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    My mother and current boss are both ESE (my supervisee) I think so that's kinda weird. They're incredibly easy to get along with, and do a lot to motivate me. I find their energy when they get excited rather contagious if a bit short lived, but I often feel they are too ambitious and don't seem to understand the amount of time/work that a new project will take to complete. They're both frequently caught off guard by issues that I feel are rather easy to see coming, but it doesn't really bother me. I just feel like I'm constantly telling them to chill with their projects a bit so they don't overwhelm themselves. I find ESE's to be pretty cute in a energetic puppy sort of way. They just promise way too much of themselves to people and do so rather indiscriminately

    I don't have extensive experience with my supervisor (LIE) other than my youngest sister, but since there's so much of an age difference I feel most of the strongest effects of supervision relations are greatly reduced. Perhaps I would have more insights if I actually had to work with them in some kind of group setting, but that has yet to happen. I will say I greatly admire her ability to set a goal and pursue it tirelessly. I've seen her follow through on so many things I feel I would've done sort of half-hearted or given up on partway through. I'm not sure I've ever seen her give up on anything actually. If she was the older one I can imagine finding her competence rather intimidating though it's definitely very admirable. Recently I was talking with her about personality and she stated flatly that she wants to be more successful than whatever man she ends up marrying
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  26. #66
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    Some self proclaimed EIEs of the socionics community are super cringe with their heavy handed power plays and air of superiority. Ma’am, last time I checked you were just another anonymous nerd on an obscure forum, so please tone it down and get your head out of your ass. I feel like I can see through EIEs, and they’re not as edgy as they pretend to be.

    I’ve worked with two EIEs irl, and neither one acted like this. Tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if many self proclaimed EIEs were mistyped.

    I can appreciate LSEs from a distance. Mostly I try to stay out of their way, but sometimes I have to work closely with them (okay with me nbd).

  27. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Some self proclaimed EIEs of the socionics community are super cringe with their heavy handed power plays and air of superiority. Ma’am, last time I checked you were just another anonymous nerd on an obscure forum, so please tone it down and get your head out of your ass. I feel like I can see through EIEs, and they’re not as edgy as they pretend to be.

    I’ve worked with two EIEs irl, and neither one acted like this. Tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if many self proclaimed EIEs were mistyped.

    I can appreciate LSEs from a distance. Mostly I try to stay out of their way, but sometimes I have to work closely with them (okay with me nbd).
    It's interesting to me how people on this forum are fond of EIE, and on almost all the Socionics servers I have encountered, they are most hated. Perhaps this site is more oriented towards beta and alpha type. It appears as if majority of user comparing site's activity are such.
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  28. #68
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    My thoughts on LIE:

    I really like them, but it is a bummer I do, because they look me down upon. They infantilize me, or they see me as completely stupid, and it hurts that my liking of them never is reciprocated. They either are protective and try help, or they look down on me completely, are always at me, spitting criticism, and making me feel lesser than adequate. But they have what I lack, and I really crave they see me as worthy and a person who is worthwhile their investing. LIE-Te is more ruthless towards me, than is LIE-Ni. Instead, it is LII's who invest in me, aside from SLE and other IEI, at a general pattern. And whilst liking LII, they sometimes to me, can be vague, even though they offer much patronage.

    I have not interacted enough with ESI, my supervisee. Your supervisor always appears to be the dual of your benefactor.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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  29. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    My thoughts on LIE:

    I really like them, but it is a bummer I do, because they look me down upon. They infantilize me, or they see me as completely stupid, and it hurts that my liking of them never is reciprocated. They either are protective and try help, or they look down on me completely, are always at me, spitting criticism, and making me feel lesser than adequate. But they have what I lack, and I really crave they see me as worthy and a person who is worthwhile their investing. LIE-Te is more ruthless towards me, than is LIE-Ni. Instead, it is LII's who invest in me, aside from SLE and other IEI, at a general pattern. And whilst liking LII, they sometimes to me, can be vague, even though they offer much patronage.

    I have not interacted enough with ESI, my supervisee. Your supervisor always appears to be the dual of your benefactor.
    Literally, all the people who have invested in me, and actively have tried do something about my poor situation with my family, have been other beta, and a few LII. My "father figure" is an LII, but he lives in the UK, but he helps in ways he is able, an older IEI is trying get me out of my house and put me in youth shelter, an SLE wanted me live with him, an LII invited me stay with him for a month, and an LSI in future wants help me relocate into another country... Then an EIE invited me to live with her family if they had enough room, which they have not yet been able in that getting. My father figure:

    LIE-Ni initially goes soft on me, but overtime, they chip down my self esteem unintentionally, or they distance away from me and pay me no interest, and just view me as an annoying sibling or kid... LIE-Te I cannot at all connect with.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Poptart View Post
    Some self proclaimed EIEs of the socionics community are super cringe with their heavy handed power plays and air of superiority. Ma’am, last time I checked you were just another anonymous nerd on an obscure forum, so please tone it down and get your head out of your ass. I feel like I can see through EIEs, and they’re not as edgy as they pretend to be.

    I’ve worked with two EIEs irl, and neither one acted like this. Tbh I wouldn’t be surprised if many self proclaimed EIEs were mistyped.

    I can appreciate LSEs from a distance. Mostly I try to stay out of their way, but sometimes I have to work closely with them (okay with me nbd).
    To be fair, I don't expect to see too many Fe doms online, or maybe don't expect them to be that active.... FE is pretty dead, when it comes to words on a page!

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    I understand it as one of the saddest types of relations, just like the benefit relation, one person is always on a psychological state of advantage over the other. I'd go as far as to say given the circumstances it can be even worse than conflict relations, because when two people are conflictors, it will be so bad they will want to get away from each other quickly. But in supervision relations, the supervisee feels as if he/she needs to obey even though they don't like it, and the supervisor thinks that they gotta stop the supervisee from doing stupid things, that way they might take longer to get away from each other and it is more toxic for the supervisee.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    It's interesting to me how people on this forum are fond of EIE, and on almost all the Socionics servers I have encountered, they are most hated. Perhaps this site is more oriented towards beta and alpha type. It appears as if majority of user comparing site's activity are such.
    EIE's never stay around here, a forum like this doesn't really allow for the dramatics that EIE's are so keen on, I haven't seen any EIE here even bother to try to get a bit of attention. But you go on discord socionics servers, and they're impossible to ignore.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    Literally, all the people who have invested in me, and actively have tried do something about my poor situation with my family, have been other beta, and a few LII. My "father figure" is an LII, but he lives in the UK, but he helps in ways he is able, an older IEI is trying get me out of my house and put me in youth shelter, an SLE wanted me live with him, an LII invited me stay with him for a month, and an LSI in future wants help me relocate into another country... Then an EIE invited me to live with her family if they had enough room, which they have not yet been able in that getting. My father figure:

    LIE-Ni initially goes soft on me, but overtime, they chip down my self esteem unintentionally, or they distance away from me and pay me no interest, and just view me as an annoying sibling or kid... LIE-Te I cannot at all connect with.
    Why do you think LII's out of all non-beta types seem to try to help you?
    Why not SEE's or ILE's, types which should also get along well enough with you?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    Why do you think LII's out of all non-beta types seem to try to help you?
    Why not SEE's or ILE's, types which should also get along well enough with you?
    I have not had much experience with SEE, other than Blaziken and it was a hard relation, but also in other ways good. ILE I do tend like, but still, LII actually had tendency to bother more in me. Perhaps because they are my beneficiary.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    LIE-Ni is tough, but they do genuinely want to shape me for better, but they often lose interest and give up on me, and most times they are hyper critical. LIE-Te I cannot stand.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    The activator of your supervisor is your semi dual, I just had realization.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Blaquaman also is an SEE, I forgot, and he and I do like one another a lot actually. I told him he has the energy of a guy walking into a room with Costco pizza and shouting, “Pizza’s here”, and he wrote it down in a journal and reflected it.

    He also may visit me if I go to youth shelter.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    Blaquaman also is an SEE, I forgot, and he and I do like one another a lot actually. I told him he has the energy of a guy walking into a room with Costco pizza and shouting, “Pizza’s here”, and he wrote it down in a journal and reflected it.

    He also may visit me if I go to youth shelter.
    I know blaquaman too, was a big surprise to learn he was SEE. Seemed alot more thoughtful and composed than all the other SEE's I'd met, to the point where I thought he could've be a Ti base for a bit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Baqer View Post
    I know blaquaman too, was a big surprise to learn he was SEE. Seemed alot more thoughtful and composed than all the other SEE's I'd met, to the point where I thought he could've be a Ti base for a bit.
    He is thoughtful, but I think it’s more having do with his values. Not that religion makes someone automatically good, but he tries be a righteous Christian (I am not religious my own self, I am spiritual).. I think religion definitely can affect things though, of how someone is inclined behave.
    I am in my head; not society.

    Yes, that is who I am, hence the bold am.​ Also, a brain angel. (+ my own incarnation of a Zelda concept).

    My thoughts align w action to succeed what needs (at least in my dreamed ideal, they do)…


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    Quote Originally Posted by Braingel View Post
    He is thoughtful, but I think it’s more having do with his values. Not that religion makes someone automatically good, but he tries be a righteous Christian (I am not religious my own self)..
    Nothing about him seemed very religious, why do you think that his Christianity had anything to do with type. There are definitely some devout people here and who I know who, lets just say don't seem like good role models.

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