I'm surprised no one has responded!! I'll do a couple. Maybe in a year I can update this once my socionics knowledge is more solid and I've spent more time typing the people around me. don't take my list super seriously because much of what I wrote for many of the types is based on just one or two people!

My type: IEI-Ni

ESE- I second that they're very fun people! I get along with them well on a superficial level, but ultimately their Ni-PoLR turns me away.
ILE- my closest friend is an ILE! they are scattered and at times questionable. the one I know is very oriented to self-growth, which I love. so fun to tease. sometimes we both get too caught up in dreams when we are together.
SEI- the one I know gives the best gifts. very sweet and comfortable relationship. I don't know if this is how it's supposed to work, but she delivers the ~Si~ in a way I enjoy and appreciate.
LII- one of them that I know is absolutely hilarious, the other one (my brother) tries to be but is not. it's like, yes some jokes are so bad they are good, but for you you're somehow just beyond that! he has really awkward Fe (he tries!) but it's endearing. the first one and I get along very well. very stoic on the outside but actually SO emotional. LIIs and I get very nerdy together.

EIE- ?
LSI- ?
IEI- I think IEI's are cool people, once they learn to be more active and assertive (@myself, lol) I once had a tutoring session with an IEI, and it was absolutely heavenly. never had such a good teacher before. T_T
SLE- stick an SLE 8w7 in front of me and I'll develop a crush on him (as long as he's not super unhealthy), guaranteed. i wish i were joking. i can see how other people find them too blunt or overbearing, but it's never bothered me before. the older ones make good teachers.

SEE- you are fun little balls of energy. your presence is very nice.
LIE- I know one, and it's the weirdest experience because we think so similarly (I don't know a lot of Ni people, but when I meet one I can always sense that we're on a very similar wavelength), yet we don't!! she is an so/sp and is friends with literally everybody. very socially elegant but if you look closely.. also, I think my Te PoLR scares her. and she's very afraid to break the rules.
ESI- I tend to get along with them pretty well. the Fi subtypes can be very annoying and sometimes I feel like I'm walking on glass around them.
ILE- we understand each other so well, but after a bit we can annoy each other because we're oriented in completely different directions. I'm jealous of how well they understand anything to do with "technological processes" i like them.

SLI- hilarious people. I love their humor. We tend to be interested in each other, but a bit shy to cross the gap.
IEE- they are a lot of fun! we get along well, but it's hard to get pass the surface.
EII- you are cool except they seem to always bother me for some reason. it's not their fault but just my personal reaction.
LSE- ?