Quote Originally Posted by Aramas View Post
Yeah it is. He's good at gaslighting and other tricks he uses to mess with people's heads. I don't think some of them have names. He has used them all to get through life even though he's an idiot otherwise. He will keep telling you that you don't understand something until you start agreeing with him and repeating what he says back to him, all with an angry overly loud tone. He also does something like a Jedi mind trick where he will just say something to you forcefully, hoping your mind will just skip a beat and go along with him. He basically sees other people as objects to manipulate for his pleasure, and he tries to press people's buttons, because to him people are nothing but a series of buttons to be pressed.

I've heard of Joe Biden doing something similar with Tara Reade when she recounted how the was raped by him. He took her by the shoulders and tried to tell her, point blank, "You are nothing." When he saw that she was distraught, he said to her, "You're fine." The fear people experience around others often causes them to accept these simple statements kind of like commands, and they'll start repeating them to themselves: "I'm nothing. I'm fine." I'm not a Trump supporter. I'm just using this experience as an example of how these types of people think and operate when dealing with others.
Its not a really jedi mind trick if hes shooting in the dark hoping it works lol. Either way I'm working with a new supervisor and she's an eie 6. She literally walks around accusing us of the stuff she herself is doing while we do none of it. So we just condescend her and rally against her and watch her hamster wheel spin . These people have no idea what to do if the crowd is against them. Best thing you can do is speed up the process of them getting there

Edit: also a religious nut job preaching God all day long.. my LSE Co worker reported her to HR for trying to spread religious ideals at work.. we are just waiting for the fire works now