Quote Originally Posted by Kim View Post
Plenty of people in America despise him. And I would venture to guess that if Colbert were the Democratic nominee, he would beat Trump in a landslide.

Also, elections in Germany are far far less about the individual than about the party. Also all the rest @WinnieW said.
People don't despise Trump or he'd be impeached: "Trump, you're fired." They love scapegoating Trump. There would be no Colbert without Trump, and in my opinion no Trump without Colbert. Colbert is just the American Thomas Mann: a cryptoconservative and Nazi watching ****** with popcorn instead of actually doing anything so he can have his cake and eat it too. "We all watched the fascist Italian magician torture us, until he tortured Jews unwillingly, which was too much and he got shot. Wheew! At least they're kind of OK and it's all over." Read Mario and the Magician by Thomas Mann, which is the story I just summarized. It shows everything wrong while pointing the finger back at Thomas Mann himself. Colbert is our version of Thomas Mann. I would recommend people read my article and summary about why Thomas Mann represents a relevant problem in most people's lives today that I posted in the Interesting Articles Thread, and read the novella Mario and the Magician. Colbert is primarily watched by a small powerful segment of the population which could easily mobilize themselves against Trump, yet prefers mocking him over irrelevant things like orange skin and baby hands.

For the record, Trump is nowhere near as bad as ****** yet and I don't believe he ever will be. I still believe despite Trump's administration being horrible, frenzied mass Trump hatred directed at nothing concrete at all is much worse.