As I'm just 21, these are people around my age so they are probably not the most mature versions of their types. I have hung out with groups composed of mostly one quadra at multiple times in my life so I'll give my role in the group if that helps/

ALPHA: I'm seen as the funny, narcissistic one of the group. Also the most moody and the one that you don't wanna mess with.

BETA: One of the smartest in the entire group. I was known for never giving up and I was always willing to spar or fight if someone called me out. Passive observer a lot of the time and reliable. Funny guy and kind of weird.

GAMMA: Smart guy but rebellious for no reason. The one who points out the inaccuracy of their actions and statements. They are very entertained by the fact that underneath my exterior that I am very caring and emotional.

DELTA: Rebel without a cause. They don't really understand why I do any of the things I do and they see me as trying to cause chaos for no reason at all. Inadvertently, I hurt a lot of the Delta NF feelings when I point out things that I don't like.

ILE: A lot of them are weird and are people that I'm very glad are not me. The ones I know just come up with dumb ideas that last for all of 5 minutes and then completely drop it or they kill a real idea for some random thing. Fun to talk to though and watching them offend people and get offended when they realize that people may not like them is pretty entertaining.

SEI: Reminds me of the way that girls in romance movies are normally portrayed. They're quiet and initially reserved but they bubble with emotion. They are extremely cool people to hang out with. Have a secret "weird" interest that aren't really too weird to most people. Just surprising to see them engaged in those activities. Really basic and I'm not ever drawn to hang out with most people of this type. what you see is often what you get.

ESE: A nice chunk of people I know follow under this banner. For the most part, they are super judgy initially but it's very easy to break that barrier. If you indulge one of their interests, it's guaranteed they will ask you to come do that activity with them. Outspoken and the most outwardly goofy of all the times. They make a lot of references to things they've seen. I hang out with them to get a boost in emotional energy as their energy just pumps me up. They see me as one of them but a more direct, edgy version that says things in a way they wish they could.

LII: They are much more attracted to me than I am to them. They are kind of boring and have really well thought-out but absurd ideas of life that don't seem grounded in reality. Are either really introverted or they are are extremely awkward weird people. Good for the occasional conversation about reality or life but they seem ill-equipped to take care of them self in life. I get the sense they will always have to rely on someone else as they don't have the inner strength to push themselves to achieve success.

SLE: We always have a good time with each other. They can take a joke and lob one back at you with no problem. Competitive but keep a cool head most of the time. They enjoy having me around them and we often go out places with each other. The only type I can make fun of that doesn't take it as me hating on them.

IEI: Seem very impractical but are some of the kindest people I've ever met. Also appear unable to reach their dreams on their own. I feel the need to protect these kind of people and often take steps to make sure that I do even without their permission. Their optimism for the future and light-heartedness just warms me up. Even when I'm a douche, they just forgive and forget. Or at least they pretend they do. Don't give themselves credit for how capable they actually are.

EIE: Pretty funny people. They share the same kind of energy as I. Generally, they are free-thinkers and love playing jokes and talking deeply about life all in the same period. They motivate me to chase after my dreams since I don't wanna get left in the dust by them. The ones I know don't really attempt to control anyone that isn't in their group. Very judgy so we can laugh about things with each other.

LSI: Always seem really uptight and get upset when they are losing in some aspect. If you listen to them, they are pretty chill to hang out with and will generally just be quiet. Don't really think deeply about many things at all as it's become automated in their head to act a certain way.

SEE: I believe these are the show-stealers of the 16 types. Loud, opinionated, and super charged. Unlike the stereotypes, these are the ones that often say random stupid things for no reason. Have a very hard time following anybody's rules, even their own. The males are very overtly sexual and say sexual things all the time in casual conversation. Like to be leading the group most of the time and will constantly tell you they don't "like" something that you're doing because it means something personally to them but they'll talk about whatever they want and hate being told to stop.

ILI: The most negative people that I've ever met. They have a few hobbies that are cool to them and everything else sucks. Have a tendency to interpret situations in the worst way. Still, they are knowledgeable and really cool to hang with for a minute. Have a hard time forgiving people who they perceive as wronging them.

LIE: Very direct but it's hilarious. They enjoy joking and can put people on the spot inadvertently by pointing out how incompetent they are at something in public. Are pretty good at reading people surprisingly.

ESI: Can be a little scary with how rigid they are in their beliefs. Take offense sometimes when it's not meant to have that effect on them. Lot of the ones I know have intense insecurities about themselves. They can miss the signs of a bad relationship until after it's over and they reevaluate. I can't stay mad at them because they genuinely believe they're doing the right thing most of the time. That kind of conviction is beautiful.

IEE: Really fun people. They are the only people I think who can match my ability to bond with other people that they want to. They are little balls of energy and very entertaining to hear them dump their anxieties and weird thoughts on you. Take offense very easily so you have to walk on shells around them but I still end up doing it somehow. They hate when I judge someone or something that they like and they can't argue with me because I can explain myself a lot easier than them.

SLI: Get along with them. One of my friends and I always have fun little debates with each other. She gets a lot of pleasure in poking holes in my logic while I get a lot out of making her flustered with my over-the-top jokes. The rest seem horribly boring to me.

LSE: Horribly conventional. It seems as if they are robots that must be in charge of everyone and everything's affairs in their vicinity. Really helpful though they will constantly question why you're not doing something right in your life.

EII: Blend in a lot to their surroundings but are often surprisingly creative and goofy. A lot of them find me to be a little too offensive and over the top for them. They really enjoy having alone time. Disagree when I tell them to cut people out of their lives who are no benefit to them. Are troubled but there's not really anything I can do to help them. Don't ever really have the urge to talk to them. They are more annoying than the LSE because they keep the fact that they don't like me a secret and it's annoying they can't just confront the problem.