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Thread: Personal Interpretations of Various Types, Including My Dual the SEE

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    Clarke's Avatar
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    Default Personal Interpretations of Various Types, Including My Dual the SEE

    Last edited by Clarke; 03-07-2023 at 09:29 PM.

  2. #2
    Renna's Avatar
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    I don’t know about btas but for me Batman is always what you call LSI stereotype

    Sly Cooper look like SLE C more than SEE

  3. #3
    Renna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post
    LSI makes sense for BTAS Batman. I would say that Sly is more ethical than logical though. He looks at the world through a lens of ethics. I also don't think that Sly matches Fi vulnerable/PoLR.

    Edit: Something doesn't make sense about LSI Batman. He seems bad at understanding his internal state. If anything, he almost seems like Si vulnerable. What if Batman is actually an EIE?

    Batman accumulates a large body of facts like what I think would be a Te dominant, but he always seems to try to steer the emotional atmosphere towards seriousness. He's also very aware of how to portray himself emotionally in order to accomplish his goals (see his behavior as Bruce Wayne).

    He also seems Fe vulnerable I guess. He doesn't like to convey his passions. Although he also can pretend to have passions.

    Edit 2: I think that my own perceptions on what characters are likely to be might be dependent on whether they're going through psychological stress. I've historically thought that the Punisher is an ISTP (which so far seems equivalent to a LSI), but right now I'm convinced that he's just a psychologically stressed LSE. Maybe Batman appears to be an EIE to me because he's also psychologically stressed.

    Edit 3: In Justice League 2001, Batman actually shows signs of having Fi suggestive. He interacts with Wonder Woman (Diana) by sheepishly expressing his emotions. Considering this, his Si vulnerable characteristics (Alfred criticizes them), and his success at running Wayne Tech, I think that Batman is actually a LIE.

    I still view the Punisher as a possible LSE, considering that his dichotomies in Punisher Max seem to be different from the LSI and he seems to have a need to acquire factual information in The Platoon. I may be misinterpreting the dichotomies though.

    Edit 4: Frank Castle might be a psychologically stressed ISTP in MBTI because he seems to fit Fi demon. He also might be an LSI who has constructivist and farsighted characteristics because he's psychologically stressed.
    If Batman is Gamma NT, he would never bother to create the Batman image to bring fear to the criminal. He's already rich, just need to earn more money, then slowly kick all the people in the goverment who oppose him, taking control over the city. Then he can shape the city in his idea by his economic power, and in an economical way. That's what Gamma NT do.

    That's why Gamma NT are rarely being as main character. They are boring that's way.

    I think Batman - Diana feel more like LSI - EIE relationship. Making Ti lead express emotions more is Fe lead job.

    Batman has the "No kill" rule. The reason when you did something like killing you slowly become no different from the criminals, you'll be corrupted blah blah is some Ti logic + Ne polr, no other posibilities are allow. Both LIE and ILI are dynamic type, they are opportunist whose would not follow hardcode rule like that.

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    "Holy anal orgasms Batman, you're too busy fucking me in the ass when you should be out there fucking up criminals!" Robin said as the Dark Knight deeply seeded his young male hole.

    "Fuck why does your posterior turn me on so much, I should like women. Men should like women" Batman said somberly as he slipped under the covers.

    "Aw don't be that way big guy" Robin said affectionately. "And you still do like women. I'm gay but you're more bisexual. It's all okay and beautiful."

    Batman rolled his eyes at Robin's annoying SJW-ness. But he did have a soft spot for the younger man. While getting dressed Batman said "I'll get Alfred to make us something."

    "You didn't listen to me" Robin said in a teasing voice.

    "Mmhm?" Batman grunted man-ishly as he pulled up his pants and did up his belt.

    "About going after criminals. It's all over the paper. Joker is loose. And Scarecrow and Poison Ivy and Mr. Freeze and the Ventriloquist and and and...." Robin held up the Daily Planet paper for Batman to read. Batman just kind of glanced over at it with a grim indifference.

    "Thank god for feel good liberal politics, eh. We think it's okay to give them chance after chance. Even when they always prove they don't deserve it or earn it" Batman said indignantly.

    "I heard there was a forum online kinda like that. Called 16types info or something?"

    Batman shook his head. He had finished getting dressed. "Never heard of it. And sad to say, but I mostly agree with the city's policies. They are criminals but they're also mentally ill. Fighting them by becoming them is not the way."

    "So you capture 'em, they get sent to Arkham Asylum again, they escape again - and the cycle just keeps repeating itself? Again?" Robin said.

    "And the sun rises and sets every day, and you still eat my ass every night" Batman said with a devilish grin.

    "Don't remind me" Robin said playfully, and he then threw a pillow at Batman. "But back to crime, I don't know- I just think something more needs to be done about it. What are we gonna do this time. The same ol same ol?" the Boy Wonder, wondered.

    Batman suddenly sat down and put his face in his palms. After awhile, he slowly raised his head again. "... I'm tired, Robin. I'm too old and tired of it all and there is too many of them like you said. I want to retire, and just be with you. Maybe we should go public...." Batman seemed to grab Robin's hand, but then pulled away. "Nah, that's ridiculous. It turns me on more when you're my dirty little secret and everybody still thinks I'm 100% straight."

    "Ah Bruce, just when I think you're improving in the relationship you always do this! Well I'm tired of it too. Tired of you and your apathy! Something needs to be done about those criminals. And fuck them playing victim with the 'I'm just insane' crap. They're just saying that stuff to get away with being bank robbers and bullies and assholes and miscreants! Why Gee Golly Batman, if you don't do anything about them- I'm going to do something about them myself!"

    Robin them dramatically left the scene for awhile. He came back, wearing something more darker and much more masculine.

    "Say good-bye to sweet Robin, and say hello to the Eagle!" Robin said. "I am finally going to do something about Gotham's crime problems. The Crows are hopeless, the official authorities are hopeless, you're hopeless. The citizens themselves are hopeless, and I want to be the one that returns hope in them. Somebody has to stand up to these lunatics. It's not cool to be a bad guy and it will never will be! The EAGLE is gonna send them to real adult prison where they belong and where it will be much harder for them to escape! No more hand holding them in Arkyum Asylum!" The Eagle said triumphantly.

    "You'll never be able to do it without my help" Batman said. "They'll kill you way before you could finish your little speech there."

    "Yeah, that's kinda what I was hoping for" Robin/The Eagle said. "Come on Batman. Let's show those evil-doers that crime does not pay!"
    Last edited by Hot Scalding Gayser; 10-17-2022 at 07:13 PM.

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