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Thread: How do you view each other type?

  1. #41
    Tzuyu's Avatar
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    ILE- mischevious puppies that piss everywhere but you don't care
    SEI- reminds me more of cute animal than human sometimes, some are real life faeries
    ESE- pure color, you can almost taste their emotions; my comfort zones hate them
    LII- they like to hide in their tall castles, giants in their own respects

    SLE- read a fantasy book or two then come back
    IEI- ???, their true objectives are never transparent, most difficult to read
    LSI- too many LARPers of this type, otherwise ok
    EIE- schizophrenic; just stick to one identity! fashion is either great or rapes the eyes

    SEE- raw meat; protagonists of the story
    ILI- modern day magicians; some are frauds and some cast spells over empires
    LIE- they narrate everything, except grooming techniques
    ESI- no data

    LSE- well oiled Tinman; some succeed in their quest to find a soul, some never
    EII- EII cast protecc! now you are duty bound to share your plunders and make them laugh
    SLI- literal IRL nap-buddy; i notice they never fully open their eyes, maybe they're hiding something in their eyelids?
    IEE- no data
    Last edited by Tzuyu; 09-24-2020 at 07:13 PM.

  2. #42
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    In the world of Eberron, arcane magic has been harnessed asa form of science and deployed throughout society. Artificers reflect this development. Their knowledge of magical devices, and their ability to infuse mundaneitems with magical energy, allows the grand magical projects of Eberron to continue running.During the Last War, artificers weremarshaledon a massive scale. Many lives were saved because of the inventions of brave artificers, but also countless lives were lost because of the mass destruction that artificers’creations unleashed.
    Seekers of New lore

    Nothing excites an artificer quite like uncovering
    a new metal or discoveringa source of elemental energy.Inartificer circles, new inventions and strangediscoveries create the most excitement. Artificers who wish to make a mark must find somethingfresh, rather than uncover someone else’s work

    Magic is a part of every sorcerer, suffusing body, mind, and spirit with a latent power that waits to be tapped. Some sorcerers wield magic that springs from an ancient bloodline infused with the magic of dragons. Others carry a raw, uncontrolled magic within them, a chaotic storm that manifests in unexpected ways.

    The appearance of sorcerous powers is wildly unpredictable. Some draconic bloodlines produce exactly one sorcerer in every generation, but in other lines of descent every individual is a sorcerer. Most of the time, the talents of sorcery appear as apparent flukes. Some sorcerers can’t name the origin of their power, while others trace it to strange events in their own lives. The touch of a demon, the blessing of a dryad at a baby’s birth, or a taste of the water from a mysterious spring might spark the gift of sorcery. So too might the gift of a deity of magic, exposure to the elemental forces of the Inner Planes or the maddening chaos of Limbo, or a glimpse into the inner workings of reality.

    Sorcerers have no use for the spellbooks and ancient tomes of magic lore that wizards rely on, nor do they rely on a patron to grant their spells as warlocks do. By learning to harness and channel their own inborn magic, they can discover new and staggering ways to unleash that power.

    Unexplained Powers

    Sorcerers are rare in the world, and it’s unusual to find a sorcerer who is not involved in the adventuring life in some way. People with magical power seething in their veins soon discover that the power doesn’t like to stay quiet. A sorcerer’s magic wants to be wielded, and it has a tendency to spill out in unpredictable ways if it isn’t called on.

    Wild and enigmatic, varied in form and function, the power of magic draws students who seek to master its mysteries. Some aspire to become like the gods, shaping reality itself. Though the casting of a typical spell requires merely the utterance of a few strange words, fleeting gestures, and sometimes a pinch or clump of exotic materials, these surface components barely hint at the expertise attained after years of apprenticeship and countless hours of study.

    Wizards live and die by their spells. Everything else is secondary. They learn new spells as they experiment and grow in experience. They can also learn them from other wizards, from ancient tomes or inscriptions, and from ancient creatures (such as the fey) that are steeped in magic.

    The Lure of Knowledge

    Wizards’ lives are seldom mundane. The closest a wizard is likely to come to an ordinary life is working as a sage or lecturer in a library or university, teaching others the secrets of the multiverse. Other wizards sell their services as diviners, serve in military forces, or pursue lives of crime or domination.

    The monks who live there seek personal perfection through contemplation and rigorous training. Many entered the monastery as children, sent to live there when their parents died, when food couldn’t be found to support them, or in return for some kindness that the monks had performed for their families.

    Some monks live entirely apart from the surrounding population, secluded from anything that might impede their spiritual progress. Others are sworn to isolation, emerging only to serve as spies or assassins at the command of their leader, a noble patron, or some other mortal or divine power.

    The majority of monks don’t shun their neighbors, making frequent visits to nearby towns or villages and exchanging their service for food and other goods. As versatile warriors, monks often end up protecting their neighbors from monsters or tyrants.

    For a monk, becoming an adventurer means leaving a structured, communal lifestyle to become a wanderer. This can be a harsh transition, and monks don’t undertake it lightly. Those who leave their cloisters take their work seriously, approaching their adventures as personal tests of their physical and spiritual growth. As a rule, monks care little for material wealth and are driven by a desire to accomplish a greater mission than merely slaying monsters and plundering their treasure.


    Fighters learn the basics of all combat styles. Every fighter can swing an axe, fence with a rapier, wield a longsword or a greatsword, use a bow, and even trap foes in a net with some degree of skill. Likewise, a fighter is adept with shields and every form of armor. Beyond that basic degree of familiarity, each fighter specializes in a certain style of combat. Some concentrate on archery, some on fighting with two weapons at once, and some on augmenting their martial skills with magic. This combination of broad general ability and extensive specialization makes fighters superior combatants on battlefields and in dungeons alike.

    Trained for Danger

    Not every member of the city watch, the village militia, or the queen’s army is a fighter. Most of these troops are relatively untrained soldiers with only the most basic combat knowledge. Veteran soldiers, military officers, trained bodyguards, dedicated knights, and similar figures are fighters.

    Some fighters feel drawn to use their training as adventurers. The dungeon delving, monster slaying, and other dangerous work common among adventurers is second nature for a fighter, not all that different from the life he or she left behind.

    Divine magic, as the name suggests, is the power of the gods, flowing from them into the world. Clerics are conduits for that power, manifesting it as miraculous effects. The gods don’t grant this power to everyone who seeks it, but only to those chosen to fulfill a high calling.

    Harnessing divine magic doesn’t rely on study or training. A cleric might learn formulaic prayers and ancient rites, but the ability to cast cleric spells relies on devotion and an intuitive sense of a deity’s wishes.

    Clerics combine the helpful magic of healing and inspiring their allies with spells that harm and hinder foes. They can provoke awe and dread, lay curses of plague or poison, and even call down flames from heaven to consume their enemies. For those evildoers who will benefit most from a mace to the head, clerics depend on their combat training to let them wade into melee with the power of the gods on their side.

    Divine Agents

    Not every acolyte or officiant at a temple or shrine is a cleric. Some priests are called to a simple life of temple service, carrying out their gods’ will through prayer and sacrifice, not by magic and strength of arms. In some cities, priesthood amounts to a political office, viewed as a stepping stone to higher positions of authority and involving no communion with a god at all. True clerics are rare in most hierarchies.


    A warlock is defined by a pact with an otherworldly being. Sometimes the relationship between warlock and patron is like that of a cleric and a deity, though the beings that serve as patrons for warlocks are not gods. A warlock might lead a cult dedicated to a demon prince, an archdevil, or an utterly alien entity—beings not typically served by clerics. More often, though, the arrangement is similar to that between a master and an apprentice. The warlock learns and grows in power, at the cost of occasional services performed on the patron’s behalf.

    The magic bestowed on a warlock ranges from minor but lasting alterations to the warlock’s being (such as the ability to see in darkness or to read any language) to access to powerful spells. Unlike bookish wizards, warlocks supplement their magic with some facility at hand-to-hand combat. They are comfortable in light armor and know how to use simple weapons.

    Delvers into Secrets

    Warlocks are driven by an insatiable need for knowledge and power, which compels them into their pacts and shapes their lives. This thirst drives warlocks into their pacts and shapes their later careers as well.

    Stories of warlocks binding themselves to fiends are widely known. But many warlocks serve patrons that are not fiendish. Sometimes a traveler in the wilds comes to a strangely beautiful tower, meets its fey lord or lady, and stumbles into a pact without being fully aware of it. And sometimes, while poring over tomes of forbidden lore, a brilliant but crazed student’s mind is opened to realities beyond the material world and to the alien beings that dwell in the outer void.

    Once a pact is made, a warlock’s thirst for knowledge and power can’t be slaked with mere study and research. No one makes a pact with such a mighty patron if he or she doesn’t intend to use the power thus gained. Rather, the vast majority of warlocks spend their days in active pursuit of their goals, which typically means some kind of adventuring. Furthermore, the demands of their patrons drive warlocks toward adventure.


    Warriors of the wilderness, rangers specialize in hunting the monsters that threaten the edges of civilization—humanoid raiders, rampaging beasts and monstrosities, terrible giants, and deadly dragons. They learn to track their quarry as a predator does, moving stealthily through the wilds and hiding themselves in brush and rubble. Rangers focus their combat training on techniques that are particularly useful against their specific favored foes.

    Thanks to their familiarity with the wilds, rangers acquire the ability to cast spells that harness nature’s power, much as a druid does. Their spells, like their combat abilities, emphasize speed, stealth, and the hunt. A ranger’s talents and abilities are honed with deadly focus on the grim task of protecting the borderlands.

    Independent Adventurers

    Though a ranger might make a living as a hunter, a guide, or a tracker, a ranger’s true calling is to defend the outskirts of civilization from the ravages of monsters and humanoid hordes that press in from the wild. In some places, rangers gather in secretive orders or join forces with druidic circles. Many rangers, though, are independent almost to a fault, knowing that, when a dragon or a band of orcs attacks, a ranger might be the first—and possibly the last—line of defense.

    This fierce independence makes rangers well suited to adventuring, since they are accustomed to life far from the comforts of a dry bed and a hot bath. Faced with city-bred adventurers who grouse and whine about the hardships of the wild, rangers respond with some mixture of amusement, frustration, and compassion. But they quickly learn that other adventurers who can carry their own weight in a fight against civilization’s foes are worth any extra burden. Coddled city folk might not know how to feed themselves or find fresh water in the wild, but they make up for it in other ways.


    For some, their rage springs from a communion with fierce animal spirits. Others draw from a roiling reservoir of anger at a world full of pain. For every barbarian, rage is a power that fuels not just a battle frenzy but also uncanny reflexes, resilience, and feats of strength.

    Primal Instinct

    People of towns and cities take pride in how their civilized ways set them apart from animals, as if denying one’s own nature was a mark of superiority. To a barbarian, though, civilization is no virtue, but a sign of weakness. The strong embrace their animal nature—keen instincts, primal physicality, and ferocious rage. Barbarians are uncomfortable when hedged in by walls and crowds. They thrive in the wilds of their homelands: the tundra, jungle, or grasslands where their tribes live and hunt.

    Barbarians come alive in the chaos of combat. They can enter a berserk state where rage takes over, giving them superhuman strength and resilience. A barbarian can draw on this reservoir of fury only a few times without resting, but those few rages are usually sufficient to defeat whatever threats arise.


    True bards are not common in the world. Not every minstrel singing in a tavern or jester cavorting in a royal court is a bard. Discovering the magic hidden in music requires hard study and some measure of natural talent that most troubadours and jongleurs lack. It can be hard to spot the difference between these performers and true bards, though. A bard’s life is spent wandering across the land gathering lore, telling stories, and living on the gratitude of audiences, much like any other entertainer. But a depth of knowledge, a level of musical skill, and a touch of magic set bards apart from their fellows.

    Only rarely do bards settle in one place for long, and their natural desire to travel—to find new tales to tell, new skills to learn, and new discoveries beyond the horizon—makes an adventuring career a natural calling. Every adventure is an opportunity to learn, practice a variety of skills, enter long-forgotten tombs, discover lost works of magic, decipher old tomes, travel to strange places, or encounter exotic creatures. Bards love to accompany heroes to witness their deeds firsthand. A bard who can tell an awe-inspiring story from personal experience earns renown among other bards. Indeed, after telling so many stories about heroes accomplishing mighty deeds, many bards take these themes to heart and assume heroic roles themselves.


    A paladin swears to uphold justice and righteousness, to stand with the good things of the world against the encroaching darkness, and to hunt the forces of evil wherever they lurk. Different paladins focus on various aspects of the cause of righteousness, but all are bound by the oaths that grant them power to do their sacred work. Although many paladins are devoted to gods of good, a paladin’s power comes as much from a commitment to justice itself as it does from a god.

    Paladins train for years to learn the skills of combat, mastering a variety of weapons and armor. Even so, their martial skills are secondary to the magical power they wield: power to heal the sick and injured, to smite the wicked and the undead, and to protect the innocent and those who join them in the fight for justice.

    Beyond the Mundane Life

    Almost by definition, the life of a paladin is an adventuring life. Unless a lasting injury has taken him or her away from adventuring for a time, every paladin lives on the front lines of the cosmic struggle against evil. Fighters are rare enough among the ranks of the militias and armies of the world, but even fewer people can claim the true calling of a paladin. When they do receive the call, these warriors turn from their former occupations and take up arms to fight evil. Sometimes their oaths lead them into the service of the crown as leaders of elite groups of knights, but even then their loyalty is first to the cause of righteousness, not to crown and country.

    Adventuring paladins take their work seriously. A delve into an ancient ruin or dusty crypt can be a quest driven by a higher purpose than the acquisition of treasure. Evil lurks in dungeons and primeval forests, and even the smallest victory against it can tilt the cosmic balance away from oblivion.


    Rogues devote as much effort to mastering the use of a variety of skills as they do to perfecting their combat abilities, giving them a broad expertise that few other characters can match. Many rogues focus on stealth and deception, while others refine the skills that help them in a dungeon environment, such as climbing, finding and disarming traps, and opening locks.

    When it comes to combat, rogues prioritize cunning over brute strength. A rogue would rather make one precise strike, placing it exactly where the attack will hurt the target most, than wear an opponent down with a barrage of attacks. Rogues have an almost supernatural knack for avoiding danger, and a few learn magical tricks to supplement their other abilities.

    A Shady Living

    Every town and city has its share of rogues. Most of them live up to the worst stereotypes of the class, making a living as burglars, assassins, cutpurses, and con artists. Often, these scoundrels are organized into thieves’ guilds or crime families. Plenty of rogues operate independently, but even they sometimes recruit apprentices to help them in their scams and heists. A few rogues make an honest living as locksmiths, investigators, or exterminators, which can be a dangerous job in a world where dire rats—and wererats—haunt the sewers.

    As adventurers, rogues fall on both sides of the law. Some are hardened criminals who decide to seek their fortune in treasure hoards, while others take up a life of adventure to escape from the law. Some have learned and perfected their skills with the explicit purpose of infiltrating ancient ruins and hidden crypts in search of treasure.


    While most of the classic schools of magical study are well known and widely respected, the less refined and macabre incantations of Hemocraft have long been forbidden and lost to most of the civilized world. Blood Hunters have reclaimed these techniques away from the judging eyes of society, finding blood magic’s esoteric nature effective against the evils that often defy the divine powers that historically hold the line.

    Through careful study and practice, blood hunters have honed the rites of hemocraft into their combat prowess, forfeiting a facet of their health to infuse their weapons with powerful blood magic and summoning the elements to envelop their strikes. They can sear an arcane brand into the body of their quarry that hinders their foe’s abilities and punishes their aggression, or call blood curses upon their enemies, manipulating their bodies from the inside. Willing to suffer whatever it takes to achieve victory, these adept warriors have forged themselves into a potent force against the terrors that threaten the innocent.

    A Monster to Fight Monsters

    Whether driven by the wish to make a difference in a dangerous world, the need to take vengeance for a great wrong they have suffered, being inspired by witnessing the strange and powerful techniques of another blood hunter in person, or just seeking a place to belong in an uncaring world, the reasons one may take up the Hunter’s Bane and choose this life are many and varied. In joining an order of blood hunters, one is also joining a tight family bound by service to each other and the common cause. For many, this is the only family they have known or have left, so the kinship felt between members of an order is a bond neigh unbreakable.

    Beyond the boundaries of the order, however, the life of a blood hunter is often not an easy one. The rituals of the Hunter’s Bane regularly leave one visibly changed and prone to unsettle common folk, and the witnessing of hemocraft can invoke a superstitious fear from even the most learned scholar. While some societies have come to accept the good deeds of the orders, many blood hunters publicly hide their nature unless absolutely necessary, feeling more comfortable in the wilds and wastes of the world where the Orders commonly train. Even so, the best work a blood hunter can do usually involves the poor and defenseless on the outskirts of society, those prone to the corrupting touch of fiends and dark intension. Braving the threat of vilification, these dark protectors wade through civilization, earning coin as mercenaries or bounty hunters, ever watching for the signs of something more nefarious beneath the surface.


    Druids revere nature above all, gaining their spells and other magical powers either from the force of nature itself or from a nature deity. Many druids pursue a mystic spirituality of transcendent union with nature rather than devotion to a divine entity, while others serve gods of wild nature, animals, or elemental forces. The ancient druidic traditions are sometimes called the Old Faith, in contrast to the worship of gods in temples and shrines.

    Druid spells are oriented toward nature and animals—the power of tooth and claw, of sun and moon, of fire and storm. Druids also gain the ability to take on animal forms, and some druids make a particular study of this practice, even to the point where they prefer animal form to their natural form.

    Preserve the Balance

    For druids, nature exists in a precarious balance. The four elements that make up a world—air, earth, fire, and water—must remain in equilibrium. If one element were to gain power over the others, the world could be destroyed, drawn into one of the elemental planes and broken apart into its component elements. Thus, druids oppose cults of Elemental Evil and others who promote one element to the exclusion of others.

    Druids are also concerned with the delicate ecological balance that sustains plant and animal life, and the need for civilized folk to live in harmony with nature, not in opposition to it. Druids accept that which is cruel in nature, and they hate that which is unnatural, including aberrations (such as beholders and mind flayers) and undead (such as zombies and vampires). Druids sometimes lead raids against such creatures, especially when the monsters encroach on the druids’ territory.

    Druids are often found guarding sacred sites or watching over regions of unspoiled nature. But when a significant danger arises, threatening nature’s balance or the lands they protect, druids take on a more active role in combating the threat, as adventurers.


    There’s no sight more beautiful to you than a strange brew bubbling in a beaker, and you consume your ingenious elixirs with abandon. You’re fascinated by uncovering the secrets of science and the natural world, and you’re constantly experimenting in your lab or on the go with inventive concoctions for every eventuality.

    You are fearless in the face of risk, hurling explosive or toxic creations at your foes. Your unique path toward greatness is lined with alchemical brews that push your mind and body to their limits.

    While many who dabble in the arcane become adept at beckoning monsters from the farthest reaches of the planes, none are more skilled at it than the summoner. This practitioner of the arcane arts forms a close bond with one particular outsider, known as an eidolon, who gains power as the summoner becomes more proficient at his summoning. Over time, the two become linked, eventually even sharing a shard of the same soul. But this power comes with a price: the summoner’s spells and abilities are limited due to his time spent enhancing the power and exploring the nature of his eidolon.

  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ibreen View Post
    SEE > Biltong for breakfast
    I actually had that for breakfast, funnily enough xD

  4. #44
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    EIE - Ni


    ILE - My experience with them is scattered, we usually vibe pretty well together bouncing ideas off of each other and joking around. There is one at my job who is annoying asshole who acts very petulant if I don't agree with his opinions.

    ESE - Always fun, but they will pressure me to eat and to wear a jacket when its cold which can get annoying. All in all I like them and we get along very easily.

    LII - We get along very well, I like their Ti a lot and feed off of it. I do see them as a little weak and feel like I should protect them from criticism but they probably don't see themselves that way.

    SEI - Many females of this type in my life have been attracted to me, I like them but I think it would get old for both of us fast.


    EIE - I have to say I do not like them, very often I feel like we end up in competition with one another.

    SLE - This could get bad, the most explosive relationships I've had are with this type. The Se energizes me in a competitive way where I feel invigorated, like a call for challenge. But females are sexy to me and they like me as well.

    LSI - If they're female I will be attracted to them because they will sit and listen to me and I bounce ideas off of them. If they're male it may be different and the relationship may start adversarial until we both mark our territory and can start to be friends.

    IEI - They are ok, they are like me and we vibe well but eventually I get annoyed by how placid and low energy they are.


    LIE - I literally think nothing about this type, they are fine I have no opinion about them.

    SEE - I don't think I've met one. Maybe once, in that instance I really liked her (in a professional sense, there was no romantic potential there).

    ESI - Exhausting, I work with one. We will all be talking and She will immediately bring the conversation to a grinding halt if she doesn't like the topic (which is often).

    ILI - I find female ILIs to be extremely sexy. ILIs in general I've been fine with.


    LSE - I like them fine, they give good practical advice. But I don't think I could ever have anything but a polite professional relationship with one, too boring for my taste.

    IEE - Ok relationship, very scattered, whimsical. Too PC for me to truly have fun with more often than not.

    EII - Very PC like the IEE but to the max, usually. Not easy to have fun with.

    SLI - I've met many of this type while getting my degree, they have no enthusiasm for anything interesting. They are usually very skeptical of ideas about society and where things are going. To me they seem closed off to the world like they have their head buried in the sand.

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    Quote Originally Posted by redundantoxymoron View Post
    The greatest country on earth was built on the backs of LIEs. Don't downplay it, leftie.

    Sorry serious answer to thread is that all types suck
    The Nordic countries have more democracy and greater quality of life than does the US

  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    The Nordic countries have more democracy and greater quality of life than does the US
    Err, they've also been more ethnically homogeneous than most until recently. The US is about as heterogeneous as you can get. That it even ranks as high as it does pokes holes in the most hardcore racist narratives.

    A thing I could have told ya by the way. Again, Religion>Ethnicity. For instance, I'm surrounded by Burmese as an Irish-German in my neighborhood. Sadly most of them are Protestant instead of Catholic but at least they're Christian. Thus there isn't too much tension. A bit of discomfort and occasional rage on the road but no real threat of violence anytime soon. We all get along when it matters most.

    Wish they'd stop chopping up the tree branches down to the friggin' stump around their property though. Venomous Snakes who can fall on your head and bite ya neck if ya don't do that regularly may be a thing in Burma but up here they kinda ain't. This backs up a thing I've frequently pointed out though. Say you took the entire population of Japan and dropped them onto a recently vacated Texas. Would they all become Texans? No, Texas would simply become Neo-Japan. Call me a bigot for pointing out that fact, but it doesn't change the fact I'm right.

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    ILE - Gay
    LII - Lesbian
    ESE - Straight
    SEI - Bisexual

    EIE - Gay
    SLE - Bisexual
    LSI - Straight
    IEI - Lesbian

    LIE - Lesbian
    SEE - Gay
    ILI - Bisexual
    ESI - Straight

    IEE - Gay
    EII - Lesbian
    SLI - Bisexual
    LSE - Straight

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    Quote Originally Posted by End View Post
    Err, they've also been more ethnically homogeneous than most until recently. The US is about as heterogeneous as you can get. That it even ranks as high as it does pokes holes in the most hardcore racist narratives.

    A thing I could have told ya by the way. Again, Religion>Ethnicity. For instance, I'm surrounded by Burmese as an Irish-German in my neighborhood. Sadly most of them are Protestant instead of Catholic but at least they're Christian. Thus there isn't too much tension. A bit of discomfort and occasional rage on the road but no real threat of violence anytime soon. We all get along when it matters most.

    Wish they'd stop chopping up the tree branches down to the friggin' stump around their property though. Venomous Snakes who can fall on your head and bite ya neck if ya don't do that regularly may be a thing in Burma but up here they kinda ain't. This backs up a thing I've frequently pointed out though. Say you took the entire population of Japan and dropped them onto a recently vacated Texas. Would they all become Texans? No, Texas would simply become Neo-Japan. Call me a bigot for pointing out that fact, but it doesn't change the fact I'm right.
    You seem to want to connnect ethnic homogeneity to democracy and to happiness. Yet, you don't indicate the connection.

    Secondly, religion and other ethnic traits differ in friendships or neighborhoods or families without violence. There are also mechanisms whereby happiness and democracy are increased when such diversity exists, not diminished.

  9. #49
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    Si egos are such intolerant chickenshits. They get scared before anything happens and they anticipate the worst case scenario based on no data than their stupid elusive “impressions.”

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    ILE > Competitive and fun, generally very light hearted and kind if you're not debating with them or playing a board game.
    SEI > Flippy floppy and simple minded.
    ESE > Loving and fun, but overbearing and basic.
    LII > Intelligent and understanding, but too arrogant and weak to actually handle diplomacy or anything that borders on tangible.

    EIE > Oprah releasing bees onto her audience.
    LSI > A paradox: Experimental and fun, but gentle and conservative.
    SLE > Owner of the Jeep that flipped over.
    IEI > Bitch on the inside, cuddly bear on the outside.

    SEE > Airheads, but outrageously talented!
    ILI > That highly irritating scene in Ghost where Patrick Swayze was singing I'm Henry the Eighth, I Am.
    LIE > Perfection in human form, as long as you don't have to deal with them personally.
    ESI > Sweetie pies, but don't get on their shit side.

    LSE > Smart idiots.
    EII > Lots of opinions, understand very little.
    IEE > Jack of all trades, master of none.
    SLI > Simple man, with simple needs.
    Last edited by velveteen; 10-07-2020 at 08:14 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by velveteen View Post
    LSI > A paradox: Experimental and fun, but gentle and conservative.
    I don't understand this meme. What are people even referring to when they say LSIs are "conservative"?

  12. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by oath of solitude View Post
    I don't understand this meme. What are people even referring to when they say LSIs are "conservative"?
    Propably their Ne Polr.
    A lot of LSIs i have to do with are very rigid in their believes and tend not to go too much against society. Many of them adhere to social norms very closely and don't really divert too much from what they have been tought, nor the thoughts they once have formed by themselves.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SnatchYourWeave View Post
    Si egos are such intolerant chickenshits. They get scared before anything happens and they anticipate the worst case scenario based on no data than their stupid elusive “impressions.”

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    I think here it's just the person was, maybe exposed early to racism and hasnt learned how to answer and combat the ideas yet. thetre is always hope. rather than a fixed mindset, we can adopt a growth one. User itsma has more clearly racist viewpoints and identifies as LIE.I'm still picking the systemc racist ideologies out of my subconscious

    Si isnt necessarily more prone to intolerance, i think

    usually the intolerant manage their fear badly

    i think that might be the crux of most racism

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    Propably their Ne Polr.
    A lot of LSIs i have to do with are very rigid in their believes and tend not to go too much against society. Many of them adhere to social norms very closely and don't really divert too much from what they have been tought, nor the thoughts they once have formed by themselves.
    Sounds like Delta STs, to me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    I think here it's just the person was, maybe exposed early to racism and hasnt learned how to answer and combat the ideas yet. thetre is always hope. rather than a fixed mindset, we can adopt a growth one. User itsma has more clearly racist viewpoints and identifies as LIE.I'm still picking the systemc racist ideologies out of my subconscious

    Si isnt necessarily more prone to intolerance, i think

    usually the intolerant manage their fear badly

    i think that might be the crux of most racism

    I have been raised with neoliberal values. My racism is not the result of conservative attidute but of being high in Openness and being non-traditional, non-conformist and questioning of the Status Quo and undeserving authority which is very common with people with high intelligence.
    I actually am very tolerant and democratic, but since i function on empirical truths i still have to meet someone to dismantle my worldview on a factual basis instead of institutions and ideologues trying to violently supress it.
    In the end of the day my racism is the result of being gifted and having acess to otherwise supressed empirical data through the internet.
    Last edited by Itsme; 10-10-2020 at 01:57 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    t.lse who even mistypes his own gender

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post
    A LIE to whom pointing all and any Te-evidence is of no use, as he is going to ignore it for his favored 'theory'
    Yes all those black philosophers, Race and IQ statistics and FBI crime stats have really showed me that all people are equally able and everybody can be whatever he wants.
    I see why this possibility appeals to someone who can't even accept for himself that he isn't a type that would appeal to his cool snowflake club even though the evidence is obvious.
    Accepting hard facts is simply nothing inherent to you.
    Just stop bothering me with seeking out my reactions, i do not care about you.
    I am clearly intelectually superior to you and calling me names and acting like you have changed anything with this because you are showing that my manners are better than yours too will not change anything.
    Just stop annyoing me, i do not seek to interact with you neither am i inclied to let lies, falesoods and disrespect against me stand unchallanged.
    You will never function on this level, will always be a midwit, will stay LSE all of your life and trying to make my life miserable will not make you more content with what you are.
    People like you will never be content because you do not realize that being kind to other people and giving hapiness is what makes your own live good. It's nothing to fight over, it does multiply.
    Just try being a good person for one day, maybe you will even enjoy it, and can slowly start to accept yourself as who you really are, no needs more for a false persona, no more need for all these narcisstic personality traits and your self denying delusions while lashing out at everybody who you feel threatened by because they make you feel your own limitations.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    I am clearly intelectually superior to you

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    Quote Originally Posted by Duschia View Post

    (I mean I was 'clearly an ESE' before, yee) [/COLOR]
    I will refuse to engage in this discussion as long as you are lying.
    Work on yourself and stop being a scumbag.
    I will not be the last person who will stop talking to you until you have worked on yourself, but i will propably not be the one you care about the most.
    Work on youself and stop being manipulative.

  20. #60
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    EII - fucking gay the women are really annoying and weak, but I have some male EII friends who are pretty cool

    IEE - my type, we're sex

    LSE - Hot, most my buddies are this type.

    SLI - Idk, can either be hot or cringe as fuck


    ILE - Mah brothas/sistas or just fucking cringe cucks

    LII - Shut up, pussy

    ESE - Fag*ot much? I only like one, who happens to be my bestie

    SEI - God, shut the FUCK up.


    SEE - I want them to fuck me

    ESI - I don't like the whole Ne polr shit but they're usually cool for some reason.

    LIE - Boring

    ILI - My nibbas, two are my besties, the rest can fucking die because they tend to be so boring.

    BETA, the cherry on top:

    SLE - I don't know, each one i've met is too different from the other, I got one SLE best friend, most of the others can go fucking die

    LSI - Suck my cock?

    IEI - U ok at times, but too needy and I just want to kick you

    EIE - Some can be cool, the others are fucking drama whores and I hope they get fucked to death by a rhino
    Last edited by Dr PissBender; 10-10-2020 at 04:35 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    Work on yourself and stop being a scumbag.
    That's really rich.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    I have been raised with neoliberal values. My racism is not the result of conservative attidute but of being high in Openness and being non-traditional, non-conformist and questioning of the Status Quo and undeserving authority which is very common with people with high intelligence.
    I actually am very tolerant and democratic, but since i function on empirical truths i still have to meet someone to dismantle my worldview on a factual basis instead of institutions and ideologues trying to violently supress it.
    In the end of the day my racism is the result of being gifted and having acess to otherwise supressed empirical data through the internet.
    The most educated people in the world, with the highest IQs and actually more access to research than you have, disagreed with you for a century and currently. You might have a mental health disorder which is clouding your ability to see yourself or have not yet examined your own views in context if you think as you have written.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    The most educated people in the world, with the highest IQs and actually more access to research than you have, disagreed with you for a century and currently. You might have a mental health disorder which is clouding your ability to see yourself or have not yet examined your own views in context if you think as you have written.
    I see him as young and lacking in real life experience. If he gets off the internet and actually gets to know people and where they are coming from, he may change his tune.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    The most educated people in the world, with the highest IQs and actually more access to research than you have, disagreed with you for a century and currently. You might have a mental health disorder which is clouding your ability to see yourself or have not yet examined your own views in context if you think as you have written.
    Lol, this is not an argument.
    Only because someone is educated and/or has an high iq it does not make their points right.
    Also, you are wrong with your assumption, Race and IQ debate has been settled in Western academia and the basis of my positions is what is widely accepted by experts on the field.

    Also, please take a good look at your self and the direction you are heading:
    During the leadership of General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, psychiatry was used as a tool to eliminate political opponents ("dissidents") who openly expressed beliefs that contradicted official dogma.[4] The term "philosophical intoxication" was widely used to diagnose mental disorders in cases where people disagreed with leaders and made them the target of criticism that used the writings by Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, and Vladimir Lenin.[5] Article 58-10 of the Stalin Criminal Code—which as Article 70 had been shifted into the RSFSR Criminal Code of 1962—and Article 190-1 of the RSFSR Criminal Code along with the system of diagnosing mental illness, developed by academician Andrei Snezhnevsky, created the very preconditions under which non-standard beliefs could easily be transformed into a criminal case, and it, in its turn, into a psychiatric diagnosis.[6] Anti-Soviet political behavior, in particular, being outspoken in opposition to the authorities, demonstrating for reform, writing books were defined in some persons as being simultaneously a criminal act (e.g., violation of Articles 70 or 190-1), a symptom (e.g., "delusion of reformism"), and a diagnosis (e.g., "sluggish schizophrenia").[7] Within the boundaries of the diagnostic category, the symptoms of pessimism, poor social adaptation and conflict with authorities were themselves sufficient for a formal diagnosis of "sluggish schizophrenia."[8]

    In 1861 Samuel A. Cartwright, an American physician, described a mental illness he called "drapetomania." As Wikipedia points out, the term derived from drapetes, Greek for "runaway [slave]," and mania for madness or frenzy.
    Thus Cartwright defined drapetomania as "the disease causing negroes to run away [from captivity]."
    "[I]ts diagnostic symptom, the absconding from service, is well known to our planters and overseers," Cartwright wrote in a much-distributed paper delivered before the Medical Association of Louisiana. Yet this disorder was "unknown to our medical authorities."
    Cartwright thought slave owners caused the illness by making "themselves too familiar with [slaves], treating them as equals." Drapetomania could also be induced "if [the master] abuses the power which God has given him over his fellow-man, by being cruel to him, or punishing him in anger, or by neglecting to protect him from the wanton abuses of his fellow-servants and all others, or by denying him the usual comforts and necessaries of life."
    People who disagree with totalitarian doctrine do not have an illness. Having a different opinion than those in power is not a personal malfunction.
    Your appeals to authority are like me saying '****** had an IQ superior to you, so you have to automatically agree with what he says'

    ****** used to want to be an artist when he was young. Although ****** IQ test score was estimated at 141, he failed the application round for the Art Institutes Vienna 2 times (1907 and 1908). Then he left school when he was 16 without any certifications.

    Its about the content and how much it holds true and not about who says something.
    Disagreeing with Totalitarian Doctrine is not a goddamn illness.

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    So Itsme's premise is that his racism is a result of being raised without an agreeableness obeisance to a poorly articulated social agenda. Well that sounds great, doesn't it? I have been, too though. And I have to agree that 'Hey! Be nice!' isn't a particularly convincing reason to not take up racist thought, and many people who are more agreeable or actually have a form of intelligence called EQ which is more useful in many cases than is IQ will be able to deduce the wisdom and not need to pedanticaly go through the rhetoric and data like some logical types with a dearth of lived examples need. That said, the idea that 'we're prejudiced 'cause we're not pushovers' is actually passed around ANOTHER social group as THE reason they're racist...'they're super independent.' Right. Except that's circular reasoning when it comes to the factuality question of prejudice.

    Next, Itsme believes his scoring high on Openness predisposes him to racist thought (again circular reasoning because that presupposes it's a sound viewpoint, but what does the research show on the correlation of Openness to prejucide? More on that in a second), and this is great because it might be easier for him to extricate himself from his current mental contstruct than it would be for ppl more vulnerable to prejudice ideology due to their lack of openness.

    “These results indicate that the more open one is to new experiences
    and the more agreeable one is, the less prejudiced one tends to be toward various
    outgroups. This finding is in line with the results of Ekehammar and Akrami (2003), where
    the same significant correlations were found, although the magnitudes were higher in that
    Social dominance orientation SDO and right wing authoritarianism RWA
    “Strong correlations were found between Generalized Prejudice and SDO (r ¼ 0.65,
    p < 0.001), and RWA (r ¼ 0.58, p < 0.001), respectively. These strong correlations are in
    line with previous research and confirm that SDO and RWA are potent predictors of
    various forms of prejudice (Pratto et al., 1994; Sidanius & Pratto, 1999; Whitley, 1999).
    Finally, a strong correlation was obtained between SDO and RWA (r ¼ 0.52, p < 0.001)”

    “None of the Big Five factors showed a direct effect on
    prejudice, and the largest indirect effects were disclosed for Openness to Experience
    (through RWA) and Agreeableness (through SDO). The magnitude of the effects of the Big
    Five personality factors was markedly smaller than that of RWA and SDO”

    “Generalized Prejudice scores were obtained from a factor analysis of the scores on various prejudice instruments (racism, sexism, prejudice toward homosexuals, and mentally disabled people), which yielded a one‐factor solution. The best‐fitting causal model, which was our suggested hypothetical model, showed that Big Five personality had no direct effect on Generalized Prejudice but an indirect effect transmitted through RWA and SDO, where RWA seems to capture personality aspects to a greater extent than SDO. Specifically, Generalized Prejudice was affected indirectly by Extraversion, Openness to Experience, and Conscientiousness through RWA,”

    “Ekehammar and Akrami (2003) examined the relation of the Big Five personality
    factors to generalized prejudice (a composite measure based on scores from four types of
    prejudice) using a variable-centred (relating personality and prejudice through correlation
    and multiple regression analyses) as well as a person-centred approach (Big Five
    personality profiles obtained by cluster analyses related to mean prejudice scores; see
    Asendorpf, 2002, 2003). The variable-centred approach, which outperformed the person-
    centred approach in that study, showed that two of the Big Five factors (Openness to
    Experience and Agreeableness) displayed rather strong (r ¼0.44 to 0.45) negative
    zero-order correlations with Generalized Prejudice. Also, McFarland (manuscript
    submitted for publication) reported that Openness to Experience (r ¼0.38) and
    Agreeableness (r ¼0.33) showed the largest correlations with his generalized prejudice
    measure. Saucier and Goldberg (1998) used quite another approach to the measurement of
    prejudice, and they obtained only small correlations with this measure and the Big Five
    traits. In conclusion, when studying simple correlations, it seems that Agreeableness and
    Openness to Experience are the single Big Five factors most closely associated with Generalized Prejudice”

    “When using all Big Five factors for predicting Generalized Prejudice in a linear multiple
    regression analysis (MRA), Ekehammar and Akrami (2003) arrived at a fairly high
    predictive power (cross-validated R ¼ 0.56) with Agreeableness and Openness to
    Experience showing, as expected, the largest regression weights. McFarland (manuscript
    submitted for publication, Study 4), entering the Big Five factors in a first step in the MRA,
    made a similar analysis and found that only Openness to Experience and Agreeableness
    gave significant contributions to the regression equation. The predictive power obtained in
    McFarland’s study was very similar (R ¼ 0.52, not cross-validated) to that of Ekehammar
    and Akrami. Adding RWA, SDO, and empathy (the Big Three predictors of prejudice,
    according to McFarland, manuscript submitted for publication) improved the predictive
    power substantially”
    European Journal of PersonalityEur. J. Pers. 18: 463–482 (2004)Published online 25 May 2004 in Wiley InterScience ( DOI: 10.1002/per.526

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    So nanashi is interpreting a lot of stuff into what i said. I was talking about the values i have been raised with and you should read my post again, because your conclusions of what i am supposed to have said do not fit too much with what i have actually said.

    Also i did not say it did predispose me to this, i said it is one of the reasons why i adhere to my beliefs.
    When nanashi tries to sound scientifical she should not invent stuff about what i am supposed to have said and not use words that do nat accurately describe the phenomenon explained.

    Prejeduce is not the same as accomulating information about some topic and forming an opinion afterwards.
    It's quite the contrairy.
    Prejudice is saying racism is bad without having delved into the concept of racism and having yourself informed about the pro- and cons for example.
    You are getting the concepts and semantics wrong and quoting some raw corerlations without even stating your point does not help your attempt to look smart to gain any credibility.

    You basically posted some raw data without adequitely processing it and connecting it to the concepts. Your semantics are way to inaccurate in formulating and reading for your style of work to wield any acceptable results.
    I only can assume that you are trying to tell me 'because there is a correlation between prejudice and openness, you can not be high in openness and have prejudices'

    If that is your point, i do not have prejudices, i delved into the subject matter, have gone through the data and have formed my opinion.
    You are the one being prejudiced against the concept of racism here, trying to make a dogmatic moral argument out of a conceptual matter. You have internalized the prejuduces of society without clearly, individaually for yourself weighting the pros and cons.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    blah blah blah
    Quit hanging around 4chan or 8chan or whatever and go outside and get laid, nerd.

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    stop trying to talk about topics you are to dumb to grasp then, loser.

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    Quote Originally Posted by falk View Post
    Quit hanging around 4chan or 8chan or whatever and go outside and get laid, nerd.
    I doubt rubbing genitals against other genitals is a great fix, here.

    Also, Itsme's attempts to insult your intelligence may actually be a sign of his lack of self-discipline and/or rhetorical abilities. It's a logical fallacy to go after someone with an ad hominem attack instead of pointing out their sources are bad, as you tried to do. You were aggressive and he responded with a sense of self protection and escalated it

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    I doubt rubbing genitals against other genitals is a great fix, here.

    Also, Itsme's attempts to insult your intelligence may actually be a sign of his lack of self-discipline and/or rhetorical abilities. It's a logical fallacy to go after someone with an ad hominem attack instead of pointing out their sources are bad, as you tried to do. You were aggressive and he responded with a sense of self protection and escalated it
    Nah he is just too dumb to argue against my points and is trying to insult me instead. At least he is doing it upfront instead of adding some smokescreen to make it seem like he had a clue, i kinda appreciate this kind of honesty.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nanashi View Post
    I doubt rubbing genitals against other genitals is a great fix, here.

    Also, Itsme's attempts to insult your intelligence may actually be a sign of his lack of self-discipline and/or rhetorical abilities. It's a logical fallacy to go after someone with an ad hominem attack instead of pointing out their sources are bad, as you tried to do. You were aggressive and he responded with a sense of self protection and escalated it
    I doubt he'll change his mind from getting laid either but my point is to stop hanging out in internet forums and go outside and get real life experience (his use of "kek" in chat speaks volumes to me). It may be a logical fallacy to respond with aggression but this can't be easily fought against with logic. My aggression stems from frustration at the lack of understanding of his fellow man. If you can show and explain to me a superior strategy for fighting bigotry in whatever form, I'll gladly follow it. But until then, I will play the role of the schoolyard bully, to show his views are not to be tolerated.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Itsme View Post
    stop trying to talk about topics you are to dumb to grasp then, loser.
    *yawn* your use of socionics knowledge is obvious to me. Feel free to school me, you who deem yourself intellectually superior.

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    Quote Originally Posted by falk View Post
    I doubt he'll change his mind from getting laid either but my point is to stop hanging out in internet forums and go outside and get real life experience (his use of "kek" in chat speaks volumes to me). It may be a logical fallacy to respond with aggression but this can't be easily fought against with logic. My aggression stems from frustration at the lack of understanding of his fellow man. If you can show and explain to me a superior strategy for fighting bigotry in whatever form, I'll gladly follow it. But until then, I will play the role of the schoolyard bully, to show his views are not to be tolerated.
    Yes, I suspected your useful intentions and half-crap method. That's why I tried to speak with you. There is a better method. I do think part of your method is great. The other part isn't. And it allows for self-pity and more antagonism in the individual to manifest.

    Instead of starting to see your actual orientation toward him (not his beliefs), he'll start thinking you're against him, and that will make his sense of self-preservation engage. Stupid fight ensue. blah blah

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    Quote Originally Posted by falk View Post
    I doubt he'll change his mind from getting laid either but my point is to stop hanging out in internet forums and go outside and get real life experience (his use of "kek" in chat speaks volumes to me). It may be a logical fallacy to respond with aggression but this can't be easily fought against with logic. My aggression stems from frustration at the lack of understanding of his fellow man. If you can show and explain to me a superior strategy for fighting bigotry in whatever form, I'll gladly follow it. But until then, I will play the role of the schoolyard bully, to show his views are not to be tolerated.
    What I like about you, is that you are the first of the people trying to neg, bully or gaslight (you have not done this) me into submission is that you are upfront about this. I do appreciate it.
    Still, i would like to remind you of the Forum Rules that do clearly forbid such a behavior.

    1.4 Personal attacks, bullying, harassment, threats: Please refrain from doing this, instead of calling someone stupid, tell them why you think they're wrong. Not everyone will be able to figure out everything immediately, it's ok for people to hold on to their personal beliefs, even if you believe them to be wrong.
    (kinda ironic from me posting this after i called you stupid, but it was a retort after a small amount of unprovoked verbal attacks out of your direction against me before)

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    Ban the motherfucker

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    Quote Originally Posted by oath of solitude View Post
    Ban the motherfucker
    Kinda creepy stalking me like this and having tabs on me, yes, he would propably just be even more obsessed and make a new account though.

  37. #77
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    Why use words when you can use vids?

    Alpha edition:




    Sicuramente cercherai il significato di questo.

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    Quote Originally Posted by flames View Post
    Me: gay

    ILE: gay
    SEI: gay
    LII: gay
    ESE: gayest

    SLE: gay
    IEI: gay
    LSI: gay
    EIE: very gay

    IEE: gayyy
    SLI: gay
    EII: gay
    LSE: gay

    SEE: pansexual
    ILI: gay
    ESI: gay
    LIE: gay
    Average SX2 SEE take.

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