
I relate to the therapist and telling you what to do thing.

Well I remember when I was in therapy ,my therapist told me to do things and then I wouldn't do it and would come back to talk about it and they would genuinely get pissed at me. Like I could feel their anger. It would work better for me if they had a more neutral/couldn't care less if I do it or not attitude or something, but its like they were really bothered by it. Therapists are supposed to be dispassoinate and logical to fix your over passion and over emotions that are hindering your life but it doesn't really work that way because therapists have feelings too or something. The whole therapy thing is also a joke- because they don't want to heal you. They want to have power over you, obviously. I mean it's a very naive thing to think they actually want to 'help' of course. Maybe some of them start out that way.

And well, I am an asshole too- why couldn't I just give in and do what they say. It's supposed to be for my own benefit right? Well ... yeah but it was somebody else's idea so it sucks.