Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
There are no facts in typology unless you take descriptions as facts but not all socionists even agree on those. I don't think you are either type. Can you explain how you are more of a literal thinker? Most people are capable of abstract, concrete and other types of thinking.

Determining your own cognition takes self awareness and feedback. Develop metacognitive skills. You can get feedback but in the end you have to work out what is your best fit. If you are under 25 your cognition is not even set yet. I have seen you on your old discord and you didn't seem to struggle with ethics. I don't get a logical type vibe. I may change my mind later. You mention you are a fan of VI. You VI as an intuitive to me. You seem introverted, probably IP but not SLI.
Good points. I have a feeling he belongs in our beta summoning circle if I’m forced to place someone’s naturally complex personality into something. I feel like, as a beta myself my group thinking is only heightened by systems like socionics and MBTI that group types together. I feel that it strengthens my animosity towards “delta” types, not because I’m supposed to “hate” them, but rather because I truly become uncomfortable with most of them and it’s much easier to identify traits of people I don’t get along with when there’s a handy system to observe it with.

Anyways, this post is proof that I should not touch drugs.