I'm really serious.

When people were trying to keep Trump from being President, the insult hurled at him was "Drumpf." Drumpf is just a kind of silly-looking German name... like most German names. The only other German presidents we've had are Eisenhower and Hoover, and they tried to pretend to be WASPs, unlike Trump. Trump also gets compared to ****** all the time people aren't making fun of his hair, skin color, hands, or other body parts, and the official Trump biography says he resembles "Elvis and Mephistopheles." Now, Trump is incredibly ill-mannered, but Nixon was way worse and didn't get any flak until Watergate, and many others are similar. I think people hate Trump for not being a WASP. Obama's white half was WASP. Trump is 0% WASP. People don't just want third-generation immigrants as President, especially when they're German, and especially when they don't even pretend to be a WASP. I just wrote a poem about Trump Derangement Syndrome which I'm going to rework and I noticed every other line turned into something about Nazis, the Faust myth, or making fun of his name (the rest were making fun of his appearance or listing his supposed crimes.) Aside from Trump being very rude I'm not sure what's so horrible about him, though I'm not a Trump supporter either. People have insulted me, then when I insulted them back, they called me Trump even though I grabbed zero pussies or any other body parts and made no cabinet appointments questionable or not. I said Trump was President and they weren't, and also said Trump seemed much nicer than them despite being a rude person. Even if Trump is not very good I still suspect the 24/7 Trump Show is about him not being a WASP or assimilating to WASP culture. Having a 100% non-WASP President is much more shocking than having a half-black WASP or a raised Catholic WASP (Kennedy, incidentally assassinated) basically.

I still don't see what Trump did that's so horrible. There's no war with Iran and he's not drone bombing civilians like Obama or anything else that seems horrible other than spelling coverage as covfefe. That's horrific.