Quote Originally Posted by CrocMeister View Post
I'm Fe-IEI I think.

ILE - fun & interesting ppl, intellectual, many interesting convos
SEI - nice, sweet
ESE - boring normies, don't understand anything, obnoxious, the living caricature of everything I hated in high school, I kinda feel bad for them tho at the same time, if we ever engage with each other it mostly ends with me telling them to just be themselves or some lame shit
LII - same as ILE but less fun (for better or for worse)

SLE - fun and inspirational ppl, hidden depth, cool, I tend to not be drawn to them romantically tho
IEI - ok
EIE - also ok
LSI - makes me feel able to do stuff, very receptible to muh Fe

SEE - pretty cool, not always a lot of common ground tho
ILI - funny, relatable
LIE - wholesome
ESI - seems like we often have a lot in common but they often act "too cool", maybe the same could be said for me tho

IEE - cuties
SLI - relatable, cool, very funny in a dry way
LSE - meh??? never rly known any, they seem boring
EII - cuties, relatable, most girls I get romantically involved with tend to be this type for some reason, esp with 4 + 9 thrown into the mix
Because we both tend to be ofthe Humanist lot. I have recently noticed that a good bit of my college friends were IEI. Idk we just have slightly similar tastes and activity preferences